H o m e - PART I

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3 months later.

Sasuke refrains from letting his hand wrap around the door knob. After a long meeting with Naruto about his recent investigation of the Otsusuki clan, he wants to stop by to check in on Sakura and rest up for his next venture.

Well, with a nudge from Naruto of course. He intended to leave right away and rest the next day, but Naruto suggested otherwise. Sasuke knew, he was kind of right.

Sakura has informed Sasuke before that he is more than welcome to stay at her place if he is to ever visit, she even left him a copy of her key, however it's late, he feels uneasy waking her up, if she's home. She could still be at the infirmary.

Sakura. He closes his eyelids for a brief moment, memories of his last encounter with her flash through his mind like a movie. It's as if time hasn't passed. Her soft moans as he kissed every inch of her slender neck, her round breasts bouncing in his face as he slipped in and out of her, and at dawn lying naked next to her watching her peacefully sleep, contemplating how much he did not want to leave her in that moment. He has to catch his breath as he opens his eyes and suddenly returns to reality. His skin is hot and a sudden bolt of electricity burst below his abdomen. He doesn't understand why he feels a small angst and minor coyness seeing her again. Things did indeed change. They are now together, and it affects him in ways he never imagined.

He tries to focus on the peaceful chirps of the crickets, the only noise present, it glides along the cool breeze of the starlit night. To hell with it. He finally forces himself to open the door, immediately a whiff of what Sakura cooked for dinner trails into his nostrils.
Steamed edamame and miso butter cod. And something else? There's no mistaking it. Tomato no ohitashi. Tomatoes are his favorite and a familiar scent he remembers from childhood, before the death of his clan. His lips harden at the memory. Nonetheless, it amuses him that Sakura's quite the cook, he had no idea.

He clenches his stomach when he hears it gurgle, he didn't realize how hungry he was. It's become habitual for him to go longer periods of fasting, being that he is always on the move. He immediately removes his boots before taking a step further. She is here. He can feel her chakra. And from the strong aroma of cooking, it must have been not too long ago that she arrived.

The moonlight shines through her opened hall window and reflects off the spotless light oak floor. Even with no time to herself really, with being at the infirmary 24/7, she still finds a way to keep her home clean and tidy. Of course, the corner of Sasuke's lips twitch upward at the thought.

Before he can take another step, Sakura walks out of her bedroom. She immediately turns towards his direction as if she knew he was already there. Their eyes lock, like two ends of a magnet, drawn together by force. A breeze blows through her window, bringing a few leaves in with it. It lightly shifts their hair but the remainder of their bodies stand in stillness, time feels as if it's stopped.

Before any expression conveys across Sasuke's face, Sakura's eyes gleam, "Sa-sa-Sasuke," she stammers. Her cheeks fill with tints of rose, and they pull with how hard she's grinning. Seeing him will never grow old to her.

Sasuke's heart rate jolts and his breathing deepens, it finally hits him. After the war, he never really established a physical residence. He considers the Leaf his village to return to but in terms of a 'home', if it wasn't visiting Sakura and Naruto, he wasn't really sure where his actual home was. He doesn't know if it's the welcoming aroma in her house, the desperation and longing lying amongst her beautiful face, or the desire to immediately collide his body with hers as his eyes devour her figure in her silk night gown, but irresistibly, his lips curve a little, "I'm home."

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