H o m e - PART II

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They tensely sit less than an inch next to each other on the couch, not knowing who should begin first. They listen to the quiet of the night as it finally steers a calmness between them.

Sakura looks down in the direction of her womb, places a hand over it, and pleasingly sighs. The minute she begins speaking, Sasuke turns his face towards her, thankful she broke the silence.

"I always wondered why pregnant women rub their bellies so much," she lightly smiles. "It's almost as if they can't help it. The minute life begins to grow inside them, their brain instantly enters maternal mode and suddenly, they would do everything and anything to protect a little human being that hasn't even entered this world yet. They love them beyond comprehension, a being they haven't even met, yet they have, because they share the same body. They love them, wholeheartedly, and they can't explain why. I've met and helped hundreds of pregnant women, and yet I could never fully understand them and why they do what they do. But here I am now, subconsciously always having this desire to feel my baby...our baby, even if it is to touch the barrier that separates me and them." Her thumb lightly brushes over her stomach. "I can feel their chakra, it's so warm and light," she giggles. "Like a breathtaking small fire that you can't take your eyes off of. One where you always want to have your hands near and feel its warmth."

Sasuke studies Sakura's features and how exquisitely they change every sentence. Her smile and joy is unlike any other. If he could have picked anyone to have a child with, it would have always been her. He is indebted to her. Still, he wishes he could feel what she feels right now—her innocent joy. He feels guilty for not reciprocating. Because one fact remains, he will no longer be the last Uchiha. And what is to become of that fact, worries him most. But instead of saying anything, he focuses on Sakura, distracting himself with her beauty and precious aura.

Sakura turns her face up towards him, her hand still rests on her stomach, "I was going to tell you Sasuke. I didn't plan on keeping it from you. I just wanted to wait until after the first trimester, which occurred a few days ago actually," she sheepishly smiles.

The smile where she bares a tightly lipped grin and her eyes close for a brief moment, yet still crinkle. It's one of his favorites. Mostly because it was once so annoying to him.

She recomposes, "I've treated so many miscarriage cases. The first trimester is high risk. I didn't want to tell you anything if it wasn't going to happen. I also didn't think you finding out through a messenger hawk was the best approach. Though I would have, if necessary," she finishes with a titter.

"I know." Sasuke says sternly. He looks away from her for a brief moment, "You don't have to explain yourself, Sakura. You've done nothing wrong."

She scans his face, surprised that he's saying any of this, but eager for elaboration. What is he holding back?

"It's me," he continues. "I'm...I'm just worried."

Her eyes widen, it's unsettling for her to see him like this, yet she finds it kind of sweet. A powerful shinobi, due to be a father, and worried? "Worried? About what?"

Sasuke desperately searches his mind to find the right words, "What I have had to endure, what Itachi endured, and even Madura and Obito, I don't want the same fate for our child. The accursed fate of the Sharingan."

Our child. He said it, he actually said it, Sakura silently cheers. Her features soften when she regains focus, after all this time, she wonders why Sasuke can't see himself and what he represents, in a positive light. The way she sees him, nothing short of greatness, despite his troubled past.

"Sasuke," she delicately says. She wants to reach for his hand, but instead she lets it continue to rest on her stomach. Jumping on him earlier is probably enough affection for him for one day.

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