Chapter 20: Signs of a secret

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It was a show for Red, and I stood in the crowd watching my girlfriend sing. It wasn't really a tour, rather a big show. Being a secret date of hers for this show was a foregone conclusion. I stood in the row closest to the stage, and couldn't help but look at her even without wanting to blink. She was by far the most talented singer I had ever seen, and I could see her pretty much whenever.

But today was different. We had a plan, and it was for this stage.

Taylor's head turned so her blonde hair flew around her in the air. Her eyes were looking around at the tens of thousands of people, all looking at her.

But even with that amount of people, she couldn't help but look at me. She smiled, and I smiled back with teary eyes. I had been with her writing these songs, and I recalled the endless conversations we had had about this show.

"And, you can be lifted over the barrier by Liz." Taylor had planned, and smiled. We had been sitting on the sofa that evening, with an electric guitar in my hands. "Yes, and come up on stage. I can't believe we are doing this." I said, and she smiled and leaned closer to me. 

"We may have to stay a secret, but that doesnt mean a friendly relationship won't be accepted." Taylor said, and shrugged while looking down at my fingers as they traced over the strings.

"It really should be accepted." I agreed, and she nodded. I played the chords C and D, and thought of what song we could play together.

Now, it was time. Taylor finished singing We Are Never Getting Back Together, and the crowd clapped. "Thank you!" Taylor said, and bowed.

"Now, I would like to bring a very special guest up on stage. She is my best friend." Taylor said, and I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips as Liz lifted me over the barrier. "Thanks." I told Liz, who was smiling at me. 

"No problem. Have fun." She told me, and I nodded and walked to a place I could climb up on the stage. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Y/n L/n to the stage!" Taylor spoke, and the crowd cheered as I got up on the stage. A worker ran over to me and handed me a red electric guitar, and I saw the microphone stand in front of me. I took the guitar over my head, and made the first chord of the song on the guitar, ready.

I looked over at Taylor, and found her adoring gaze looking at me. I smiled softly at her, and she nodded once. I started playing the silent melody of the start.

"There I was again tonight. Forcing laughter, faking smiles. Same old tired, lonely place." Taylor started singing, and the crowd cheered again.

I looked away from her, remembering that we were friends at the moment. "Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face." Taylor sang, and I felt her looking at me. "All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you." Taylor sang.

We were the best of friends at the moment. And secretly... so much more. I smiled at the thought, and felt the nerves back down. The seconds passed, and the eyes shifted between her and me.

"This night is sparkling, don't you let it go!" Taylor sang the chorus, and I knew that my time was soon. "I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home. I'll spend forever wondering if you knew..." Taylor sang, and I looked over at her. 

Her blue eyes under blonde bangs were already on me, and it made me wonder if they had been all along. "I was enchanted to meet you." She sang, and I struggled to keep playing the guitar perfectly, not get lost into her eyes.

"The lingering question kept me up. 2 AM, who do you love? I wonder 'til I'm wide awake." I started singing, and many in the crowd cheered for me. Taylor clapped as well, and I smiled and looked over at the thousands of people.

I leaned closed to the microphone, ready for the more light tones. "And now I'm pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door. I'd open up and you would say, "Hey"."

"It was enchanting to meet you." I sang deeper, and Taylor joined in for the rest of the chorus. It was wild, and nice to be on the stage. Playing the song I had loved for three years now, in front of them all with the one making it. With the one writing it for me.

I played the guitar solo, before laying it down on the ground and taking the microphone off the stand. My favorite part came along, and everything went as the plan did.

"This is me playing that this was the very first page! Not where the story line ends." Taylor sang, as we both walked from each other side of the stage to the middle. "My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again." I sang, and looked at her. 

"These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon." Taylor sang, and I smiled the same soft smile as I always did in moments like these. "I was enchanted to meet you." I sang.

"Please don't be in love with someone else." Taylor sang.

"Please don't have somebody waiting on you." I sang, and turned to the crowd.

"Please don't be in love with someone else"

"Please don't have somebody waiting on you"

The next day, I was sitting on the same sofa we had planned the show out on, watching the TV. I had been told they would talk about the show last night, and while I usually tried not to be updated on this kind of news, I did want to watch this. 

"Last night, Taylor Swift had a show in..." They said, and I turned to the kitchen. "Taylor, it's on!" I exclaimed, and she quickly came into the room. I turned to the TV again, as she sat down next to me.

"...They couldn't seem to keep their eyes off each other. People say-" She kept talking, but that was the words I had been waiting for.

It may be a danger to even give the signs. But still, love must be love, and if it is unconditionally in itself, then I suppose nothing else should change it.

I was enchanted to meet her, and meant to do this.

I looked next to me at her, and she looked over at me too. "Love you." I said, ignoring the problems about the show they were creating on the TV. "I love you too." Taylor said, and put her hand on my cheek and leaned in to kiss me. Her sweet lips were on mine, and if this wasn't love, nothing is.

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