"Okay so you know that how there was that guy who was going at itt on that girls neck at James party yeah in form today she got sent out and got detention for a week because it was inappropriate to have like that many hickeys on show or something." Avery starts rambling to us on face time.
"And anddd that's not all of it Orla said that the guy Raf who was kissing her snogged 3 other girls after her!"
"Jesus, he got around." Meg comments.
"Wait was the first girl his girlfriend?" I ask.
"Yeah I think she is." Avery says.
"Well was his girlfriend." Nova says.
"Oop rip." Meg says.
"She could do better anyways, why do boys always do shit like that?" Avery asks.
"Cuz yourrr just a man it's just what you dooo." I sing Norman fucking Rockwell.
"True, very true." Laughs Meg.
"To be fair some couples can over do it, I get kissing at party's maybe in the canteen or whatever but it's when I'm trying to walk to lesson and there's that one couple proper going for it against the wall." Nova says.
"Literally." I laugh "like are you not slightly embarrassed that all the year 7's are gawping at you as they walk along."
"And the fucking teachers aswell who taught you in like year 8 and there seeing you trade spit with some guy who's got his hand on your arse." Avery cringes.
"No that's actually so true." Meg says.We chat for a while, I love the evenings where I don't have loads of school work and I get to just chill in my room. My face time pauses as my phone starts ringing, it's Eli..
"Oh guys sorry Eli's ringing me for some reason I should probably answer."
"Okie bye Lils." They say.
"Byeee." I say and end the face time and answer Eli's call. When it connects Ryan, Josh and Rob all appear on face time aswell.
"Hey." I say
"Hellooo." Josh says
"GUYS guess what I managed to get!?" Eli says down the phone.
"Hmm a life?" Ryan asks.
"Shut up. I got us a gig at The Cooler!"
"No fucking way!" Rob says.
"oh my god thats so good Lija!" I say.
"Yess when do we play!?" Josh asks.
"erm its the 16th of January, on a thursday".
"Shit thats just under 2 weeks away wow" Ryan says.
"Yeah we've only got a half an hour slot, the guy I emailed said we were on at 9.30 I think, loads of other bands are playing aswell which will be cool to see." Eli says.
"Ahh this is fucking exciting" I say.
"Yeah our first proper gig not just in front of our parents or siblings." Rob laughs.
"I'm glad we got one to be honest, I've been asking around so many different places and this is the first place that actually got back to me." Eli beams.
"We're gonna have to practice a lot more to get up to scratch." Josh says.
"Yeah, most of the cover songs we know pretty decently but were gonna have to go over our own few songs to get them stronger." Rob adds.
"Definitely." I say
"Lila you could try and spread the news with the instagram account you made."
"Oh yeah and we can tell people at school to come along as well."I'm sat up in the pillows of my bed holding my phone attempting not to drop it onto my face as we discuss late into the night, I cannot wait to play as a band at a real venue, it's going to be so cool. And of course I'm already thinking of different outfits I could wear, and all the 1st gig photos we're gonna get.
After many busy school nights and weekends practicing we're sat in Ryan's garage 3 nights before the gig. I'm sat with Rob on the sofa, his arm is wrapped around my shoulders and he twiddles a curl of my hair, humming quietly.
"this is it isn't it?" Eli asks as he plays the melody of a song.
"yeah its right" Josh says "play it again"...
Eli proceeds to play something different, the chords sounding a little off, "Nah that's not it" Josh laughs.
"ffs" Eli says becoming increasingily agitated "I had it yesterday as-well. "Ryans hunched over on his drum kit breathing deeply as he sleeps. Rob yawns mumbling
"We shouldnt have stayed on call till 3 Lils I'm shattered."
"Me too." I respond rubbing my eyes
"Couldn't tell you what we we're waffling about but must have been good."
"Neither!" I laugh. My eyes are getting heavier and i can feel myself begining to drift off...

FanfictionWhen Delilah moves back to Dublin, Ireland she takes interest not with her childhood bestfriend Elijah but his blue eyed friend. Will becoming band members bring the two closer together? #INHALER #robertkeating #elijahhewson #joshjenkinson #ryanmcma...