438. Coming back in a Hurry; Ling Jingwei Came Back to Revenge (2)

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The Blessed Chapter 438

On the other side, a large number of soldiers suddenly came out of Yuehua Manor. With a rough counting, there should be at least hundreds of them. The one in the lead was actually Ling Jingwei who had been listed to serve in the army last year. And Ling Chengcai, his wife and heir daughter were standing by his side arrogantly. They broke into Yuehua Manor with the soldiers, the servants who tried to stop them all got knocked onto the ground by those unreasonable soldiers.

“Ling Jingwei, you…”

Ling Chenglong and his wife who rushed over after hearing the noise stared at Ling Jingwei in disbelief. A flash of resentment flashed across Ling Jingwei’s eyes and he said with a compulsory tone, “I’m ordered to station here. So, your house will be expropriated. I will give you two hours to move out.”

When he was charged of raping his own aunt and sent to serve in the army, he thought his whole life was so screwed. But heaven had eyes and gave him another chance. After all new sodliers gathered in Juzhou, he accidentally saved the miss of Gui family and indirectly destroyed her name, he lied that he had no family and was sterile, since their daughter was a widow with two kids, the old madam of the Gui family thought he was not bad since he was sterile, then he wouldn’t have his own kids with her daughter, in the future, he’d have to take her daughter’s kids as his own, so she made the decision for her daughter to let Ling Jingwen marry into their family. And then, replying on the forces of Gui family in those prefectures, soon he had gained a firm foothold in the army responsible for the safety of the city. Actually, last year, he had planned to come back to retaliate at them, pity that at the time, something happened to the main Gui family in the capital and their business also got suppressed by Baiyunge, his father-in-law would never allow him to leave. So he had waited and waited till now.

Fortunately the old couple and Ling Chenghua had died early, or he swore he’d let them suffer! Now, his sworn enemies were only those villagers and Ling Jingxuan! Of course he’d vent all his hatred on him! After Ling Jingxuan died, wouldn’t others be like ants that he could trample on? Those who had ever insulted him, he’d let all of them pay for it!

“What?! This is our house. Why should we offer it to you?”

Coming to his sense, Lady Wang reflexively shouted, it was not easy for their family to earn such a big property, how could they occupy it as they wanted? Is there any law? Even if he had a rank in the army, he couldn’t bully the civilians like that!

“No one wants your house, we only expropriate it. Someone! If they haven’t packed their things up and get out of here in two hours, throw all them out for me!”

Ling Jingwei enjoyed watching their anger and wronged appearance, showing a venomous smile on his face, this was just the beginning, he’d deprive them of everything they had little by little, let them die, kneel at his feet like a dog to beg him.

Ling Chengcai, his wife and daughter who came with him also held out their chest arrogantly. Ever since the old couple died, they were like bedbugs everyone loathed. Even their big son left them behind. Seeing that Ling Chenglong’s life was getting better and better, they got so jealous that their eyes turned green, but could do nothing. As they thought their life was hopeless, their second son came back safe and sound, who not only became the son-in-law of Gui family, but also the seventh-rank commander-in-chief. So, now it was finally Ling Jingxuan’s turn to suffer while they moved into the most extravagant manor of the whole Datong town to enjoy.

“Yes sir!”

The soldiers moved forward and pulled out the savers out of the scabbards, Ling Chenglong and others were so scared that their legs were shaking and no one dare say more. But they really couldn’t afford to offer such huge properties into someone else’s hands. Zhao&Han couple secretly stretched out their hands to hold Ling Chenglong and his wife while throwing their dagger eyes at Ling Jingwei, and Old Song had already run in to inform Ling Jingxuan. He believed he’d have a way out.


“Outrageous! How dare you call our commander by his name?”

Ling Qicai who hurried over saw that something was wrong. As he was about to say something, two solders pulled out their sabers and forced him backwards, and Ling Qicai directly fell onto the ground. Ling Jingwei and his family felt unspokenly thrilled. Seeing that, Ling Chenglong and his wife broke away from Zhao Dalong and Han Fei’s support and went forward to support him up.

“So what even if you’re soldiers? You still can’t bully us like this!”

Ling Chenglong who had always been a coward now stared back at those soldiers while standing in front of his wife and Ling Qicai. No one noticed the viciousness flashing across the corner of Ling Jingwei’s corner of the mouth.

“You want to die?”


Soldiers were a bunch of rascals the kingdom had raised. How would they allow the civilians to act wild? One of the soldiers pulled out his saber and chopped down at his head. As Lady Wang and others were screaming out of scare, the moment the sharp saber was about to fall on Ling Chenglong, two figures suddenly jumped out of the backyard. After seeing clearly the situation, Yan Yi directly knocked over that solder with a side kick.

“Are you looking for death?”

The next second, before he could react, Yan Yi kicked his saber in the air, and then it accidentally pricked into the chest of that soldier who was struggling to crawl up. Without even having time to scared, that soldier died on spot.

Chapter end

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