When You Go To The Lair, Meet The Family, And Meet The Brothers Girlfriends

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Heyo homies. Sorry, I need to catch up  for tomorrow so I'm putting three scenarios in one chappy. Enjoy!



You were in the park with Leo. He had on a gray fedora, a blue sweater, long gray pants, and a blue scarf that he covered all but his deep blue eyes with. He was finally taking you to where he lived, the lair he called it.

You followed him out of the park into a alley. You looked both ways, seeing two doors opposite of each other and pointed to the one on the left,"So you live here?...", you pointed to the one on the right," ... Or here?".

He chuckled and grabbed your hand, making you point down at a manhole cover," More like here". You gave a look of shock then looked down as he opened the cover," Of course".

He climbed in and motioned for you to come down. You hesitated but climbed down. He put the cover back in place and you both walked down the grimy trails. You fanned your nose in a stank manner," How can you take this?".

He shrugged," I'm used to it". Both of you finally reached a nice looking place. "Welcome to the lair!", Leo announced. You looked around in awe. Then a giant rat walked towards you.

He stroked his beard," And who may you be my dear?". Leo put a hand on my shoulder," That's Master Splinter, my father". You nodded reassuringly and turned to Master Splinter, bowing," (Y/N), Leo's girlfriend".

He raised an eyebrow towards Leo and Leo shrugged. "Very well", Master Splinter stated. That's when a purple masked turtle came in behind with another girl.


You and Donnie were walking from your science convention. He was dressed in purple track suit and purple scarf that covered his face, and hat. He was taking you to his home. You were excited because you haven't seen it yet. He led you to a manhole cover and he opened it.

"Go ahead", he motioned you in. You jumped in, noticing the bad smell. He jumped in after you, closing the cover. When he saw your scrunched up face because of the smell, he laughed.

You both walked until you reached an underground lair. Don smiled, shoeing the gap in his teeth," Here's the lair". You looked around in awe," Fascinating!". Then a giant rat walked towards you and you jumped behind Donnie.

He bowed towards the rat," Master Splinter. This is my girlfriend, (Y/N)". Master Splinter bowed towards you and you moved from behind Donnie and bowed back. That's when you noticed a blue masked turtle and another girl staring at you and a red masked turtle with another girl coming from behind.


You and Raph were riding his motorcycle to his place from the gym. He wore a black leather jacket, long black jeans, a red scarf that covered most if his face, a red beanie, and black shades. In winter.You really wanted to see where he went off to after leaving you and what he called 'home'.

Then Raph drove the motorcycle down a subway entrance, making you jump on the steps. You held on to his shell for dear life. He then rode along the subway tracks, being there no train.

Your (hair/length [h/l]) (h/c) hair blew freely in the breeze. You then reached what seemed like a cool home. In the sewers. "This place is rank! It smells like $h!+!!", you announced, pinching your nose. Raph smirked," I know. But I'm used to it. Well, this is the place".

You both climbed off the bike, only to be greeted by a giant rat. You freaked, striking a ninja pose. He smirked," Fiesty my dear, aren't you? I'm guessing your with Raphael?". You regained a normal posture and nodded," (Y/N)".

The rat nodded," Master Splinter, as you may call me. I am Raphael's father". You looked towards Raph who looked forward and back. You followed his gaze and saw a blue masked turtle and a purple masked turtle with two other girls staring at you and Raph.

Then you looked back and saw an orange masked turtle running with a girl from behind. Who the h€|| were these people?


Mikey suggested he and you skateboard to his place. You were super siked psyched to see his 'lair'. At least that's what he called it. You both rolled down the streets, passing busy people.

Luckily, Mike was wearing an orange hoodie, orange and white snapback, long white jogging pants, and an orange scarf around his neck and most of his face.

You then both skated into an alley, stopping I'm front of a sewer opening. Mikey lifted the lid and motioned you in. " Ladies first!", he teased. You shrugged, then jumped in with your board. He jumped behind you and closed the lid.

"You live in the sewers dude?", you questioned looking around and despising the smell. Mikey smiled," You know it!". Then you both got back on your boards and skated towards his home, doing cool tricks along the way.

At least the breeze cleared the smell. When you guys were close, you got off your boards. Mikey grabbed your hand and you both ran towards this giant old rat, boards in hand.

After you set the skateboards down, the rat looked towards you," Ah, you must be Michelangelo's one and only". You looked at him suspiciously," Sure... rat dude". The rat chuckled," Please, call me Master Splinter. I am Michelangelo's father".

You looked in shock," Oh! Ok, sorry about the 'rat dude thing'". You bowed, showing respect. Master Splinter smiled," It is fine". He then whispered in your ear," I am glad to have you around. We do need someone, let's just say, who is 'brighter' than poor Michelangelo. I hope you keep him in check".

You smiled." Already am", you stated while scolding Mikey for almost eating a two week old-looking peice of candy on the ground. Then you noticed three other turtles-one with a blue mask, one with a purple mask, and one with a red mask- and three other girls staring at you. What the what?


-Outside Person POV-

Soon, everyone was staring at each other. So the turtles introduced their selves to their brothers gf's and the gf's introduced their selves to the turtles and their gf's. So basically, everyone knew each other now and the gf's started hanging out in the lair.

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