450. A Big Event (2)

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The Blessed Chapter 450

“Yeah, mom, the yamen runners will be here soon.”

Feeling a bit sorry for his mother, Ling Jinghan stretched out his hand to straighten the messy hair for her. Finally their parents could hold their heads high!

“That’s great, Jinghan, that’s great…”

After getting the affirmation again, Lady Wang could not help crying out, but it was the tears of joy. Even the whole Datong town had few people who had a juren title! Let alone his son got the first place-jieyuan title! And now their big son Jingxuan was already the noble crown princess, and their third son had a general father-in-law, maybe in the future his wife would be a general, so she also didn’t have to worry about their future. The only one that worried her was their second son, but never expected…if so, her second son also got what he wanted, right? Now, her three sons all had made a rise in life, even if she died now, she could rest in peace.

“All right, it’s a happy occasion. Don’t embarrass the kid. Let’s get ready to receive the messengers who bring the good news.”

Strangely, Lady Wang’s excitement soothed Ling Chenglong’s panic. Although his hand holding his wife was still shaking, his voice was much calmer.

“Dad, mom, this is just the beginning, next year I will only climber higher.”

Holding the hands of his mom and dad, Ling Jinghan said with a firm tone, although it was impossible to get the three highest literary degrees in succession, it wouldn’t be a problem getting a jinshi title. Besides, he still had over half a year to study. He believed that he could make it.

“Hm, of course I believe in you! My son is so promising! Mom is so proud of you!”

Nodding tearfully, Lady Wang reached out her hand and touched his face, then Ling Jingpeng’s, as if suddenly thinking of something, she said with a frown, “You haven’t told Jingxuan yet, have you? Go and tell him at once, and make his day.”

“Oh, mom, I’m going now.”

Then the two brothers remembered that their big brother was still in confinement inside. After exchanging an eye contact, Ling Jingpeng grabbed his fiancée Ye Ruyun’s hand and went in, while Ling Jingpeng brought his parents outside the gate to welcome the official messengers.

“Really? I knew our Jinghan could make it!”

Lying in bed ,Ling Jingxuan actually had already learned from Yan Shengrui. But after Ling Jingpeng told him, he still couldn’t help giving a heart smile. Now Jingpeng had taken over all the businesses at home and he did a good job. Now that Jinghan also got listed as a jieyuan title. His two younger brothers were really getting better and better, and he could also feel at ease.

“Big brother, have you already foreseen this?”

Ling Jingpeng asked strangely, he remembered a few days ago when he asked his second brother, even his second brother himself was not quite so sure, why their big brother was so sure of it?

“Well, kind of. It’s just a common inference. Even Yunhan and Juren Zhang said Jinghan is promising and it wouldn’t be a problem to get a jieyuan title. But as for the future exams, he got to study harder.”

Nodding, Ling Jingxuan smiled slightly, he believed that Jinghan would not let them down, although he had never given him any pressure or what, since he himself had been aiming at the official career, of course he wished that he could aim at the peak and do his best.

“Big brother, aren’t you a tongsheng yourself? Why don’t you take exams for a xiucai title? You’d have no problem.”

Actually Ling Jingpeng had long wanted to ask this question. Given his big brother’s capability, it wouldn’t be a problem, right?
“Haha…Because I don’t want to be an official. What’s the good of that? Decent officials often got calculated by treacherous officials, who will sooner or later got calculated by bigger treacherous officials or even the emperor. By contrast, it is better to be a rich landlord, so free, and I can do whatever I like.”

Of course, it was also because he was not the original owner, so it was impossible for him to know exactly what the imperial examinations were about. Those genteel things, he really completely couldn’t understand, let alone passing the exams for a xiucai, even a tongsheng title would be a huge problem!

“You are right, but big brother, you are destined to live that kind of life in this life.”

Speaking of which, Ling Jingpeng threw a meaningful glance at Yan Shengrui who was reading a book there. As the crown princess of Prince Sheng, even if he wouldn’t go provoke others, others would come make trouble for him.

“Since so, then I will make it bigger. Anyway, I will have nothing to do all day by then.”

Shrugging, Ling Jingxuan felt nothing at all. Anyway, time would pass day by day. Whatever those people wanted to ‘play’, anytime!


Ling Jingpeng, Yan Shengrui and even Ye Ruyun couldn’t hold it and laugh. No wonder everyone said he was unlike a farmer, but more like rich kid from some big family!

After the yamen runners who brought the good news came, the whole family once again had another lively scene. And soon after, even those people from nearby villages all heard that Ling Jinghan’s thing. A lot of people gossiped that Yuehua Manor is getting nobler and more unattainable. By comparison, Ling Chenggui who also got listed as a juren seemed to be forgotten. But, when the old patriarch came to talk about the open-air banquet, Ling Jingxuan turned them down using the excuse that his big brother is still in confinement. So, it was like they came happily but left sullenly. What could they do? Forget about Ling Jingxuan’s noble identity now, even Ling Jinghan who owned a jieyuan title now was not someone they could yell at. If they made them mad and they move out of Ling Village, they’d even have nowhere to cry! Things change! As early as when Ling Jingxuan changed, they had already lost the initiative.

Being in confinement was boring. Although he had someone as his company, and the little buns often came trying to amuse him, to a man, doing nothing all day in the room was still boring. Besides, it was in hot summer, and here had nothing like air conditioner that could reduce the temperature. Even if Yan Shengrui ordered people to get a lot of ice blocks in the room, it was still crazily hot. When the kid reached his full moon, Ling Jingxuan was so excited that he nearly jumped up the ceiling. Such bitter days were finally over!

The full moon party would usually be held when the baby was about forty days old. This time, Ling Jingxuan was very generous, he directly opened a three-day open-air banquet. Anyone, even if it was a beggar, could come and eat, and no presents accepted. Now who didn’t know he is the Crown Princess Sheng? Even the magistrate and those squires from nearby villages came congratulate. It had lasted quite a few days.

Chapter end

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