(64.1) Let Them Burn (Pt. 1)

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PREVIOUSLY (Jin Yonghoon's P.O.V.): I felt the blood drain from my face, 'Cookie' or 'Kookie'. The thought alone caused my guts to feel like they were being twisted around and stabbed. I smiled. "Hey guys, how about you bring the video to me on a USB? I'll treat you for the information you've given, it's a wonderful treat. Let me buy you a round of drinks."  "Sure - where are you man? Let's party."  From there, we exchanged details, agreeing to meet at Seok and Jun's house that I'd followed them to - where I met Jeongguk and fallen for his cute self. 


Lan Yibo's P.O.V.

'What was this Jin Yonghoon up to?'  I thought to myself. I am sure he doesn't want to see the video of the person I suspect was Lan Yunghe's former partner being shot because I saw his face pale when he saw Jeongguk's reaction to the conversation, he has an ulterior motive.

Jeongguk looked like he wanted to be sick, I am sure that the person the people were talking about was his mother since I've heard him being called "Kookie" by the others as a form of endearment, I think. Jin Yonghoon hung up from the phone conversation, then stood up and hugged Jeongguk tightly.

"We'll kill them all. Every last one of them that hurt your loved ones. Yours, and Lan Taehyung, and Lan Yunghe. All those bastards are dead. Everyone who hurt you. Will your cousins want to join our greeting party? Lan Yibo, may we please have your permission and help with this? Can you please get a status update on the condition of Jeongguk's mother? These bastards will be at the meeting place tomorrow, so we have time."

Jin Yonghoon surprised me. This was something that my Wei Ying would do. I narrowed my eyes, assessing him. He still held the younger close. I nodded.

"Mn. We will help."

"We?" He asked, a little stunned. I felt a twitch at the corner of my lips.

"Mn. Cannot go without Wei Ying. I don't want him to miss out, it will disappoint him." I looked toward the door as it slammed open, I smiled, relieved. My love had come home again.

"Wei Ying. Do not run." I scolded as I caught him when he ran and jumped onto me, clinging as though we were teenagers again. I do not dislike this, I love how my Wei Ying adores me.

"But Lan Zhaaannnn, you love me!" He whined, I raised an eyebrow and kissed him on the cheek. I watch adoringly as his cheeks flush a pretty pink. He buries his face in the crook of my neck.

"Mn. Always love Wei Ying," I agree, smiling as his neck flushed with heat. "Jin Yonghoon wants you to help plan a greeting party for special guests." I inform him, knowing that his reaction will be cute. I'm right. His head snaps up, eyes glittering with excitement.

"It's a party for Trancy Alois' friends," I specified. Crimson tinted his pretty orbs as his excitement rose. My Wei Ying looked curiously at Jin Yonghoon, tilted his head and took a good look at the state of those in the room.

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