Cuddle Time ❤

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"Leo, come on!", you called out to him enthusiastically, countless bowls overflowing with popcorn scattered about in front of where you sat.

"I'm coming, love" the blue clad turtle himself called out to you in response.

What you didn't expect was for him to jump out with a battle cry somewhere in the vicinity of "YAAAAAAHH!!!"

It startled you so much, you scampered just about a quarter of a mile away from where you originally sat, trying to escape the source of your surprise.

What else you didn't expect for you to see was Leo dressed up as the lead male protagonist of the show you guys were about to binge watch.

Walking over to you, he pulled you back to your spot and put an arm around you casually, acting like he didn't almost make your heart leap out of your chest.

'This is going to be a long night...', you thought as he snuggled close to you, the large throw blanket covering the both of your bodies.


You huffed and crossed your arms.

Raph was being extremely difficult right now.

Why in the world wouldn't he just cuddle with you? But no, he wanted to punch things and leave you alone with no comforting embrace.

"Fine, I'll go cuddle with Ted", you told him bluntly before heading towards the exit confidently.

"Who in the world Is Ted?" Raph asked while raising an inexistent brow, causing you to stop cold in your tracks.

"Someone who's way better at cuddling than you", you responded emotionlessly, a smirk playing at your lips that you were lucky he couldn't see.

Raph stood there, as if in a daze, before huffing and going over to grab you, carrying you to his bed, and sit you down.

"Well can your Ted, do this?", he asked before sitting next you, engulfing you in his large muscular arms, and nuzzling his face against your cheek.

You giggled and wrapped an arm around him in return. "No, don't think so", you informed in amusement.

Raph's question had never exactly been answered, so he had to ask again. "Seriously, who is Ted?"

You just laughed softly and closed your eyes, however, remaining quiet.


"I call it, 'The Cuddle Buddy!'" The purple masked turtle exclaimed triumphantly and you stared at what appeared to be a metal box with slender, metal arms.

"This way, when I'm busy, you won't ever miss out on a good snuggle", he explained, grinning widely to show off that adorable gap of his.

"Donnie...-", you started, but he already had you in front of it in a flash. He pressed a button on a remote he held in his three fingered hand, and the arms enclosed around you.

It felt nice and sweet honestly, but it wasn't as authentic as your actual boyfriend's embrace.

"This is nice Donnie-", you started again, before he stopped your words short once more.

"I knew you'd like it!", He cheered proudly, making you sigh in frustration.

"-But its not as good as when you do it!", you quickly told him, his constant interruptions starting to annoy you.

"(Y/N)....", Donnie muttered in surprise, before sighing and sitting down. He gave you a slight smile and patted his lap. "C'mere", he ushered you over, and you complied.

You sat in his lap, facing him, and rested your head on his shoulder. His arms wrapped around your middle, and your arms slung loosely around his waist.

"I understand. I'll be your only cuddle buddy", he cooed softly in your ear, making a soft smile tug at your lips.


"(Y/N)", the always enthusiastic, freckled reptile mumbled quietly.

"Yes, Mikey?", you asked, looking over at him from your spot in the kitchen.

"Hold me", he demanded, just without the overpowering tone, holding his arms out in your direction with a pout.

You couldn't help but giggle at his adorable behavior. "In a minute. I'm almost done baking these cookies"

"Awwwweeee, but I want you to hold me~~", he whined loudly this time.

"Just a second, be patient Mikey", you responded with a sigh and a shake of your head as you carefully removed the baking sheet from the oven.



"Hold me"

"Just a second, they have to cool now"



"Hold me"

"Give them a minute, Mikey"


"Yes, Michelangelo?"

"Hold me, please"

You sighed and took a couple cookies to you with the couch, before sitting down and pulling him into your lap. "Here, Mikey", you stated calmly as you handed him a cookie and he stuffed the sweet, crumbly treat in his mouth.

"I'm here now", you added as your arms snaked around him and held him close to you, your chin resting a top of his hairless head.


Well, finally updated after the first time in forever.

Will probably try to update once a week or something for each book now, excluding my art book since I draw a lot.

Also shameless advertising: please check that out and support me, I'm trying to improve my skills and art style.

Thanks and see you soon


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