When He Meets The Fam

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You dusted Leo's shirt, making sure he was presentable.

Donnie had made human watches for the occasion.

You knew they were going to meet him one day, since you met his family.

You just hoped he would impress your parents.

And your brother. But you had a feeling those two would get along.

Leo was dressed in a baby blue button down shirt, black jeans, and blue Converse high tops.

He looked amazing.


"Oh my gosh!" Your mom puts her hands to her mouth.

"(Y/N)? Who is this?!" Your dad asked.,

"My boyfriend". You smiled encouragingly.

"Uh.... Hi?" Leo waved awkwardly.

"When did this happen?" Your father crossed his arm.

"Uh...... Like 5 months ago...." (Idk, dont ask)

"Come in! Come in!" Your mother pushed you out of the doorway, and into the house.

Your dad, eyed Leo suspiciously. "Well he looks presentable. I guess you can keep him".

"But dad! He's protective, sweet, caring, and- wait. Did you just say 'I can keep him'?"

He nodded. "I don't see why not".

"Thank you daddy!"

Two down, one to go.


"Chris!" You called while your dad watched TV and your mom cooked a "special" dinner for your Leo.

"Yeah, sis?"

"C'mere! There's someone I want you too see!"

Your brother made his way into the room. "Woah? Who's this? Your boyfriend?" He chuckled.

"Actually yes" You smiled.

Your brother smiled. "Oh! I'm that case, I'm Christopher. But call me Chris". He held out a gloved hand.

Leo gladly, but awkwardly, shook it. "Leonardo. But call me Leo".

"I see you like blue? Me too".

"Cool. And what's the glove for? Just wondering"

"Oh, for training and in case of trouble. I kinda like them on".

"Can you show me?"

"Yeah" You're brother led Leo to his room.

"I knew they'd get along. My two true blue leaders".

Heyo homies, I felt like I should do them separately again so there can be more updates.

The next one might come tomorrow.

But I have something important to propose.

For all the Fairy Tail and anime lovers, should I make a Fairy Tail BF scenarios?

I want too be one of the few people that did, and one of the more recently updating ones. But I don't know if anyone will read it.

Will you?

I need your opinion, otherwise I won't do it.

Even tho it is kinda hard on me, since I barely update. *cough* Cause I'm lazy, if not busy *cough*

So yeah. Tell me what you think.

And I'll try to update again tommorow.

Peace out home slice!!!!!

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