Chapter 13: Debut discussion

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Authors note: I am not a gaylor, I am just gay and writing a fanfiction about her so don't come for me I totally respect Taylor <3

"My song is number 60 on the Billboard chart!" Taylor yelled just as I came in the door. I laughed and nodded, before she jumped against me and embraced me in a hug. I held her close, and she stopped jumping and held me close as well.

"I'm so happy." She whispered, and I nodded and moved her big curly hair a little so I could breathe. 

"I know, Tay." I whispered back, and she squeezed me before letting go.

"I have to figure out how to make it last." She said after a moment of silence.

"I think you already have," I replied, and she sat down on her bed. I sat down next to her.

"The balance you have between a country star and regular girl is already working well. You make sure people don't know too much about you, but you're still open to fans. Be sure to stick with your family, and please..." My voice faded, "Please don't leave me." I whispered and ran a hand through my hair.

"There are so many pretty girls out there that would do anything for you, especially boys. Just stay..." My voice completely disappeared and I felt my eyes getting blurred.

Taylor took my hands in hers. "I would never leave you." She said, and I looked up, making a tear fall out of my eye. She dried it softly.

"Y/n, I love you. You know that, right?" She said, and I looked into her eyes for a moment before nodding. 

"Yeah." I said, "Sorry."

"Darling, don't apologize. A lot will change, but I hope nothing will change between us." She said, and after a moment of our eyes flickering down to the other girl's lip and up on her eyes again, we finally leaned into a kiss.

The next morning, I sat in Soott Borcetta's office with Taylor standing up, with her hands on his desk staring at him. "You can never write a story about Y/n!" Scott yelled, and I flinched as I sat in a chair looking at the argument going on.

"Do you want success?" He asked Taylor, and she sighed. "Yes! But that doesn't have to mean that I have to pretend like I have boyfriends and write about them-"

"Yes, it does." He interrupted, and the room was filled with silence.

"I-" Taylor's voice paused, and Scott looked around the room before walking out. I stood up and walked over to Taylor.

"It's okay. You can write about boyfriends instead. I will know who you're singing about, anyway." I promised, and her blank eyes looked over at me thankful but sad.

"I need some air." She said, and walked out with a sigh. I looked after her, until the door closed. It was just me and Scooter. I looked back at him, and it was as if my eyes shot glares making him burn. I liked the idea, sadly.

"Listen here, mister." I said, and crossed my legs before leaning a little forward. He was taken by surprise that I showed this strength. I guess I am one of the only people here that doesn't respect him that highly. But after all, he signed Taylor... My Taylor.

"I understand the industry and almost every fu..." I caught myself, and stopped the swear word. That was not the right thing to do right now, I figured. "...Person in the world seem to have a problem with lgbtq+. It's a human right, and I could go on and on. But, just stay respectful. I understand the position you are in, and how she may have been less liked if it was out..." I blurted out, and thought out loud.

He looked at me with his head a bit to the side, and cleared his throat. "You are sixteen." He said, and I sat up. "Seventeen." I raised my head.

Taylor could of course have small lyrics that could mean girls. Tim McGaw had a few hidden lyrics after all. How she wore worn out jeans, and they wore a little black dress... You could take the song that way, and for that I was grateful

Every time I played it, I was taken right back to the memory of us sitting in her truck listening to Tim Mcraw with my black dress, kissing her for what felt like the first time. But I was sure it wasn't. Nor would it be the last.

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