B l o s s o m.

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"You're everything to me Sakura," Sasuke breathes. He grips Sakura's waist tighter, pressing the side of his face harder into her breasts. The sentence just slips out of him, unexpectedly. But he means it. Every word. The past is the past and all he can do is do better for the future and he wants to do it beside this woman. A life without her just doesn't make sense anymore. Everything he lives for now is to atone for his wrongdoings and he feels that one of his greatest mistakes was the damage he caused to Sakura. She is right, avoiding her out of guilt won't work anymore. He has to face this head on, he must be a better man. He may not be like Naruto in terms of full selflessness, but he can try his hardest, for her. It was Naruto who dug Sasuke's heart out from the deepest parts of hell, but it was Sakura who gave it a safe place to revive and expand.

Sakura was caressing his hair and then immediately halts. She is speechless and bewildered. Never did she think Sasuke would actually say something so vulnerable to her.

"We can be together. Just be patient with me while I'm away. No matter what, I will always try to come back to you," he says.

Sakura's eyes well up, her cheeks are hot and are suddenly stained with tears. Her chin still rests upon his head and she strokes his hair gently. All her life she's waited for these words to fall from this man's mouth, she feels like the happiest and luckiest woman on the planet. Out of all the women he's ever met, it's her, who stole his heart. All this time. She loves this man more than life itself, so much that it hurts. His confession burns through her and she's in full fledged tears.

Sasuke feels Sakura quivering. He leans back and off her breasts so she can sit up straight. He is still inside her and at this point he can feel both of them leaking from their epic finish, their liquids seep out of Sakura and onto the skin of his thigh. He takes his arm off her waist and places his hand on her wet cheek, wiping away her tears. He knows he doesn't need to say anything more as his eyes bore into her. Less is always more when it comes to them.

"You really mean it?" she smiles and sniffles. He finds her face so breathtaking, even as she cries.

"Every word," he states.

She places her hand on his and holds it as it still leans on her cheek. She kisses the top of it. She's calmed down and is fully relieved. She finally got the guy, and he finally got the girl. The war with the Otsusuki isn't over in the ninja world, but they both have peace knowing that they have each other. Their love goes deeper than any bond. They are the light at the end of each others tunnels. They are the healing ending to his tragic story. They were always inevitable.


Sakura awakens from feeling the heat of sunlight and sensing the brightness of the cave. Her eyelids flutter open. She feels so relaxed and uplifted. She can't believe the turn of events that have happened. It still doesn't feel real to her.

She lightly feels herself below and seethes between her teeth. She's sore. She was so consumed by Sasuke filling every inch of her that she didn't even realize how rough it probably all was. The thought of Sasuke's length growing at the sight of her naked body, his groaning and rubbing her sensitive bud of nerves as she screamed his name all flood back to her. Her blood heats up, her body hums with delicious tension. She can feel every strand of hair stick up at the thought of Sasuke's tongue lapping over hers. She wants whatever he has to give and she wants it now. She can get over the soreness.

She finally turns over, ready to act out her salacious desires, and feels nothing but an empty space beside her. Before a frown can crawl on her lips and allow panic to set in, she sees a flower in the spot where Sasuke's head should be. Her eyes sparkle at its beauty.

A cherry blossom.

She's seen so many of these in her lifetime, but this one is the most exquisite. There's a note attached to it. She scoots closer to the flower while holding her blanket over her naked body. Not that anyone is there to see, but still, she feels modest.

She takes the soft delicate paper between her fingers and reads, "Til' next time."

It seems like the smallest and lacking gesture to an outsider probably, but to Sakura, it's the greatest gift. She immediately grins. She takes it all in with no second guesses. She knows his true intentions and how the smallest acts of care are his grandest moments. She picks up the flower to smell its exhilarating sweetness.

Although she means the world to him, and him to her, she knows Sasuke is still a shinobi. He's gone off to finish what he started and she must be supportive. He has promised himself to her and that is all she ever wanted. She knows where she stands with him now. Sorrow wants to creep in because she doesn't know when she'll see him again, but it's not like before. This time, and for the rest of their future, he has something to come back to. She doesn't like laying naked alone without the man she has made love to for the very first time, but she relishes in her appreciation of even getting to experience that with him.

Sakura hears a gust of wind pick up and a whirl of leaves follow with it. She covers her naked body more to avoid the chill. The band of red and orange leaves swirl and she let's go of the cherry blossom to let it join them. The leaves and beautiful flower make their way in an intrinsic trail out of the cave and out into the world, vanishing from her sight.

The ends of her mouth curl up, "Until next time, Sasuke," she whispers confidently.

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