430. Ling Jingpeng Asked For Help; Freedom Of Marriage (1)

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The Blessed Chapter 430

Hearing that, Lady Wang went silent, then looked back at her husband and then Ling Jinghan, “Do you also think so?”

“Hmm, if possible, please let us choose for ourselves.”

Facing her eyes, Ling Jinghan firmly nodded. If it were some other family, the parents had already jumped up in anger. Since antiquity, marriages were arranged by parents and the matchmaker. The sons who tried to make their own decision on their marriage would undoubtedly deprive their parents’ right. But after a short silent, Ling Chenglong and his wife nodded to agree, “Fine, it’s always your big brother who makes decisions, and now you three brothers are all more capable than me and your dad. Then, we won’t ask about your marriage thing. But Jinghan, you have to promise me. If you have someone on your heart some day, you got to tell us, so we’d have time to make preparations early and then we can’t hold you a decent wedding. That’s all we can do.”

One had to say, this could was really reasonable, and really worth the three brothers to be filial to them.

“Hmm, mom, you can rest assured. I will let you know in the first place when I have someone I like.”

After all, he was only fifteen, and unlike modern society where people could watch p*rns whenever they wanted. When speaking of this topic, Ling Jinghan even slightly blushed. And Yuan Shaoqi who was sitting on the same table gawked at him. After quite a while, he couldn’t help cutting in to ask, “What if you marry someone else as his wife?”

When those words came out, the whole room fell in great shock. Ling Jingxuan looked at him with great interest, until he felt cold down his back, but he did not dare to evade. If he could not even pass this pass, he would never have a chance to marry such a good-looking and fun wife.

“Then it depends on if the other side has that ability.”

Ling Jinghan who was the first to react slightly frowned, cast a side glance at the other side, and said with a bland tone mixed with undisguised fierceness. Yuan Shaoqi’s first reaction was, it would never be easy to marry him as his wife, right? But on a second thought, it seemed that he wasn’t so repulsive of marrying someone else as his wife, he couldn’t help giggling, like he already saw the scene of Ling Jinghan wearing the wedding gown marrying him.

“Alas…whether he marries someone else as his wife or he marries another man as the other side’s wife, we have no objections. Your dad and I have thought it through. Life is short. You live happily is the most important.”

Lady Wang made a deep sigh. After they moved out from the old Ling family, they had thought a lot. They could not say that they had no expectation for things like offspring or what, but compared with the happiness of their sons, they could give up everything. They only wanted to see them happy while they were still alive.


Ling Jingxuan grabbed her hands with sentiment. It should never be easy for her to say those words.

“It’s fine. I’m not joking. Jinghan, just pick the one you like. Whether it’s a man or woman doesn’t matter. As for Jingpeng, you help him. As long as the other side agrees, your dad and I will take her as our own daughter. But if she disagrees, Jingpeng shouldn’t force her. But, I guess he’d be sad for some time.”

She patted him on the back of the hand and gave him a smile. Her subconscious nervousness and fear disappeared, and her strong love as a mother was mingled with her plain words.

“You three brothers have the final say in this family, and your mother has the final say between your parents. Since she says so, I also have no problem as long as you are happy.”

The always honest Ling Chenglong said as he held his wife into his arms. In fact, about their sons’ marriages, they had already discussed privately, and had long tacitly agreed to let them make their own decisions. For them who had suffered so much from the old Ling family, was there anything they couldn’t see through?

“Hmm, thank you, dad, mom. I will tell every work you said today to Jingpeng. Please rest assured. We will never let you down.”

Ling Jinghan prudently nod, maybe their parents had kind of weak personalities and often got bullied, and needed them to clean up the mess, but they were really the best parents in the whole world, and that was enough!

“Okay, let’s get ready for dinner…”

“Daddy, daddy…”

Ling Jingxuan suddenly got interrupted by the small bun. Everyone turned their heads strangely and then saw those kids holding a piece of rice paper with all words in their hands were running their way. Ling Jingxuan picked his eyebrows. When the two little buns ran nearer, they slowed down their paces, only afraid they may bump into his stomach. Then, Ling Wu handed his rice paper to him like offering a treasure, wearing such a naïve smile, “Daddy, we have copied the love poems Uncle Jingpeng asked.”

“Oh? I never knew my sons know what’s love poems. Let me see.”

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Hearing that, Ling Jingxuan felt amused. He took the rice paper over and then directly read it out, “Lotus flowers are wilting and autumn plaited straw mats chills through,
I remove my silk robe and alone I board a canoe.

Who is it that correspondence send darting through clouds?

By the time I’ve written a reply, high above the west chamber hangs a full moon.

Flowers wither and petals fall while water takes its course,

Lovers harbour the same yearning, when apart both hearts melancholy brew.

Futile are means to clear the head of sentiments so blue,

One may ease the frown, only to find the heart in sorrow drowns.”

After reading, Ling Jingxuan could not help but cover his mouth with a light smile. You know what, that was really a love poem, then he held back his smile and took over Ling Wen’s to see, also a love poem about love sickness, but a woman for a man.

“I think they are not bad, I will send them to Jingpeng then.”

Ling Jinghan gave a bad smile and made the decision. That was their two little nephews’ good heart.

“Yeah! Daddy, can Uncle Jingpeng really get a wife through this? Does it mean we will soon see our future small aunt-in-law?”

Hearing that, the two little buns jumped up and down, thinking that they had solved a huge problem for their small uncle. But they had never known that for this, Jingpeng even made a fool of himself in the army. And just because of this, he really got his wife! Of course, that was the later story.

“Yes, but little Wu, never write these anymore. Otherwise, your Brother Yan will get mad if he knows you write love poems for some other woman.”


The small bun looked quite struggling and was hesitating if he should ask back that love poem he had just copied. Of course he didn’t want his Brother Yan to be mad at him. What if he refused to marry him in the future?

One had to say, our small bun really thought too much. When had Yan Xiaoming ever agreed to marry him?

Chapter end

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