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I start to eat my food. I feel very happy but I can't enjoy the happiness. I should be happy and blessed because I am with my God but I can't enjoy this moment because my people suffers inside that hell. Soon I should save my people. I finish my food.

"Did you finish your food? Can we talk now?" my God asked.

"You don't need to ask permission from me, you are my God. If you order me I'll obey your orders."

"Please, stop calling me as your God. I'm not your God. I am also a common human not only me everyone here are human."

I can't understand why he calls himself as human I'm human and my people are human. Why is he mentioning the creatures here as human. "God no, we are human. You are God but I don't know about the creatures here." I try to explain.

"My goodness, won't you believe me? I'll explain everything to you." He starts to explain about our origin.

"You all are actually created by a scientist and your world is not a separate one. Actually there is only one world and you all are living in a hidden place. The scientist hid you all in that place near to ocean because he didn't want any of the people to find about you. He thought to create something else but accidentally you were the results of his research. With the combination of animal and human DNA he created you. I couldn't find all the documents about you in that place. The building which you think the place where your God lived once upon a time is not just a building it is a research lab. Mostly he destroyed lot of documents about his research. When I went there I found some of the documents alone but I couldn't get much information about you in it. The person who you all think as God is just a normal human like me and the statue which you think as your God's statue is his. He thought if the cruel world find about you and your people they start to do research about you if they want they ready to kill you all. He considered you all as a human, his creation and his children. He didn't want you all to suffer so he decided to hide you all in that place."

I can't believe his words. Isn't he my God? Aren't we humans? Are we all just an experiment?

He continues to say "Whether it is my fortunate or unfortunate I don't know I accidentally landed there because of some problems in plane. When I opened my eyes I was frightened by your appearance and later I decided you won't harm me. I was shocked when you spoke, I mean you didn't speak much, you only spoke few words and your people never spoke. I found your language was different but later I came to know that you spoke the same language as mine but many words are old. I came to know about your origin. At first I decided to inform about you to research station and I informed but later I thought about the scientist, his decision was right. The people here are monsters I know about them very well. Even I don't like to work with them but there is no way I should work. They separated this world as two parts and made those people to believe that in which world they live is only the one world. So, I decided to hide about you but unfortunately they found you and took you here." He finished.

Tears start to roll from my eyes. I don't know for what reason I want to cry. I was happy before few minutes but now, this truth, this cruel truth, I can't accept it. How can I accept the truth? Will anyone believe if someone tells to them that 'You are just an experiment'? Here, the person who I considered as God tells me that he is not my God and we are not normal humans, we are just an experiment, yes we are just an experiment. At first I thought he was just pulling my legs. No, he is not. He tells the truth I can find honesty and truthfulness in his eyes.

I cried he tries to console me but how shall I be normal after hearing all these things, I can't control my tears. This is not the end. I can't change who we are or what our origin is. Now I have another one problem. How can I save my people? Till now I thought he was God, he will do something to save them, he will do some magic like 'gee boom baa' and save us. If I wait for him to do 'gee boom baa', those cruel creatures will cut my people like 'gee boom baa'. I should do something. I wake up and move from where I sit.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"To your creepy research station." I said and start to move away from him.

"What are you gonna do there?

"Save my people."

"What are you thinking in your mind? Just because you are gigantic, you can kill all of them and save your people. If you save them also, how will you take them to your place? Just listen to me I'll help you. It all started because of me I will take responsibility for what I did. Lemme deal with this."

I stand there without knowing what to do. Suddenly someone knocked the door, the knocking sound become louder and louder. We stare at the door.

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