Chapter 9: Old love found (Part 2)

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The sound of the rain on the window made me look up. The letter in my hand was put down on the desk as I stood up, walking over to the hallway. I needed some fresh air, I I thought as I opened the door. 

Sitting down in the doorway with my feet on the ground in front of me, I looked out at the rain. The fresh air filled my lungs as I leaned my head against the edge of the door next to me. I felt dizzy.

Suddenly, a silhouette of a person came into view. Who went out without an umbrella or hood now? Only those who had something important to do, or sought the feeling of being free, I reckoned. I looked at them carefully, and the closer they came I saw that it was someone with long hair and bangs. It was a water spring and it was stuck to their foreheads... They looked towards my house and I saw that they looked remarkably like Taylor.

I shut my eyes. No, it couldn't possibly be her? It must be my dizziness that made me imagine it. The letters must have made me imagine her. It couldn't be...

"Y/N!" Taylor's angelic voice shouted, and I opened my eyes again. She stood on the other side of the road in front of me, and my eyes met hers. 

"Taylor?" I whispered, and stood up. Careless, I ran into the rain and over the road to meet her. "Is that you?" I asked.

Her warm eyes shone as she smiled at me. "I believe it is." She said, and a moment passed of us just looking at each other.

As she was catching her breath, I understood that she had run. To talk to me.

Her smile suddenly disappeared, and she blinked a few times as if she was trying to see what to say. "Y/N, there are a lot of things to say, but I think I will tell you the most important one first." She said, and I nodded. Anything she said was wanted, even needed by my heart.

"I think I have fallen back in love with you."

I stared at her with wide eyes, watering. If it was tears or rain falling down my cheeks, none of us would know. And I was grateful for it.

"I'll ruin it all over." I said, and looked down, placing a hand over my eyes.

"Honey, there's no such thing. I left."

A moment of rain being the only sound around us passed, and I looked up again.

"Are you really falling back in love with me?" I asked with a shivering voice from the cold rain. Taylor sighed and nodded. "Yes." She said, more sure this time. I didn't let myself get more time to process what that meant before I laid my arms around her.

Taylor was soaked and cold from the rain, but I didn't care at all. Warmth spread over us as my arms lay around her neck. I buried my head in her shoulder, as I felt her holding me close to her. She ran her hand slowly over my hair, thinking.

"Let's get you inside before you get as cold as me." Taylor finally spoke, and let me go a bit. But with her hand still intertwined with mine, I followed her over the road to my house. "I'm afraid the damage has already been done." I said with a small smile. She was right, there was a lot to say at this moment. But all we started with was to be together again.

Closing the door behind her, I watched in awe at her every movement. When she blinked, ran a hand through her wet hair and looked over at me.

"Are you better?" I asked Taylor later, with my head on her shoulder on my couch. We had changed into dry clothes we found in my closet, and our hair dried quickly in the room.

"From... what?"

"Your last love?" I asked, and looked up at her.

"You heard the song, didn't you?" Taylor asked, and sighed. "Of course. I've been a swiftie." I said, followed by her half hearted laugh.

"I, yes. I am better now. May I ask you something?" Taylor asked, and adjusted a pillow behind her head so she could look at me better.

"Always." I said, and cringed a bit. Was I showing my love and respect a bit too much? Taylor didn't seem to notice.

"Would you love me even if my life is the same as it ever was?" Taylor asked, and I sat up, removing my head from her shoulder. "Yes." I exclaimed, and nodded.

The words kept communicating between us, and the love I had for her somehow kept getting stronger and stronger. She put me on her again like an old cardigan, just when I thought it was impossible for anyone to love me again. She drew stars around my stars again, after me bleeding. When we both leaned in for a kiss at the same time, it was like I was blooming. My heart was beating again, faster than ever. It was old love, found. My lips moved against hers, gracefully.

I'm ready to do anything it takes to keep this going. And, so was she.

You're losing me would not be repeated.

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