Chapter 7 - Party Night

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2.15 on Saturday afternoon. I'm sitting in the window seat of my bedroom, the golden autumn sun is glowing through and illuminating the pages of my book. I'm re-reading the Hunger games for like the 100th time and I'm yet to get bored. As I finish the chapter I close the book and walk out my room downstairs.
"Hi mum." I say as I wonder through the door.
"Hi honey, sorry I'm in a huge hurry getting Gus to that bowling party his friend Patrick has, I'm pretty sure your dads off on a dog walk with Woody in a minute if you wanted to go with him."
"Oh yeah cool." I respond grabbing an apple to eat, recently I've been loving chopping up apples and sprinkling them with cinnamon.

Me and my dad walked Woo in a woodland nearby. I adore the orange leaves that flutter off trees and crunch below my shoes. When we returned home I did about an hour or two of school work and then decided to take my notebook and pen out from the draw of my desk and try a bit of songwriting. I have hardly written anything since the band started but I think that writing songs has to come from a deep place. This is going to sound cringe but you know whenever I listen to lyrics properly without just singing along to the song, that's when I begin to realise the artists emotions and visualise what there saying. Obviously the instruments play a vital part in all music but passionate lyrics also help make a song truly great. I scribbled down any thoughts that come to my head, attempting to form some sort of sentences, me and Eli have both agreed to put no pressure on our writing so when we feel like sharing our work it's just easy going.

Later on I had some dinner and then it was time to get a lift to Megs, I got out the drinks that dad had brought me earlier from the fridge and grabbed my bag that's filled with outfit options and makeup because me and the girls are getting ready at Megs.

"Come on then Lila, I want to be back in time for kickoff." My dad says from downstairs.
"Okay I'm ready." I respond as I run down with my gear.
"Do you know what time it's finishing, because I can give you a lift back but no later that 12 ish please as I've got your brothers rugby training to be up for."
"Yeah can I just text you what's happening so if I'm later I can just get a lift with Nova or whoever."
"Yep that fine by me." Me dad responds.

As the we pull up to Megs drive my dad says..
"Have a great time, don't get to hammered kiddo!"
"Byeee dad, thank youu." I grin as I hop out the car.

7.10, we're all in Megs room getting ready.
"Guys I really can't decide on what to wear." I say.
"Hmm i would go with that mesh top and your black skirt." Said Nova.
"Yeah the corset tops cute but it's less easy to dance around in." Smiled Avery.

Outfit inspo (without belt)

I change into the outfit and say

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I change into the outfit and say..
"Okay I think this is the one."
"Yesss it looks great!" Said Avery.
"Wait Lila you should totally try this undeneath." Meg shouts as she throws me a blue floral bra from her draw.
"Really, are you sure." I laugh.
"Totally!" Responds Meg.
The bra was pretty but what I didn't realise was that it's a push up.
"This better?" I smile.
"Exactly, the boys won't be able to keep there eyes off you." Meg giggled.
"Avery your outfits giving reputation!!" Nova says.
"Ahh thank you feeling like a baddie." She replies whilst drawing on some black eyeliner in the mirror.

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