N e w B e g i n n i n g.

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Sakura's eyes slowly flutter open.

"Sakura?" Sasuke's hush voice finally awakes her. He's called out to her a few times now. She peeks up at him, still in a sleepy daze. The sun and dark sky mesh together to let in an orange haze through her windows. It clears up her vision enough for her to realize he's fully dressed. Cloak, boots, and everything. Shoot, it's already morning? It feels like time has barely passed. A small hole drills into her chest. She can feel his absence already. She knows, it's time. The moment she always dreads but must pretend that she's fine with it. She looks down at her body, gently stroking the straps of her night gown. They aren't hanging off of her anymore. Sasuke must have fixed it on her while she was still asleep. The assumption warms her cheeks.

He watches her collect herself as she fixes her hair, rubs the sleep out of her eyes and stands up from the couch. She walks to stand in front of him, holding her arms to her breasts. The same breasts that he had in his mouth all night. He clears his throat to rid the thought.
He can see it all over her face, she isn't ready for him to leave. He would love to stay with her, if it weren't for his important mission. This is the life he chose.

Her melancholy eyes stare up at him and he looks back at her like he wants to say something but he can't conjure up the words. It's still difficult for him, even after a night of having his tongue all over her.

"I have leftovers from what I made last night for dinner. I'll pack you a bag to go," she lightly smiles and walks to the kitchen. He heard the deception in her voice. This is what he didn't want to happen, but he doesn't regret last night. Not one bit. He just wishes this were easier.

She comes back with a plain black bag and his meal nicely placed inside of it. "Thank you, Sakura."

"Oh. It's no problem," tints of rose flood her cheeks and there's his favorite smile again.

He takes the lunch bag from her hand and pauses. He looks down at the bag then back to her, "No. Thank you for everything."

Her mouth forms a tight lipped grin and her eyes are dreamlike. She knows there's no need to respond. That simple sentence has always spoke volumes for Sasuke and she has always felt and understood the depth of its true meaning. It's everything he can't say but wants to say.

Sasuke focuses on her just a little longer. Cementing the image in his head of her radiance. Pregnancy looks good on her. He feels proud, but he'll never express it.

"I should go now," he rips his eyes away from her, in an attempt to not to make this harder on her, or himself.

His cloak trails after him as he turns around and walks to her front door. Sakura's gaze darts to the floor, she doesn't want to watch him walk away. She thought about hugging him goodbye but he beat her to it with the lack thereof. Did last night mean anything to him? She wonders. She knows it's not like that with him but still, she expected more of a farewell from him this time. Her hand reaches for her stomach, again she holds it there. Her eyes moisten and sting a little, but when she suddenly sees his boots right in front of her, she gasp and looks up. Her lips part as his black eyes pull her in, something is different about them. Simmering. Audacious. Determined.

But I want to impart at least this much truth to you. You don't ever have to forgive me. And no matter what you do from here on out know this...I will love you always. The vision repeats over and over in his head. It stopped him in his tracks. Everything he does here on forward, he wants to honor his brother's memory. He knows that means trying to be a better person. Perhaps, a better significant other.

Sakura's irises race side to side searching his gaze, anticipating his next move. He takes a step closer and towers over her, she can feel the air around her thicken. His proximity beautifully haunts her. His hand reaches out to her and when it curves around her head, she prepares herself for his lips to meet hers. She closes her eyes as she feels him force her forward. But then...it's just his... forehead. Just his forehead, pressed into hers. Her breath halts at the gesture. He just stays like that. Holding her so tenderly, just as his brother did, for the last time.

The exhales from his nose brush across her cupids bow and she aches for his mouth to inch a little closer. But he won't, so she surrenders. She gapes at his closed eyes, her lashes flutter, and heat floods her skin. She slowly removes her hand from her stomach and reaches up to hold on to his bicep. Her other hand gently rest on his waist. Her eyes finally shut and they cling to every second of silence that passes. It feels like they are the only two people in the world, nothing else matters. This is the best he can do for her, the best way he can show her how he truly feels other than making love to her. He may not be good with his words, but this gesture, saved only from his brother, it's priceless and precious.

"Til next time, okay?" he whispers.

She smiles and nods against him. She doesn't want this moment to end, her fingers apply more pressure. Gripping him in a way that begs, don't leave. She bites her lower lip, forcing down the urge to press her lips to his. Before she can win, he releases her quickly and walks to the front door. He opens it and stands in the entrance for a brief second. The pause makes her hopeful that he'll turn around, but then, he vanishes. And just like that, he officially departed.

She felt sad, but relieved. If everything plays out how she wants, Sasuke will finally have the beginning of a family he always desired to restore. And that means everything to her. She's excited, but it stings a little that she doesn't know if he'll be here for most of it. At least he knows, they are his home. Her and their baby.

"Well little one, it's just you and me for now," she looks down and grins, rubbing her belly. "Daddy will be home again. Soon..." she quietly says, hopelessly optimistic of their future.

The End.
And a New Beginning. ❤️

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