Chapter 27: Featuring more Lana

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Me and Taylor were in the bathroom and I had just finished brushing my teeth.

Taylor applied her mascara over her dreamy and alluring eyes, preparing for what she was about to say. She knew very well that I could react in different ways, most likely out of excitement.

Just like she had the first time, she thought with a small smile before looking over at me.

I felt her eyes lie on me, and turned my head towards her just as she spoke.

"Lana is coming in tomorrow." Taylor said, and I dropped my toothbrush in the sink.

My eyes widened, and I covered my mouth with my hand for a moment. When I later let my hand down, I was still processing it.

"No way." I said, starstruck.

"Yes, I know. Fans want more of her in Snow On The Beach and guess what they get?" She asked, finishing her left eye and turning the mascara shut.

"You really are..." I started speaking, but couldn't find the words.

"Attentive?" Taylor asked, like the little dictionary she was.

"Yes, and very hard working. This is almost too much." I said, wondering how the fans or anyone would take it. It was like another proof that she actually listened, and cared about the thoughts of others. It wasn't like she was the one who wanted Lana to sing less, Lana herself wanted it.

"So Lana agreed to it?" I asked the obvious question.

"Yup." She said, popping the 'p'.

"And, um..." I said, my voice fading as I let my hand down on the cold sink and leaned a bit on it. "...Could I join?" I asked, looking up at her.

She smiled, scrunching her nose a bit. "You're adorable. Yes, of course. I know how much you would like that." She spoke.

That night I finally sat on the couch in the studio with Taylor and Jack, waiting for Lana. My head rested on Taylor's shoulder, and she stroked my hair softly.

"How long is it until she arrives?"

"It's anytime now."

"But then how long?"

"Just relax."

"But it's Lana!" I exclaimed, and covered my mouth. "Not to fangirl, but..." I mumbled, and Taylor laughed sweetly. "Hey, I get it. It's Lana." She spoke.

Jack smiled, and looked over at the door as well. Sitting in Taylor's arms, I felt myself calm down and look more normally at the door of the studio.

It opened, and I stood up immediately. 

Lana Del Rey walked into the studio, and closed the door behind her nicely. I focused on keeping my mouth shut, and my mind calm.

When she turned around to look at us all, I couldn't help but smile widely. "Hi Jack, Taylor and... You are y/n, aren't you?" She asked with her gentle velvety voice.

"Yeah, pleasure to meet you. I won't be a burden or distraction, don't worry." I spoke, the words intertwining with each other out of the pure shock that she knew my name.

Taylor chuckled softly.

"Not a distraction... We'll see about that." She mumbled into my ear, her voice low. I felt goosebumps spread on my arms. My face flushed slightly, and she stood up pleased with herself.

I sat in pure admiration and absorbed them as they each discussed how to do it, and Lana was recorded. Taylor had already worked on her part of it yesterday, so everything was ready for Lana. 

I smiled softly at Jack's reactions to Lana's perfect vocals she chose. I dreamed myself away in silence sitting on the sofa with my eyes shifting around the room.

After Lana finished her verse, more background vocals and the bridge Taylor shifted his focus completely to me. She paused, and came over to me. She lowered her face slightly so that her now long blonde hair fell down each side of it.

"Shall we take a few seconds outside?" She asked me, and I smiled and stood up. Lana smiled at us before she spoke to Jack.

I walked Taylor out of the room curious as to what it was before she closed the door behind us. Abruptly, Lana's voice was gone.

"We'll be going back in soon, I just wanted to..." Taylor said, and almost in sync she laid a hand on my cheek and I on her shoulder in response. We were close, alone for a few seconds. "You do know the song is about you, right?" She asked with a small grin spreading over her face.

I flushed. "Yes, I think I remember you mentioning it..." I lightly joked, and she snorted softly. "Oh, y/n." She sighed and leaned in to kiss me once. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Are we falling like snow on the beach?

Weird but fucking beautiful.

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