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beomgyu's pov—

my mind has been very messy lately. idk how to actually describe it but there's a lot. i don't know if i should share my thoughts with people. what if it becomes annoying or a burden or something.

"beomgyu, you okay? you know you can tell me anything right? you look so troubled lately and i told you i can be there for you just like were there for me."

i slowly let out a smile. she's really a friend that i can trust. it's not that i don't trust soobin but i don't really want to burden him especially this week since he has so many deadlines to catch up on.

that mf procrastinator.

okay so we agreed to meet at the park tonight and while i was on the way there i saw her sitting on the usual bench we sit. lol look at her munching away her favorite snacks-

oh she bought gummies too!

damn is my gummy obsession that obvious? it's literally my favorite brand too damn beomgyu you have to learn how to be mysterious.

"beomgyu! are you feeling better now?" i heard her ask me as soon as i sat down beside her. oh, and she offered me my favorite gummies. this is so embarrassing beomgyu. what grown man is this obsessed with gummies  until your own friend notices.

"aww thanks for these. let's drink a little first. i think i'll feel much better then." actually i would like to be tipsy because her knowing i like gummies is lowkey embarrassing.

i heard her scoff. she's probably mocking me or making fun of me  in her brain because i'm so obvious lol.



we clinked our cans and chugged some beer.

"that felt so good. okay, now i'll tell you why i was feeling kinda down this morning."

i noticed her being super focused at my story like she didn't even blink. i felt so much better that i have someone reliable to tell my dumb stories.

"how should i confess to her? okay, think of alternative replies i could get from these confession sentences. the first one, i love you"

she looked stunned. probably thinking of a reply to my nonsense.

"i- i love you too beomgyu. i love you so much you have no idea how much i love you."

wow she's so nice. a very supportive friend but that'll just make me delusional. i need other alternative replies too.

"really? you think she would say that?"

"uhh yeah.. of course.." i'm not too sure tho. i don't even know if saera is really interested in me or she's just being nice.

"are you sure saera would say that? what if she rejects me when i tell her 'i love you'. are there any alternative replies you could think of?" i can't delude myself into thinking that saera likes me too.


wait- why is she confused? wasn't that what i told her? she also gave me a reply..

ohh maybe she just thought i asked for one reply instead of replies with an 'ies'

"yeah. i asked you for replies that i could get when i confess to saera." i told her again. but the look on her face..

i don't like that.

why do i feel sad?


here's an update after so long <3

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