It's December 28th. I had a really great Christmas Day with all my family and then Boxing Day we did our tradition of spending it with the Hewson's. Last year it was round ours so this year we went to theirs. Let's just say everyone, excusing Gus of course, all had a bit too much to drink. We played board games and ate all the picky bits left from Christmas dinner, us kids watched home alone and then everyone danced around singing to songs in the kitchen. I just adore Christmas time.
Today I'm going round to Robs house for the first time. I'm excited. Feels like ages since I saw him and it's only been a few days. I spray on my new Daisy perfume my parents got me for Christmas it smells so good. I think the plan is to just chill out at his for the afternoon so that should be fun, considering the cold weather there's really not loads to do so relaxing over the holiday season is the best. I'm wearing a red sweater that kinda hangs off one shoulder and some blue jeans, then also some cozy fluffy socks which are a necessity in the wintery temperatures of Ireland. Also got some new matching bras and thongs for Christmas so chose to wear my light pink set, just incase.
I leave mine, turn on my headphones and walk along in the direction of Robs. Humm number 20. Cool found it. His house is tucked away at the end of a cul de sac. I walk down his drive, butterflies swarm my stomach. I don't know why but I still get nervous doing all this new stuff. As I reach to ring the bell the door swings open. Robs brother James who seems flustered stares at me.
"Good to see you Delilah. Uh come in." He says frantically racing around the hallway with bags in his hands.
"Thanks." I smile.
"Rob. Delilah's here!" He shouts up the stairs.
"Where you off to?" I question hinting at all his bags.
"Ive got an interview for a job over in London." James says.
"Ah cool so the acting must be going well then?" I smile.
"Yeah yeah hopefully if I get this it could be my big break you know help me get into the proper industry." He says excitedly "You lived in England for a bit didn't you?" He asks
"Yeah I spent quite a few years of primary school there, in Kent." I say.
"Oh nice." He replies as Rob walks down the stairs."Hi Lils." He grins. "Hey Rob." I smile. We stand looking at eachother. His bright eyes seem even bluer in this light.
"Ahem" James coughs breaking the tension between us. "Give us a help with this bag will you Robo."
Cute nickname I think to myself as they carry the bags out into the car."Delilah, aw lovely to see you again." Rosie says as she walks through into the hallway. "Sorry I didn't hear you arrive I've been in the utility trying to find James waterproof coat, it's mean to be rainy all week when he's away."
"Well just like Ireland I guess." I say with a smile.
"Yes exactly." She has such a warm, genuine smile "I must say you hair is just beautiful, Robs mentioned it, and well I saw you in the car the other week but it was dark and now in the daylight it's such a gorgeous colour." She says.
I feel my cheeks turning pink, people pick on me for my hair and hearing complements like that now and again really mean a lot.
"Aw thank you." I grin, the boys walk back through the door and James says..
"Ready to go mum?"
"Yep found your coat, I know you've got your puffer but if it's pouring a waterproofs much better." Rosie says.
"Alright thanks mum." James responds. "Cya Robo wish me luck."
"Good luck J you'll smash it." Rob hugs him.
"Bye Delilah" James and Rosie both wave as they start walking out.
"Wont be too long just dropping him off at the ferry port." Rosie continues "help yourself to some lunch."
"Okay, bye." Rob says as he shuts the door.
He turns around and says in a fancy voice
"So welcome to the Keating house hold. Would you care for a short tour newcomer?"
I laugh and say "Why yes of course." Mimicking his tone.His house is really nice, there's a cozy living room a bigger kitchen and seating area with big windows looking out the the garden. Then a utility and a toilet. Upstairs there's the bathroom, then a guest room at the side of the house with pretty windows, then his brothers and parents rooms both face the road. There's a smaller flight of stairs which lead up to his room in the loft. "Sorry it's kinda messy" He laughs picking up clothes off his floor."
"Hah it's fine." I say looking around.
His room is really cool. It's filled with posters, shelves are lined with football trophies, cds, photos and his bass hangs on the wall. Small square windows let the light in. He even has a little bathroom off the side. One window at the front of the house is like a little nook where you can sit.
"This is so cool." I say turning to look at Rob. "Do you just sit and chill here?" I ask sitting on the comfy cushions.
"Yeah it's a pretty good spot to read or watch Netflix ." He says.
"How come you got the loft room then?" I ask.
"Mine used to be the spare room but when we had the loft converted my parents offered James this room, him being the older sibling, but it's actually quite a lot smaller than his room downstairs so he wanted to stay there and let me have it."
"That was nice of him." I say
"Yeah it was." He replies.
