S t o r m s.

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Sakura is awakened by the unexpected sound of pouring rain and thunder. She looks to the entrance of the cave and after the flash of lightning hits, she witnesses Sasuke's bare back to her. She rubs the sleep out of her eyes. It's late, she wonders what he's doing up and why he is sitting close to the heavy storm. As she walks closer to him, she gasps. His moist porcelain skin radiates underneath the flashes of the storm, detailing every muscle in his back. She's never really seen him with his shirt off. The sight stills her in place for a second.

"Why are you awake?" Sasuke says a loud without turning around.

Sakura blushes, she prays he couldn't see or feel her staring. "I...The storm woke me up. And I saw you over here. I wanted to check on you." She quickly says.

"I can't sleep. I'll be fine though. Just get some rest Sakura," he says. He still doesn't turn around.

Sakura sits down next to him, using every restraint within her to not stare at his bare chest and the profile of his face. She watches the slanting rain and listens to the roaring thunder to distract herself. "It sounds like you go through this a lot," she says calmly.

"It used to be worse. Time has helped it go away. Still, sometimes it makes a recurrence."

"What causes the recurrence?"

He takes awhile to answer, "Him."

She gasps. He doesn't have to say another word. Itachi. Her heart grows soft. She knows how he gets diving too deep into the subject though. "Working at the infirmary, I now have access to an abundance of medicinal herbs. I could find something for you there to help you sleep at night when it becomes too difficult," she digresses.

"That's not necessary. I'll be fine."

"Oh." Sakura's tone falls to defeat.

Sasuke barely looks at her, "I know you are just trying to help Sakura. And I thank you, for everything. But you don't have to. I should be the least of your worries."

"Don't. Don't do that," she huffs.

Sasuke finally turns to look at her. Ironically, now her face has turned from him. He's staring at the back of her head and notices her rose pink hair has grown longer. It looks nice, he thinks. Even now as it's slightly damp from the droplets of rain and humidity.

"Do what?" He asks obliviously.

"Play victim. We're not little kids anymore and you know that I don't hold anything against you from the past. We started a clean slate remember? I forgave you and moved forward. The moment you decided to fight for Konoha. The moment Naruto finally got through to you and you both foolishly lost an arm from it all. I practically had to breathe life back into both of you idiots. And the moment you genuinely told me you were sorry for everything. You are forgiven Sasuke."

She turns to look at him and her green eyes pour into him and it soothes him. As much he believes he doesn't deserve her forgiveness, hearing her and staring at her right now brings him comfort. To know he is lucky to have a woman like her in his life, who never loses hope in him. A wicked smile slips from Sasuke's lips.

"What?" Sakura asks.

"I never thought there would be a time where I didn't find you annoying."

She widens her eyes. A movie of flashbacks of their childhood together hit her. Her gaze shifts to his bare chest. The flash of lightning and droplets of rain highlight the definition of his smooth pecks and abs. Gosh he is beautiful, she bites her lower lip. She's cast eyes upon him so many times but it always feels like the first time again. Especially because she hardly ever sees him since his leave of atonement.

Lost in his dark eyes, Sasuke notices her lingering stare and feels an uncomfortable flash of heat flood his face. "You really should get some sleep. Time is precious. We have another day before we reach our destination." He turns back to watching the storm but she keeps her eyes on him.


He slowly shuts his eye lids and takes a few seconds to answer, he wishes she would go back to sleep. "What is it?"

"Do you feel any kind of way about my presence here? Of me joining this mission with you?"

He doesn't respond, but his heart stutters. He knows what she wants to hear and what she wants from him, and it stings him to not know how to give it to her. He feels undeserving of her.

"Please, Sasuke. I need to know. I've kept my mouth shut about it this whole trip but I can't anymore. Nothing said between us tonight will interfere with my focus on the mission. I've grown out of that. So please, just don't hold anything back. Tell me the truth. Because for as long as I've known you, you have always despised me, up until after the war. I feel like you finally could see me. And now, you've allowed me to join you on a mission. And there are times where we are talking or when you look at me that there is something more, even if it is just a fraction. It is something more than there ever was before, from you."

"I brought you along with me. That alone should speak to you," he says bluntly.

Sakura doesn't let his short answers get to her. "And I'm grateful. I know that's a lot coming from you. Opening up to me, I know that is you trying. I just...I guess...I want you to let me in more. Show me or let me show you how I feel more." A blush creeps upon her cheeks.

"That's not really my thing. I'm not you Sakura. My capacity for romance... Those gestures are not me."

"I'm not saying you have to—" Sakura sighs.

"Sakura," he raises his index and middle finger to the middle of her forehead. She freezes in place.

"I'm glad you came with me," he finishes. 

Her body completely relaxes and she closes her eyes. She relishes in his simple soft touch, although to him it is most meaningful. She knows this. She has a tendency to jump ahead of herself even though she knows how Sasuke is, and now she knows again, everything is okay.

Sasuke starts to drop his hand away but Sakura lightly grabs it. Her touch tingles his skin and he forgets to breathe for a moment. He doesn't understand his bodies reaction, it confuses him. All the other times she's touched him he felt nothing, but in this moment, he can't find it in his will to push her hand away.

He analyzes her face trying to figure out her next move and then finds himself focusing on the tiny details of her features. No matter how annoying he thought she used to be, he could never deny how stunning she is. Even as children. Her face was always perfect to him. He doesn't move his eyes from hers as she guides his hand to the middle of her chest. He opens his hand so his palm is fully flat against her chest and on her heart. He catches his breath as he tries to rid himself of unwanted intimate thoughts of her.

Sakura bares a tight lipped smile at Sasuke and he cant take his eyes off how beautiful she looks underneath the stormy night sky. Her hair is wet and her skin appears glassy and flawless. His gaze shifts to her pouty lips and then back to her eyes. He can't shake this magnetic pulling sensation to be closer to her. He stares at her breasts and then suddenly feels her heart racing beneath his hand.

He takes in a huge swallow. What is she doing? He pulls his hand away and turns away from her again to where she can only view his profile.

Her face immediately falls. She wasn't trying to be sexual with him. Just as he sentimentally touched her forehead, she placed his hand on the heart that he will have forever. She sighs but longingly smirks at him, she won't let disappointment consume her. "Good night Sasuke." She gets up and starts walking back to her sleeping bag.

"Sakura," his voice stops her in her tracks. "Happy Birthday."

She beams with giddiness but doesn't turn around to let him see. Twice in one day, cha!

NARUTO: Sasuke and Sakura a Restoration Where stories live. Discover now