Chapter 1 - Lemons

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7.45am. Shit.The sound of my mum shouting from downstairs rings loudly in my ears.
"LILA BREAKFAST! C'mon your gonna be late!" September 2nd. My first day at sixth form, the day I've been dreading all summer has finally dawned on my and I'm already late. Frantically I fumbled around my room, as I rolled up my blind the golden sunshine beamed onto my face. Thank god the weathers good. The last thing I needed was rain to mess me up, after all, with a fresh start I may have new people to impress, or old I guess? There's this one boy, Rob, he's one of Eli's friends, he's totally gorgeous, I've had a crush on him from, well the second I caught a glimpse of him. His brunette curls, perfect freckled nose and of course his ocean blue eyes. Whenever I walk past him in the corridor or make eye contact across the canteen it's those eyes, I get butterflies just thinking of him.

Focus Delilah. I quickly hopped in the shower then threw on my outfit, luckily I planed what to wear last night. I decided on my green Stone Roses top with a the yellow lemon logo on the front, paired with my black jeans, not too out there but hopefully I won't blend in with the crowd of boring outfits I predict to see. I applied some light make up to make me look somewhat alive before grabbing my bag and charging downstairs.

"Morning"I said to my mum
"Sleep well honey?"
"Yeah not bad other than the fact I slept through my alarm and now I'm in such a rush!" Guess my body clock forgot I won't be able to lie in till the usual 11am.
"I thought it best to let you sleep a little longer, I know how you hate early starts" mum chuckled.
"Thanks kinda" I replied whilst grabbing an apple and biscuit to eat on my speed walk to sixth form.
"I should be back about 4, bye mum."
"Bye! Have a good first day."
"Will do, hope work goes well!" I shouted whilst walking to the door. Shoot, gotta say bye to Woody, my dog who was currently getting to relax peacefully in the lounge.
"I'm really jealous of you today" I whispered in woo's ear, I gave him a quick kiss, then after seeing the 8.15 on my watch panicked and raced for the door.

Phew, I just made it for 8.35, form didn't start until 8.40 so I had five minutes to attempt and find wherever the classroom was. I came to secondary school here but now I'm in year 12 everything's in this big new sixth form building with 3 floors and a tonne of busy corridors. Annoyingly, I don't have any of my friends in my form so I haven't a clue who I'm going to sit with, in a way I'm praying for a seating plan, it could make finding a seat a little easier I guess. B6 is where I am looking for so I assume that's the second floor, after making my way upstairs I saw my close friend Meg lining up outside her classroom. Tony, her ex boyfriend was in that queue. I feel a bad for her. We returned each-other worrisome smiles as I mouthed to her "Good luck."

B2...B3...B4... I should be almost there and surprisingly on time. I look up from my map and there walking the opposite direction is Rob. My heart began to beat faster as our gazes meet, he's got even better looking over summer. As if he wasn't fine enough already. I shoot him a small smile and he smirked back, right at me! Aghhhh!

I walked into B6 and was greeted by a lady who looked to be in her late 50's, she wore a colourful floral dress and a warm smile "Hello I'm Mrs Murphy, your name should be on the board and show your seat for this year" "okay thank you" I responded. The room was pretty empty but people began filing in quickly and sitting down. The door opened and in walked a familiar face. Josh Jenkinson. Thank god, someone I remotely knew, I watched as he found his seat from the screen and then he began walking towards my row, he untucked the chair and down he sat, next to me.

Josh was good friends with Elijah, he went to a different secondary school but I remember Eli mentioning him coming to our sixth form this year. I turned to talk to him, he smiled at me. " Hi, it's josh right?" I asked.
" Yeah and your Lila? your close with Eli aren't you?"
" Oh yeah we're family friends I've known him since I was little"
"Ah cool" he responded.
"So how did you guys meet?"
"At a gig actually, in what May last year, I was queuing outside the venue and I overheard his argument, a funny argument he was having with his friends, I couldn't help but butt in and well yeah, then he introduced me to Rob and Ryan. There were cool and we've been friends since"
"Haha, let me guess Eli and Ryan were having that repeated argument about who's better Oasis or Blur?" I questioned..
" Yes! How did you know?"
" Elijah always brings that up with everyone it's hilarious. That boy can ramble about pretty much anything."
" Haha, I've noticed that, what's your answer?" Josh grins
" I usually answer the U2. Seems to shut Eli up."
" Good one gonna have to remember that!" he replies.

Form was going great, I'm so pleased I'm sat with Josh, I thought I could be a bit awkward you know sitting with a totally random new person but we could chat about loads we had in common. Then Mrs Murphy paused the class and made us go through a "quick PowerPoint" to do with the sixth forms expectations. Fun.

As me and Josh walked from the classroom he said
" I like your top by the way, the Stone Roses are great."
" Oh thanks, my dad got it for my 16th"
" That's cool, band t's are probably all I'm gonna end up wearing, I feel like I'm gonna run out of outfit options by the end of the week"
"Literally! It's so strange without uniform.What have you got first ?" I asked
" Graphics, you?"
"Art, I'm pretty sure there both over this way" I pointed to the other building outside the window
"Alright" Josh said as began to wonder over there.


This is my first time writing anything on Wattpad ahh feels so weird being on the opposite side of the story. Hope your liking this so far thought it would be nice to sorta introduce other characters before straight away getting into the band inhaler stuff lol. I would love to know your feedback, hoping this isn't rly gringe to read.
- Iris :)

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