Chapter 21: Bodyguard of love

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Walking next to Taylor Swift, I was well aware of what was coming. And, as the doors opened, I knew that it was time to get to work.

I looked around at the ocean of people, and behind me at Taylor. She wasn't looking down and ignoring them, no, she was doing quite the opposite. Smiling and waving, yet they all seemed to try to touch her. They were leaning so far over the barrier that it made me think that one of them would fall over soon.

Being one of my girlfriend's bodyguards had never been planned. Not until her bodyguard saw me boxing the other day, and decided that as I was around her most of the time (if not always), I could at least try a test of his.

It wasn't written on paper, but it had been decided.

After all, as we walked through the crowd, everyone could see how protective I was of my girl.

One person jumped so their hand almost touched Taylor's hair, and I was immediately alarmed. "You need to calm down." Someone next to me said, making me smile a bit. But it wasn't much to smile about. That had been way too close.

I looked around, making sure that if anyone tried to come close, I would high-five their hand away. Or better, just push it away.

And if anyone jumped over the barrier, well, I wasn't sure what to do. But I didn't really have to worry about that again, as we walked into the studio in front of us. The door closed, and Taylor turned towards me. I catched my breath, realizing how stressed I had been. 

"Awh darling, you don't have to worry." Taylor said, and I shook my head. 

"This is about your safety. I have been honored to do this, so I will..." I said, but heard my voice fading without my control over it.

"Thank you. I knew you would be suitable for this. But tell me if it is too much, promise me you will tell me if it is." Taylor said, and I nodded. She was so close to me, I could see her eyeliner and every line in her eye.

My breath had slowed, just as we both leaned in. 

My lips moved passionately against hers, forgetting all about the time and place. After all, the windows to the crowd of people weren't see-through from the outside, and we were alone in the room.

We had to go, but neither of us paid attention to the clock on the wall. Everything we focused on in that moment, was each other.

As in a dream, the moment was ours. Until the clock rang, showing that it was 6pm and we had to be up almost fifteen minutes ago. I leaned a bit back, and smiled against her lips.

"Taylor." I whispered, and she nodded.

"Time to go. But later today..." She said, and smiled widely as we turned to the stairs. Her cheeks were rosy, and her eyes were glimmering in the reflection of the lights over us. 

We walked up the stairs in a comfortable silence, before reaching the right door. "Hey!" Jack said, and I closed the door behind us as Taylor walked to him. They had a greeting, the same as when they won album of the year at the grammys in 2021, and Taylor sat down on a couch. "Hey." She said, and leaned her head on her hand.

I walked over to the window as they started discussing the work for today, and looked at the people still standing outside. They would have to wait for hours to see her again, but most of them would.

"When Y/n is there, it seems like they are a lot calmer and put-together." Jack said, and Taylor agreed. When I heard my name I turned to face them immediately. 

"Really?" I asked with a grin, and picked up an electric guitar. Dark red and black, naturally perfectly tuned. Strumming a guitar wasn't often in this studio, as they mostly were already.

"Yes, it is like they are calmer in a way. I don't know, I guess you have some sort of control." He said, and Taylor smiled at me as I let my fingertips go over the strings slowly.

"She has a sort of control over everyone, I think." She said, and I looked up at her. I felt blood rush to my cheeks. 

"Funny thought, guys." I said, and sat down in the window frame.

"I mean it." Taylor said, and I leaned my head on the frame next to me.

"You can be strong and protective in yourself, but when it comes to the love you seem to have for me..." Taylor said quietly, but I heard every single word.

"That is very strong indeed." I agreed, and Jack looked between us. He knew we were together, but how our relationship worked was something that he had never seen before.

"Now, what song did you want to work on today? I'm happy watching." I changed the subject, knowing that we couldn't use more of the studio time on silence or... Makeout sessions in the hallway. I felt my heart flutter.

"Yes, Glitch." Taylor said, and clapped her hands together. I smiled, and let the guitar down on the stand again. 

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