455. We'll All Listen to You, Big Brother (1)

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The Blessed Chapter 455

“Jingpeng, do as what big brother said. His concerns are reasonable. We are brothers, but who can guarantee things about our descendants? If they fight over the family properties after we all die, then this home is no longer a home. So, we’d better make things clear now.”

Ling Jinghan who had stayed silent for a long time gave a wry smile, then turned to their big brother, “Big brother, since you don’t want anything, this time we won’t split the money. You take all the fifty thousand taels with you, the rest thirty thousand taels remain in the accounts.”

“Yes yes yes, Jingxuan, we won’t split the money this time. You take it all with you. We all have a lot of cash in hands now and don’t know how to spend it.”

Hearing that, Han Fei hurriedly echoed, he knew that what Ling Jingxuan said was all right, and he also knew it was hard to change it once he had made up his mind. Since so, at least he wished that he could bring more money with him just in case. The capital was unlike the countryside. It’d be better to have more money there.

“I also agree with my second brother. Big brother, you can’t say no this time. Compared with what you have given us, this is like a drop in the bucket.”

Afraid that he might reject, Ling Jingpeng also hurriedly echoed. Helpless though, Ling Jingxuan also felt touched. Fifty thousand taels was really nothing to him now. Since he would earn the first fifty thousand, he could earn numerous fifty thousand. What touched him was their true hearts. He turned to look at Yan Shengrui, while the latter threw him a ‘handle it yourself’ look. Then Ling Jingxuan breathed out before saying, “No need. Listen to me. After Spring Festival, we have never split the money. I know, each family of you only has two thousand taels for daily expense. So, I guess the cash in your hands now is more or less the same. Besides, the sorghum wine is still in the warehouse, no earnings yet. This time, I will not only take the kids away with me, I will also take Jinghan, Brother Zhao and others away with me. I have asked Lord Zeng to buy houses for all of you in the capital. That is where the chosen one is at, so everything there should be much more expensive. Although with Shengrui’s cover, you still need to have some flexible money in your hands, right? Besides, I still have my shares of Baiyunge and Xinyuan Restaurant. Are you still worried I’ll be short of money?”

It was not that he had nothing now. He had never planned to split the business of Baiyunge with them or give it up. Although now he could earn more money this side, after the sorghum wine went to the market, Baiyunge could never compare with it. But in the long run, as a top luxury brand, it wouldn’t fall behind the sorghum wine business.

“That’s you and Qing’s business. How can you mix them up?”

Ling Jingpeng refuted without thinking, after a little meditation, he continued, “How about this? Big brother, maybe you are right. After my second brother, Brother Zhao and others go to the capital, they also need money. This time, we’ll split the money as you said. But, at the end of this year, we’ll split the money again. However much it is, you have to take it. Anyway, you started all the businesses of our family. Anyway, you have to have your share. Otherwise, I won’t accept your share.”

That sounded like a threat, didn’t it? A warm threat. Ling Jingxuan couldn’t help smiling. At the end of year, it wouldn’t be a small number. For other brothers, they only wished to split more, while they only wished that he could get it all.

“I agree!”

Han Fei and Ling Jinghan’s voice almost sounded at the same time. In case Ling Jingxuan refused again, Han Fei decisively tried to switch the topic, “This thing is decided then. Well, Jingxuan, why should we also go to the capital with you? We have no special skills. Wouldn’t we only create trouble for you?”
With Ling Jingxuan’s preference of Tiewa, he could understand why he wanted to take Tiewa with him, but why them too? He had never said a word about it before them.

“Hehe…Brother Han, what are you talking about? How could you say you have no special skills? Do you think I’m gonna take you to the capital to live a retired life? We are still young. You are familiar with the businesses at home. This time, you are going to open the first shop of our wine in the capital. Except the sorghum wine and grape wine, I will also teach you to make all kinds of fruit wine and medical wine. Xinyuan Restaurant could only meet the needs of those people from the upper class, so the money they make is limited. In the future, as we open more and more wineries, we will produce more and more wine. So, only relying on Xinyuan Restaurant will never do. So, we should set up exclusive shops of our Ling Winery and promote it through the whole kingdom. Now, do you still think you shouldn’t go to the capital with me? And Brother Zhao, the quality steel knives you taught Shengrui to forge has played the key role during the war last time. And Shengrui has reported it to the court. So, this time, you are going to the capital to receive your rewards.”

Ling Jingxuan gave a faint smile and said following Han Fei’s words. Too many things they needed to do. Only relying on Jingpeng was impossible. Setting their head shop in the capital would do them a lot of good. Firstly, Shengrui enjoyed great prestige there, plus they had Yunhan covering them, when not convenient, they could secretly contact there. Secondly, the capital was where the chosen one was at. The civilians there had high acceptance of new things, and they were comparatively richer. Thirdly, after they had ample money and their exclusive shop achieved initial success, taking the capital as the center, they could rapidly occupy the market of all those prefectures. That was also why he had long decided to take Shopkeeper Zhang with him. With him assisting Han Fei, they could yield twice the result with half the effort.

“So still need to see His Majesty in person?”

Han Fei and Zhao Dalong both exclaimed. What had they done to deserve this? After seeing the empress, the little prince and His Highness, now they even had a chance to see His Majesty?

“What’s the big deal? Isn’t His Majesty human? Brother Zhao and Han, don’t worry. Shengrui will take care of it.”

Chapter end

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