Chapter 42: Part of your world

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Author's note: This chapter was requested by @taybae1389! I really hope you like it <3 I could write a part 2 if anybody wants it.

I couldn't believe my luck. I found myself sitting on Taylor's bed, with a cozy blanket wrapped around me while eating ice cream. We had spent the whole day together, and went to the shop to buy our favorite flavors of ice cream - hers being cookie dough and mine strawberry. You would think we were tired of being with each other, but absolutely not.

Anyway, I am certain that I will never get tired of her. And I like to think she feels that way too.

I turned my head to the left to find her sitting there with her eyes on the DVDs in front of her. We were going to have a movie night.

Her curly blonde hair fell over her shoulders and back, and when she noticed that I was looking at her she tucked it behind her ears.

"What do you wanna watch? I think it stands between these three..." She asked me, looking down at the movies.

"Well, the little mermaid came out the year we were born, so that's fun." I commented, picking it up from her madras and flipping it over to see the back cover.

Yes, that's right- 1989. It is sixteen years old, just like us.

"Oh, I loved that movie growing up!" Taylor excitedly exclaimed, and got up from the bed before opening the DVD and inserting it into the TV in front of us. "It really is a classic." I agreed, resting my hand on some fluffy pillows while taking another spoonful of ice cream. The world seemed so small to me at that very moment. I felt safe and secure.

As the movie began playing and Taylor sat back down, making herself comfortable, I stole another glance over at her.

"Thank you for inviting me over." I told her quietly, as my voice always got when I said something honest and vulnerable. She smiled, shrugging lightly.

"You're so welcome, we should do this more often!" She said, and pointed at me. "You get me."

And smiling while I turned to look at the screen again, I nodded. I did get her. We liked the same music, same movies, and both had little brothers. And even if she has started being at the studio more than ever, she is still my best friend.

And with that, the two of us dove headfirst into the colorful world under the sea, giggling at Sebastian's antics and swooning over Prince Eric's charm. Sometimes, Taylor couldn't help but laugh at the scenes on the TV screen.

And when Ariel sang, we sang every single word at the same time. "Wow, the nostalgia from my childhood that I am feeling right now." I sighed at one point, my heart fluttering.

"I agree." Taylor immediately replied, and way too soon the credits rolled across the screen.

Our last spoonfuls of ice cream had been eaten, and the feeling of being lost into the storyline of the screen was gone. I was back in reality.

With a shared smile and a promise to do it all again soon, we soon said our goodbyes, knowing that this was just the beginning of a bigger friendship. Because her best friend might still be Abigail, and I would never come between that. But still, she was my best friend by far.

As I walked home that night, I couldn't wipe the smile off her face. Sure, I may have just watched 'The Little Mermaid' with Taylor Swift, but it was so much more than that to me. I had found a friend in my hometown, a friend that saw and understood me. And for that, I was endlessly grateful.

And swinging around in the fresh air of the evening, I was still humming 'Part of Your World'.

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