Chapter 18: Part of my life

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Author's note: Thank you for all the support you have shown this fanfiction for the past three weeks, posting every day has really helped to make it blow up! Enjoy this 1440 word chapter, it's a bit different than the others.

I stood outside the front door of my house, with cold hands. It was November, and I don't ever seem to dress properly so as not to freeze. I was nineteen, and my girlfriend was standing next to me in the cold air. I looked over at Taylor, and her eyes met mine. "Ready?" I asked, and she nodded.

I turned and inserted the key to the lock. It opened, and I walked in with Taylor following me from behind.

"Hey." My brother said, with his head bent out of the door of the living room so we saw him.

"Hi." Taylor said with her silky voice, with her country accent from Nashville in an undertone. SIlence filled the room, as my bother's eyes glared at me. He had no idea that I had a friend, let alone Taylor Swift. Well, she wasn't exactly only my friend anymore anyway, I thought with a smile.

"Well, let's go upstairs." I suggested, and Taylor nodded and took off her shoes before starting up the stairs.

"Can we talk for a minute?" My brother asked me, and I looked away from her and nodded.

"I'll be right up there. My room is the one to the left." I said to Taylor, and she nodded before walking up. Pretty soon I heard a door open, and footsteps fading.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Is that who you have been hanging around with all the time?" He asked me, and I nodded. "Yea." I replied, to answer properly.

"Why haven't you brought her here sooner?"

"Why do you think so?" I replied darkly, and he understood. He was two years younger than me, yet old enough to understand that this is not normal. Our family is not the best, even if we have been convinced otherwise all growing up.

He nodded once, his face still as stone. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. "Well, they are out today anyway. Mum, at least." I comforted a bit, and he smiled a bit.

"Yes, she will be out late." He said, and the silence was back. We all knew why. The important thing is that dad shouldn't.

"I don't want the mess of my family and past to blend into Taylor's life." I spoke truthfully, the bitter feeling of hopelessness washed over me.

"I... hope so as well." My brother replied, and I gave him a half hug before turning to the stairs. "Well, have a nice time until he comes home." I said, before walking up. "Oh, I will. And Y/n?" He asked, and I turned to look down at him from the staircase.

He paused, then shook his head. "Nothing."

The radio played in the background as Taylor and I sat on my bed. "Did you draw that?" She asked, and pointed at a drawing on the wall. I looked over at it, and felt blood rush to my cheeks. It was the drawing I had made of her when we sat in the studio one evening, already starting to plan her 3rd album. She was smiling, looking to her left. I had drawn it in the studio, talking to Scott and her mother. None of them had noticed, as I normally tend to become transparent to many. Taylor saw me, but didn't notice the pencil and paper in my lap, behind my legs.

"Sorry if it's creepy." I excused myself, and was about to take it down when Taylor laid her hand over mine. I looked over at her as she intertwined her fingers with mine.

"It's very, very good." She said, and looked at it more carefully, studying every detail.

"Thank you." I said, and looked at it as well. "I wish I could have it." Taylor said thoughtfully, and I took it down from the wall.

"No, you have it." She quickly said, but I just got out of the bed and turned to her. "We can make a copy, if you want." I suggested, and she nodded and followed me out of the room.

We went through the hallway upstairs, and into Dad's office. I turned on the printer while Taylor looked around the walls. After putting the paper in the right place and starting the slow maschine, I noticed how Taylor stared at the family picture. My mom, dad, brother and me. Dad wasn't smiling, mom was looking at my brother and I stared at the camera with a smile that looked forced without me meaning to make it at all.

Taylor turned, and I looked away from the picture and at her. She smiled, and her cheeks became rosy before she leaned in. The sweet taste of her lips against mine made the sound of the printer behind us disappear.

One of my hands ran into the curly blonde hair, and I was reminded who I was in love with again. I smiled against her lips, before I had to pull away. "Look." I said, and picked up the printed paper. I handed it to her, still smiling. The time passed quickly with her, and sooner than I would like we sat by the dinner table.

"Are you really Y/n's friend?" Dad asked her, and the look on his face made me want to run away with Taylor next to me. I knew that I didn't want to know what he had to say. And I knew that it wasn't a good day for Taylor to come here.

But, was it ever?

"Yes, I lo-" Taylor cut herself off, but smiled. "Love her." She finished, careless of the fact that my father was homophobic and might take that in the way it was meant. My eyes met hers and I tilted my head with what must be love all over my face. Dad scoffed, making my face become blank, and I stared down at my plate.

"You are making a mistake, young lady." He said, and I bit my tongue.

"What?" I asked, with a dark voice.

"You know she's been in the mental hospital? She is not good. Besides, she still lives at home at 19. She works, but is a failure. She's just a waste of time." Dad said casually, and just as if nothing had happened he took a bite of food from the plate below his face. "I wish I had another daughter, anyone would be better than her." He explained, and it was as if the words punched me.

I had tried not to let them affect me, but especially today they did. Because my love was sitting right over the table, hearing every word.

I looked up at her, sitting in surprisement. My brother's eyes met mine, and I looked down. The silence crept in, and I stood up to walk away.

"Sorry..." I whispered, and left the room. I closed the door behind me, but quickly Taylor came through as well. I felt three salty tears stream down my cheeks, followed by a few more. The bitter feeling that I was overreacting came over me, but I knew that was what my dad must have liked me to feel.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Taylor asked, and I looked down.

"You know, I am better. The hospital... It helped. I am so sorry that you had to be brought into this mess, you deserve so much better than me." I said, and brushed the tears away. "I wanted you to be with the better version of me-" I said, but cut myself off as Taylor placed a finger under my cheek, making me look at her.

"I am honored to be a part of your life, my love." She said, and I had to concentrate to keep breathing.

"I am so sorry that you ever felt that way. And I apologize, but your dad seems a bit..." Her voice faded, and I laughed a bit. It made her light up, which made my tears stop falling.

"If you want to talk about it, feel free to. You are a part of my life now, and it seems like I suddenly became one in yours as well." Taylor said, and I smiled. "I love you." I whispered, and Taylor leaned closer. "I love you too."

"Are you better?" She asked after a moment.

"I am trying."

"It's enough, darling." She said, and her lips met mine. I was so overwhelmed by hearing the words I had needed for so many years that another tear fell from my cheek, as I laid a hand around Taylor.

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