427. A Letter From The Boarders (1)

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The Blessed Chapter 427

The old xiucai’s funeral was quite decent, but after it, no one would ever want to step over their threshold again. It was said that Ling Chengcai and Ling Chenghu even had a fight. When he needed someone to help him, Ling Chengcai found that his big son Ling Jinghong was missing, only leaving a letter and ten taels of silver. This time, the couple became anxious, already had no mood to fight over the family properties with ling Chenghu, and went to Ling Jinghong’s wife’s family on the very night. But they were told that during the day, they had already gone to the yamen and signed the paper of Ling Jinghong marrying into his wife’s family, that is to say, he was no longer their son. The couple instantly collapsed onto the ground. Their big son married into his wife’s family without even noticing them, and their second son were missing and they didn’t even know whether he was still alive, and their only daughter now became a rat crossing the street, acting like crazy all day. They had fought for everything all their life, but finally ended up like this?

Ling Jingxuan was not interested in these things, though. When he heard that Ling Jinghong tried to get rid of them by marrying into his wife’s family, Ling Jingxuan just slightly frowned, and made no comment. From a long time ago, he had seen it through. Ling Jinghong was not the same kind with them. After the old man was gone, he’d definitely leave, so he wasn’t surprised at all.

In mid-February, all things quieted down, and the sea water that back flowed into the saline-alkali land now completely receded, and the rice seedlings they had prepared in advance now were almost big enough to the transplanting. And Ling Jingxuan had already asked Old Song to go to book fifty strong labors from Guarantor Liu in advance to turn up the soil and transplant the seedlings, meanwhile, he also told Guarantor Liu that in early March, he would hire at least two thousand people. So he should make preparations in advance. When those seedlings in the number one factory were moved away, Ling Jingxuan would let Old Zhou to breed seedlings for the sorghums. Number two and three factories were already full of the well-bred sorghum seedlings, only to plant them all in the shortest time in March.

At the same time, he finally received the letter from Yan Shengrui from the boarders, after making sure he was safe, he felt kind of relieved. And since then, he kept receiving letters from the boarders nearly every day. Until Yan Shengrui made all preparations of leading the solders to go out of the boarders in early March, the letters were cut off. But, the information sector started to act actively. Ling Jingxuan could still know about the situations at the boarders at any time.

In early march, the saline-alkali land was nearly dried. And it was five hundred more than the two thousand Ling Jingxuan had booked. On hearing it was working for him, a lot of people actively signed up. Some even dropped the farming work at home. On the day it was officially started, Ling Jingxuan who had been pregnant for five months went to the field in person to check things out holding that slightly bulged belly, and only came back after making sure there was no any mistake.

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Busy days passed, at the end of March, the factory Baiyunge had built using the thirty mu of land they had bought at the entrance of the village started working. And all things in the factory in the village were all moved over. And Zhang Qing recruited a lot more workers, men and women. And Zhou Er and Lady Zhang Lady Wu and Song Shuiling were responsible for the management, and the factor for growing mushrooms and fungus was still in the village and Old Song and Zhao&Han couple managed it. Ling Jingxuan’s belly was growing bigger and bigger and gradually he didn’t take care of things outside. Everyday, except eating and sleeping, he only teased the kids when he felt bored, or took a walk in the backyard taking Dahei and Xiaohei, or taught his little disciple and those twenty child doctors by the way. Now their medical skills had improved rapidly, common cold or fever were nothing to them, especially Zhao Shan, he could even make prescriptions for some rare illness, but just lacked of some practical experience, but only confined to traditional medicine. Ling Jingxuan still hadn’t taught him things on surgeries, first, it was not convenient for him, his family didn’t let him see blood. Once, the big bun saw that he went into the working room, the next day, it was locked. When he went to reason with his big son, instead of getting the key, he received a hard lessoning. And since then, he had never gone into the working room, let alone trying to work out new poison or what. Second, Zhao Shan was still too small. He wanted to take It slow.
When in April, seeing that the sorghum seedlings they had grown on the saline-alkali land not only were not dead, instead, they grew healthy and strong, the whole family was so delighted. Many squires and local landlords sent people to take a look at it, some even send someone watching them, trying to find out how they managed it and learn their experience, unfortunately, since the sorghums were planted, Ling Jingxuan didn’t even ask someone to manage it at all, of course they couldn’t learn anything from them.

Soon afterwards, Official Feng who had newly been transferred also came to check it out in person. But Ling Jingxuan didn’t show up. He asked Ling Jinghan to entertain him. Official Feng said His Majesty was also watching every move of them and said he wished that they could succeed, anyway, you know, those official words, but no meaning of letting them to pay tribute or what. Before leaving, Ling Jinghan even gave him and everyone who came with him a red envelop.

In May, news came from the boarders saying that Duke Zeng had lost the first walled town, but still no news from Yan Shengrui. The whole court was shocked, even the civilians were on tenterhooks, only afraid that their two Gods of War couldn’t hold it. But soon after, Ling Jingxuan received the first-hand good news. Yan Shengrui led five thousand cavalries to wind around to the enemies’ lair and even caught khans and a lot of important figures. And Duke Zeng is Duke Zeng! He successfully used the Empty City Ruse, and eliminated over ten thousand enemies and captured eight generals of them. So the strategies they had set was a huge success!

Chapter end

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