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Her emerald eyes pierce through him but she doesn't take any action, she is frozen, in awe of him.

Sasuke takes the opportunity to retreat. What was I thinking? He starts to pull away but Sakura grabs his slender face with both of her hands and forces his lips hard against hers. He's caught off guard but he doesn't stop her. She moans against his mouth, forcing it open and her tongue on top of his, deepening the kiss. Sasuke follows her lead.

She can't believe what's happening. All her life she's wondered what this moment would feel like, to actually kiss Sasuke, and so far it's everything she imagined, and more. Electricity scatters throughout her body and instinctively she swings her thigh over his torso to straddle him. He pulls his lips away and uses the one hand he has to hold her back.

He doesn't know what has come over him, but he wants to take a second to really look at her; seeing her on top of him, gorgeous as ever. He can feel himself harden against her as he gawks her up and down, and in return, Sakura feels herself pulsate below. They strip each other naked with their anxious gazes.
She then takes Sasuke's hand off her hip and holds it between her breasts over her heart, just like the other night. She flashes a small smile, her face is completely flushed. Sasuke takes in her beauty and the significance of his hand against her. The longer this goes on the less he finds himself wanting it to stop.

"Take this off," his voice is low and husk, his eyes are on her red dress as the sentence slips from his mouth. He gasps at himself, the words crept through unexpectedly. He didn't mean to jump ahead in that manner. He clears his throat as his face heats up, "Sakura..I didn't—"

Before he can finish, she nods and stands up to remove her dress, slowly. Her back is facing him. Sasuke's breathing grows staggered and deep, as he analyzes the perfect angles of her bare back. He tries to swallow a huge lump in his throat. When she turns around his eyes immediately dart to her nipples. They're completely erect. Her breasts look just right to him, not too small and not too big. The sight alone nearly takes him over the edge. He's never seen a woman naked before. A bead of sweat trails off his temple and he swears his heart is going to jump out of his chest. He's so good at hiding how he feels and yet it's the hardest thing in the world for him; to hide how aroused he is by Sakura.

Sakura is nervous out of her mind. It's the first time she's ever shown her body to any man, and out of all the men in the world she never thought, she'd actually get to show it to Sasuke. Is this really happening? Will I have sex for the first time, with Sasuke? Her heart races and she can't stop biting her bottom lip, not knowing that it's egging Sasuke on.

They both gape at one another, taking in the calm before a beautiful storm. Sakura walks back to Sasuke and straddles him once more. Their faces are only inches from each other. Sakura initiates and starts pulling Sasuke's shirt slowly above and over his head, then lightly throws it aside.

She gasps. He's literally perfect. She's in awe of how defined each muscle of his torso is and how smooth his skin is when she lays both of her hands flat across his pecs. She closes her eyes as she takes it all in and how he isn't resisting her. Her focus is quickly averted when Sasuke grabs and locks both of her wrists with his grip, "Sakura," he hisses. He wants to kiss her badly again but he feels maybe he should stop things from going any further.

"What?" Sakura softly breathes.

"This isn't right. I don't want you to waste something so precious on me."

She breaks free of his grip and takes his face in her hands again. Her eyes twinkle as they look right through him. "I want to do this. And I only want to do it with you," she firmly states.

Sasuke's eyes shift quickly between Sakura's eyes and mouth and before he knows it, she's pressing her lips to his again. He takes her bottom lip between his teeth and she moans, instantly making him harder. They switch there heads in different directions as their mouths open wider to consume all the passion exploding from one another. Sasuke uses his hand to gently lace his fingers through Sakura's pink tresses to tilt her head back. He moves his mouth downward to leave a trail of wet kisses and quick swipes of his tongue down her neck, each followed by Sakura moaning.

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