Chapter 18 - First gig

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I sit in 5th period geography. I'm writing off the board making pages upon pages of notes, trying to keep up with the fast rate that sir clicks through the PowerPoint. I hate when teachers skip to the next slide when I'm mid sentence! As I'm so busy scribbling down I don't take much notice of Rob sat beside me. His chin rests on his hand and he stares out the window, bouncing his leg up and down.
"Hey.." I whisper. He doesn't respond still in a daze.
"Hey rob." I say a little louder. He snaps out of it and looks at me.
"Wh..what Lils?"
"You alright?" I question giving his arm a little rub.
"yeah all good." He faintly smiles.
"You sure?" I say raising my eyebrows.
"Just stressed about later?."
"Why your fucking great on your bass?"
"Yeah I know it's just hit me the amount of eyes that will be on us."
"Don't worry about that we've just got to get out there and show them what we can do." I smile and slide my fingers around his hand, his eyes meet mine and he gives me a small smile back.

Josh's dad has a van so we're going to put all our gear into it and get a lift to the venue. I walk home with my girls they're all coming to watch tonight which should be nice, they're all excited. "See you after the gig." I say as I wave them off and walk down my road back to mine.

I've picked my outfit and get changed as soon as I get home from school to make sure I still like what I chose the night before. For the first gig i don't fancy wearing anything too extravagant or revealing, just jeans and a ice top you know. I've gone for a black flowery mesh top and black boots with blue jeans.

I wear my hair down, but have to drench in water and lots of curl cream to get rid of the frizz

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I wear my hair down, but have to drench in water and lots of curl cream to get rid of the frizz. I put on a fair amount of make up, my pale skin tone always looks even more washed out in bright lights so a bit of bronzer on my cheeks an eyelids should help .And of course some glittery eyeshadow for my inner corners and a tiny brown eyeliner wing. By 5 ish I'm all ready. Maybe too early, but I don't fancy rushing today. I walk downstairs and sit on the sofa to watch some Netflix for a bit. Soon enough it's dinner, as hungry as I am I can barely eat a thing, it's mac and cheese as well one of my favourites but the nervous feeling in my stomach prevents me from being able to eat it all. I sit moving the left over pasta around on the plate.
"Not long now Delilah, how you feeling?" My mum asks. Clearly noticing my quietness.
"Yeah nervous but good." I say eating some garlic bread.
"Look out for me and Quinn in the crowd we'll be cheering you on with everyone else." Mum smiles.

Dad is staying a home with Gus he said he will definitely come to the next gig but the Gus isn't old enough for this venue and they couldn't get a babysitter.
"Get some good photos won't you" Dad says.
"Yeah of course." Quinn says.
"Novas taking her camera to get some as-well." I smile.

The doorbell rings making me jump, I spring up from my seat and head to the door. Josh stands there smiling.
"Hey D."
"I'll be one sec just getting my boots on! Come in." I say hopping around trying to get them on.
"Hah you're all good we've got ages." .
"Okay umm, shoes, jacket, keys, phone, lipgloss, think thats everything let me just go say bye."
I go back into the kitchen "Byeee"
"Bye Dee have fun up there!" Dad says.
"Will do!!" I wave...
"Alright lets go." Josh grins as I shut the front door. "We're sat upfront with my dad, thought you would be best as your smallest out of us lot and it's a bit of a squeeze."
"Okay." I laugh.

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