Chapter 39: Midnight melodies and moonlit drives

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Author's note: This was requested by xcb1lswiftie01 ! I really hope you like it. Your good idea reached a word count of 1009. <3

The darkness outside seemed to press against the windows, casting shadows across the room as I tossed and turned in bed.

I glanced at the clock, seeing that it was 2:37 AM, and sighed. Knowing sleep would elude me for yet another night if anxiety grips me like it does at this moment, I laid back with my eyes wide open.

Every moment of the past seemed to trouble me in moments such as these. Every choice, every word and every part of this little part of the world I find myself locked into. 

My restlessness made me almost feel sick later. I checked the time again, looking over at the clock on the bedside table next to me.

3:54 AM.

I buried my head in my hands.

On the mattress next to mine on the bed Taylor stirred at the sound of my movement, and after a moment of blinking and realizing what was going on, she sat up. 

Gently, she reached out and brushed her fingers across mine, still intertwined in my hair. Realizing how she was offering a silent reassurance, I let my hands go.

Looking over at her, I could see her sensing my turmoil.

With a soft smile, Taylor leaned in to kiss my cheek. "Aren't you feeling well, love?" She asked me, and I shook my head. "No, I'm so sorry if I woke you up though." I replied.

"Is there anything I could do to make you feel better, love?" Taylor asked, leaning closer to me and kissing my forehead. 

I closed my eyes for a few seconds before replying. "Could you sing?"

Taylor smiled and leaned away again. "That's adorable." She told me, "What song would you like me to sing?"


I could almost hear her smile, and opening my eyes slowly I was met with, as expected, a wide smirk. 

"My love was as cruel as the cities I lived in. Everyone looked worse in the light..." She started singing, and I leaned my head against her shoulder.

Stroking my hair softly, she continued thoughtfully singing.

"There are so many lines that I've crossed unforgiven."

My tense shoulders began to relax as the soothing notes washed over me. 

Closing my eyes again, I let myself be carried away by the song, allowing Taylor's voice to guide her out of the storm raging inside my mind for nobody to understand fully but me.

Oh well, and her.

Smiling slightly at the realization that she truly understood me, I listened to her singing without getting distracted by my thoughts.

Her voice was like a beacon of light in the darkness. She poured her heart into each word, turning it into a deeper meaning than it was before.

"And I can still see it all in my mind. All of you, all of me, intertwined. I once believed love would be black and white, but it's golden..."

I never wanted it to end.

"You gotta step into the daylight and let it go. Just let it go, let it go." She ended it off, and I opened my eyes to find Taylor watching me with a soft smile. 

The weight that had burdened me seemed to lift, replaced by a sense of peace that I hadn't felt in days.

"Thank you." I whispered, my voice barely more than a breath. "For everything."

Taylor's smile widened, and she reached out to take my hand in hers. "Anytime." She murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead.

Feeling a newfound sense of calm settle over me, I squeezed Taylor's hand and nodded towards the window. 

"Let's go for a drive." I suggested, my eyes bright with anticipation. "It's not like we will sleep, is it?" I asked, and Taylor's grin mirrored my own as she nodded.

Together, we slipped out of bed at once and changed quickly before making our way to the door. Taylor picked up the keys in the hallway, and I picked up my phone to maybe play music if we decided the radio was boring.

"If my fourteen-year-old self only saw me now." I giggled as we quickly walked down the driveway, for the first time without a bodyguard.

The world was bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, casting everything around us in a silver sheen. Was I even really awake?

Feeling the cold metal of her car door, I realized that I indeed was.

"Would she enjoy this?" Taylor asked, sitting down in the car.

"Yes, but impossibly more than I do now." I replied, turning on the radio to be met with Mac Miller playing. Nodding my head into the fading melody, I realized sadly that the song was nearly done.

Taylor turned on the car, and the gentle hum of the engine as we drove our way down onto the streets made me lean back in the car.

"There's glitter on the floor after the party..." Taylor's voice started singing over the sound system, and a laugh escaped my lips.

"What a good artist." I joked, but really meant it when I looked over at Taylor. The sight of her with her hands on the steering wheel, eyes wide awake and bangs tucked away from her forehead made me smile softly. 

"Let's try to find a radio station that does not play me." She told me, and I sat up in the seat.

"Girl, it's 2024. Good luck." I told her, and she bit her lip and tried her best to focus on the road.

"What is it?" I asked her as I started scrolling through the stations. 

"I love you." She said after a short pause of hearing Shake It Off blasting from Radio 1.

I knew she couldn't kiss me at the moment, but I leaned over and kissed her cheek to the melodies of iHeartRadio.

With each passing mile, the weight of my anxiety seemed to fade into the background, replaced by a sense of ease. 

I could breathe without thinking about it, and I could be in a dark quiet world where Taylor was just a person, my girlfriend.

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