H o m e - PART III

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Without second thought, Sasuke grabs her hand. She gasps and whips her head around. His touch sends goosebumps across her skin. They both hesitate to move. Her face grows red, she's unsure of what he'll do next.

Sasuke doesn't understand it himself, why he stopped her. They really do need to rest, but he knows that once they wake up he must leave immediately. It's as if his brain isn't his own right now, his hormones are dominating. Something he wouldn't normally do, he's doing. Once he departs, he doesn't know when he'll return, of course he will most certainly try, especially now. But still, an exact date will always be up in the air. With this in mind, it further drives his body to bring her closer.

He gently lets go of Sakura's hand as he slides it to lightly grasp her waist. The moment Sakura's breath hitches when he moves her close to him, his fingers tighten around her. Such a small yet erogenous sound to his ears. The tip of his nose presses into her stomach, his lips brush over the silk that still separates him from her soft skin. He wishes it didn't. Her breath hitches again, and the sound tortures him.

Her face tilts down as she watches him bury his face into her womb. What's gotten into him? She was unprepared for such a gesture, but she savors every moment of it. She never gets to see this side of him, only once did she have the pleasure. The thought of it speeds up her pulse. She slowly brings her hands up to rest on his shoulders, joyful he doesn't pull away. His acceptance of her touch is a constant wave. She takes the silent que and bravely tangles her fingers in his lush raven hair, admiring how much he's grown it out.

Sasuke focuses on the flicker of chakra in Sakura's womb. He lets the emotion rush through his chest as it radiates warmth, he really does love her and this child. A love that wholeheartedly reminds him of what it is to have a family again, he wants to run with this feeling and never part from it. He shifts his face so that his cheek lays against her now. His eyes close as he revels in this long lost reverie and Sakura's fingers gently combing through his hair. He longs to stay in this position for more than a night.

He tilts his chin up to meet Sakura's gaze, he can never overcome how beautiful she is. Especially when her skin is pale and flushed. Knowing how much control he has over her body's carnal needs terrifies him and satisfies the deepest parts of his ego. More than he'd like it to.

Sakura gently continues raking her hands through his hair, "Sasuke," she breathily smiles. Why is he being so sweet? The excitement reminds her of when they were children and just the thought of sitting next to Sasuke made her insides want to melt. Now, he actually touches her, the way she always wanted to be touched by him. They had their night in the cave, but it will never be enough for her. She'll always want more.

Sasuke's eyes switch from Sakura's eyes to her pouty lips, progressively failing to resist wanting to kiss her. His body follows the urge and his hand creeps underneath her gown and up to the back of her thigh. She shudders at the touch, eyeing his hand and then his expression. What!? Her heart somersaults, thumping in her ears. She can't believe the sudden change in him. Again, she craves it, his consistent push and pull with her.

His dark slitted eyes keep her captivated as he pulls her to straddle him. Immediately, she complies and sits on top of him. Her pupils enlarge when she feels how hard he is, it nearly takes her breath away. An innocent blush steals her cheeks, knowing that she can arouse him so quickly. The thought of him entering her again heats up her blood, desire deliciously hums through her. Her hands slowly maneuver down to his pecs. A vision of her rising up and down on him, in this position, as his length deeply penetrated her, hits her. Her chest deeply caves and rises. A shiver runs along her skin as the memory plays out and she can feel Sasuke's scorching stare assess her. His grip on her thigh tightens as she meets his eyes, they remain like that for a few moments.

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