"Your bass looks really cool in the middle of the room." I say standing to look at it.
"Thanks I thought it would be better hung up than just sat in its case. Do you wanna see my records?" He asks pointing at the box filled with music.
"Of course." I smile.We sit on his bed looking through his vinyls, hes got loads of really good ones. "No way you've got skinty fia. I might have to steal this!" I say.
"Lils you can borrow whatever I don't mind." He laughs.
"Might have to take you up on that offer." I giggle "and demon day that's cool too."
"Yeah josh got me that one for my last birthday." He says.We chat for a while whilst listening to songs. Mid conversation Rob blurts out..
"By the way Lils you look really pretty today." He seems almost taken aback that the words came out his mouth.
I giggle but feel my face heating.
"Thank you, you look good today like always." I smile. He grins and we sit staring at each other for a moment. He cups my face in his hands and gently kisses my lips. I slowly lean closer moving with the rhythm of his mouth against mine. His fingers caress my cheeks as our pace quickens. I move closer and push him back slightly so he leans on his pillow. Our kissing becoming more needy and aggressive. I move my leg so I'm now straddling him. We pull away for a second to both catch our breath. A smirk grows on his face. My heart feels like it might explode from my chest. I lean back in slightly bending my back and kissing him with more intensity, his large hands slide round my waist. I feel him tug at the hem of my jumper, he pauses as if to ask if this was okay. I nod. He raises a brow, waiting for my answer. "Yes rob please." Is all I can manage to get out. He begins lifting my jumper up my torso and I help by removing an arm at a time. Then he slides it over my head and tosses it off the bed. I'm now realising I'd forgotten to put a top on under my jumper, thank god I picked a nice bra. As he turns back to look at me, straddling on top of him he groans "Jesus Delilah." He stares at my body a dark glint in his eyes, then starts kissing my neck trailing down to my breasts. His lips moving just above the frills of my bra. I soon feel his legs hook around mine and he flips me over, so now my head rests on the pillow. He continues to kiss my body passionately, my stomach swarms with butterflies and I feel out of breath. My back begins to arch with the pleasure of it all. I reach with my right hand to try and remove his white T-shirt he effortlessly pulls it off revealing his upper body. It's gently toned, I can see he's been at the gym a little and freckles are dotted across his shoulders and stomach. His eyes meet mine, he notices my flustered expression and smiles. Our lips meet again and he bites my bottom lip. We move in unison our tongues intertwined. Suddenly the sound of a car pulling up onto the driveway stops us. Robs eyes meet mine and we sit up. He quickly grabs his top off the floor and then passes me my jumper. Our gazes meet again, I giggle and he grins saying "God your gorgeous Delilah." I smile up at him. He pulls his T-shirt over his head and I put my jumper back on. He pauses then tucks a strand of my slightly messed up curls behind my ear and reaches his hand out to mine. We walk down the stairs to greet his mum at the door as if we had been relaxing down there the whole time.We eat some lunch with Rosie in the kitchen then go to sit in the living room and play some mario. We're both pretty competitive having siblings causes that I guess. He played as Luigi and I went as Daisy. We played many Grand Prix rounds and I won a few and lost a few. It was really fun. We laughed and joked the whole time. Around 6 my dad asks if I want a lift home in time for dinner so I grab my shoes and coat getting ready to leave. As I sit on the sofa tying my laces Rob watched me intently.
"What?" I ask smiling.
"Nothing." He says looking away awkwardly.
I reach for his hand and say "Rob what is it?"
He lets out a breath and says. "Lils will you be mine?"
"B-be your girlfriend?" I respond, it's the first time those words have been asked to me.
"Yes my girlfriend." He grins.
"Of course." I say back, smiling back at him.
He leans in and we kiss for a few seconds. We pull away, he seems really happy I am too. I put my coat on and he leads me to the door.
"Thanks for having me." I say.
"Thank you for joining me." He smirks.
"So see you later I guess?" I ask.
"Yeah I'll text you. Tomorrow sound good?"
"Tomorrows perfect." I respond as he opens the front door.
"Bye, thank you." I wave as I walk to the car.
"Cya Lils." He shouts.I sit in the car filled with excitement. Robs my boyfriend ahhh! And I'm his girlfriend! I couldn't be happier.
Hope your enjoying 🫡
- Iris :)

FanfictionWhen Delilah moves back to Dublin, Ireland she takes interest not with her childhood bestfriend Elijah but his blue eyed friend. Will becoming band members bring the two closer together? #INHALER #robertkeating #elijahhewson #joshjenkinson #ryanmcma...