8.05am. Me and Avery are currently dawdling to sixth form. It's Tuesday morning. Possibly my least favourite time of the entire week. You've got past the treacherous Monday and yet there's still days left of the week ahh.
I'm finally starting to feel like I've settled into a routine for this new sixth form lifestyle thing. The homework is no joke, I mean if you don't get that stuff done and dusted the second you get it...it will just pile and pile until your whole weekend is spent catching up. Literally. That's all I did last Saturday and Sunday. Homework. But now I've caught up which is a relief, so far so good.
"Your outfits really cool today D" Avery comments.
"Oh thanks, managed to spend about 30mins coming up with it, then another 30 tidying up the mess which was my room after!"
"Haha can't believe I'm saying this but in a way I miss uniform, wayyy less effort" said Avery.
Today I've got on my brown leather jacket with a short blue denim skirt and a white jumper. Oh and my low platform docs with tights because my converse got drenched in yesterdays rain! For once me and Avery were actually running a little early so decided to treat ourselves to a Costa. Av got one of the new pumpkin drinks that's sold for Autumn and I just got a espresso coffee to give me some energy. €3.70 it cost me! Bit of a rip off, I enjoyed it anyways."Hey Josh" I say as I wondered into form.
"Mornin Lila" he replies with a groggy voice.
"Your looking a bit sleepy this morning" I giggle.
"Yeah, was up all night, first I was doing my sociology essay which I'd completely forgotten about and then for some reason at like 2.30 I thought fuck this I'm not gonna sleep anyways so decided to learn the whole intro to everlong on my guitar. By the time I got to bed it was I dunno 6? Got about an hours sleep."
"Haha no wonder your tired, you better show me that intro sometime though. Here you can have the rest of this if you want." I handed him the rest of my coffee. "You need it more than me."
"Cheers D, your a lifesaver."Forms always great with Josh, he was a little quiet at first, as you would expect meeting new people, but now a few weeks in I feel like I've known the guy for years. He's so down to earth and genuinely really cool! And although he doesn't like to admit it he's amazing at guitar, I mean so fucking unbelievably good.
I've been thinking over what Eli said a few weeks ago, about me singing. It's confusing. I've got really mixed emotions about performing in-front of people. Not to sound arrogant but I know my voice is fairy good, I've not had lessons or anything, I guess it's just a sort of hidden talent but I just don't think I've got the confidence to just get up and sing. Not only to Elijah but crowds of people. I also fully know that if I'm going to commit to his band idea I have to give it my best shot, 100% effort, for him. After all it is his dream career.
I walk into media class to find Nova already sat down! This is pretty rare, she's normally late.
"Fancy you beating me to media" I smile.
"Yeah I know, what can I say feeling speedy this morning" Nova responded "Oh by the way before I forget in form Ryan and Elijah asked you to meet at break, wonder what that could be?" she questioned.I hadn't really talked to my friends about the whole Eli asking me to be in his future band kinda thing, I would obviously mention it when it came up but right now the gossip is mostly about boys...including Rob, which is enough to blabber about for the majority of lunch.
"Oh yeah I don't know what that could be about" I answered.Really Delilah, just tell her.
"Although Elijah did mention something the other week." I continued.
"About?.." Nova grinned.
"Well he's possibly thinking of starting a band and.."
"Wait no don't tell me..he's asked you to be in it?!" She says.
"Well I don't know for sure...I mean he could be asking about something random at break... I mean it's probably not important..."
"Hey, you can sing D...we've all heard you and I know you don't like to admit it but your brilliant, really, if Eli means what he's asking I say go for it...totally...you would be so good!"
"Really I question." not convinced.
"Yesss! Please Lils, you've got to give the band thing a go, it probably seems scary to begin with, but I'm sure as you do more the better you will get." Nova stated.
"Thanks Ova." I beamed "You know if we get big, you can always come backstage and help and get front row and.." I giggle.
"Yes I fully expect the VIP treatment." She cuts me off laughing.. "And you have to let me pick some cool sexy rockstar outfits for on stage."
"Of course, you can be my outfit designer!" I say cheerily.
That media lesson was mostly spent with me and Nova romanticising a possible rockstar life I could lead. It all seemed so exciting yet also impossible.When the bell rang me and Nova walked downstairs together to the canteen. There she gave my hand a little "good luck squeeze" as she departed to our currently empty table.
I wondered over to the corner of the canteen where Eli sat. I remembered Rob sat there and felt his gaze on me as I neared the table, so gently swayed my hips, appearing as confident as possible.
"Hey, Nova said to meet you?" I said to Eli.
"Oh hey Lila, here come sit." Eli gestures next to him.
Josh and Rob are both sat opposite me, I greet them. Rob then states.."I knew Ryan would be late...I'm betting we've got another two minutes before that jabbering loon turns up."
I smile. "He's in my media as-well, coming from the same place."
"Aw well, you can't stop that guy once he gets going."
Eli banters.
"You still tired" I laugh at Josh who was practically falling asleep on the table. He nods.
"Go on sleepyhead, sit this one out we've got 20 minutes of break." Eli says.
Rob ruffles Josh's hair and responds with.. "Yeah you know the plan, rest."
"Alright" Josh grumbles "Think your lifesaving coffee might be wearing off" he smiled at me."You lot okay?" Ryan asks as he walked over. "Oh hi Lila see your here for Eli's totally secret private meeting thing he's planned."
"Shut up moron somehow you've managed to be late so just sit down quick." Eli laughs then begins..."Okay so, well I wanted to bring Lila over to talk with us about the band...me and the others have began a sorta plan for the set up of it..we were wanting to get together maybe Thursday and start practice if your up for it Lils?"
"Oh yeah cool, Thursdays good for me, so whos gonna be playing what?" I question.
"I'm on drums." Ryan says.
"And I play bass but could also do some backing vocals." Rob adds.Of course, as if this guy couldn't get fitter.
"Josh is gonna play lead for guitar, because he's the only proper decent player" Rob grins.
"And then I will also be on guitar and sing alongside you D." Eli says.
"Wow, you've got it all planned out." I nod.
"Yeah, the mastermind has had it in the works for a while, and according to him you've got a proper good voice." Ryan smiles. Rob looks up at me with those eyes and smirks. My hearts beating. Fast.
"She's better than good man, I mean I know you can be a perfect fit for the band." Eli confirms.
"Thanks Lija." I respond.For the rest of break we discussed what we wanted to do on Thursday, we planned to practice at Eli's for now but that could change in the future. Ryan actually seems really nice, he's very...enthusiastic and I can tell both Rob and obviously Elijah are excited for it and where the band could potentially go. When the bell rang to indicate the end of break Josh awoke with a shout...
"Ahh!" He jumped from the loud noise that interrupted his slumber. We all laughed at the panicked look on his face before leaving the canteen.———————————————————————————
Idk if I'm a fan of this chapter lol feel like it might be a bit mis matched to read. This is gonna be a slow burner, as I want to write lots to do with the band and the growth not just romance, but it will build over time :) Im will trying to update as much as possible but still getting used to writing. Please send any feedback tyyy!
- Iris :)

FanfictionWhen Delilah moves back to Dublin, Ireland she takes interest not with her childhood bestfriend Elijah but his blue eyed friend. Will becoming band members bring the two closer together? #INHALER #robertkeating #elijahhewson #joshjenkinson #ryanmcma...