Chapter 24: The date on the eras tour

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Being Taylor's date for The Eras Tour was a foregone conclusion at this point.

We've gotten to the place in our relationship where we can do things like this, because even if people didn't know about us yet it wouldn't be a big thing if they did.

Our love was ours anyway.

I stood in the row closest to the stage, and couldn't help but stare at my girl.

Taylor's head turned so her blonde hair flew around her in the air. Her eyes were looking around at the 75000 lights of people, all looking at her.

But even with that amount of people, she couldn't help but look at me. She smiled, and I smiled back with teary eyes. I had been with her writing these songs, and I recalled the endless conversations we had had about this show.

The long rehearsals, the hours of meetings and the making of things for the stage and costumes. I had an insight, not only into the product but the story. It kind of made it more amazing to observe everything perfectly finished.

I felt eyes on me, and suddenly someone grabbed my arm. I jumped, and moved it to my chest almost automatically before looking in the direction of whoever did it.

I didn't think I still reacted like that.

My stiff body after the touch relaxed when I saw that it was a girl around my age.

"She's looking at you." She said, and nodded toward the stage.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, and looked back at the stage. I was about to say 'I know', but knew very well how wrong that could be taken.

"She is." I simply agreed, and nodded my head.

"Lucky. I bet you will be chosen to come backstage." She sighed, and suddenly began screaming the lyrics of the current song like it was the national anthem and she was on TV.

No, like a football-obsessed father when his favorite team scores.

No, it's simply the power of her, Taylor Swift. She is one of a kind.

I looked at her and couldn't help but smile. Yes, I was definitely going backstage.

Only a few hours later I jumped over the barrier from the crowd to the stage, and showed the ID and ticket hanging around my neck to a nodding guard.

I quickly walked over and pretended not to see the cameras in my direction. Nobody knew about me and Taylor, so I guess they just assumed I was a lucky fan.

I pretended to fangirl a bit before walking through a door and into the hallway backstage, by jumping and putting a hand over my mouth.

I'm such an idiot, I thought with a smile.

But Taylor would laugh when those videos were traced by her Instagram.

I tried not to run when I heard the music stop, and cheers take over. I had to get to where I was going very soon.

I got under the stage just as Taylor was being lowered to the floor, and turned around to look for me. When she suddenly saw me, she ran from the small platform, careful not to crash into the surrounding bars around us.

"Y/n!" She exclaimed right before she crashed into me, her arms holding me close to her. I held her close to me, and the smell that had become my home took over the aura around me again.

"You were so good! The whole time I was watching I was like 'that's my girl, my girl, wow I love her'." I said, and she laughed and pulled back so she could see my face. 

Her face lit up with the joy of the applause and me, and I saw her skin turn rosy from the words I just spoke. "Love you too." She said, and closed her eyes.

"I am so happy." She breathed.

"Good." I spoke truthfully before she opened her eyes again.

No one was around us, and to the sound of the still cheering from outside, I placed my hands on her cheeks and kissed her.

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