476. An Eye for An Eye; Clear People in the Backyard(2)

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The Blessed Chapter 476

Throwing his a hard stare, Ling Jingxuan highly doubted if he was playing dumb on purpose. Yeah, he was cruel, but not a killer. Today, enough people died already, and others had been freaked out, killing them was already meaningless. So, he'd better maximize their use, to pay for the miseries he had suffered after he came to capital. Sometimes, living people were better than the dead. Sometimes, the cruelest counterattack was drive the enemies crazy without seeing a drop of blood.

"Greetings, my crown princess! Long live!"

No longer daring to stay poised there, those beauties all knelt down trembling. To put it bluntly, they were only some toys, what capital did they have to go against his crown princess up there? If with His Highness' favor, maybe they'd have a chance. But apparently His Highness only favored the crown princess! If they couldn't even see this, then they really deserved to die.

"Those sent by the same master stand together, and maids behind your own miss."

Lounging in the chair, Ling jingxuan slightly narrowed his eyes. Yan Shengrui and Zeng Shaoqing said no more. They were wondering what Ling Jingxuan was going to do.


Without any violation, those beauties soon stood in lines. Three lines were the longest. After some inquiring, Ling Jingxuan knew they were from the Xiao family, Chu family and Bai family. For Bai family which came out of nowhere, after Zeng Shaoqing's explanation, he got to know that their back was Noble Consort Bai from the west inner harem. The concubines in west inner harem were all men, and Noble Consort Bai should be the one with highest position. Logically speaking, the west inner harem shouldn't covet the throne. But this Noble Consort Bai was kind of capable. Since the second prince's mother consort died, he had kept him by his side. Now the second prince had grown up, it was only reasonable they would also offer beauties for Yan Shengrui.

"My crown princess, things you asked for"

Soon Ling Yun came back. After receiving a giant whiteware from inside the box, Ling Jingxuan unsealed it and handed it to Ling Yun, "The pills inside, one for each of them."


Ling Yun then walked towards those beauties and offered one to each other them. She just watched them swallow it one by one. It was not that those beauties didn't hesitate. But thinking of the former bloody scene, they had to swallow it with their eyes closed. Everyone looked panicked after taking it, only afraid they'd die the next second. That kind of things couldn't be more common in those big families.

After about half an hour, Ling Yun finally finished. Ling Jingxuan straightened his body and swept over each other them, "What I gave you is specially-made poison I made. Don't worry. It won't show effect immediately. As long as you behave, seven days later, I will give you part of the antidote. Don't try to ask someone else for the detoxication. It's no use. Except me myself, no one can detoxify it."

"My crown princess, please show mercy..."

Hearing him, those beauties and their maids all knelt down. Ling Jingxuan impatiently raised his hand to stop them, and then suddenly said sharply, "Someone who gives up and only wants to die, stand out. I won't force you. Seven days later, the poison will spread inside, and finally you'll die with all your guts and intestines rotting."

If he remembered correctly, ancient people cared about whether their bodies would be complete after they died, right? Even if they were not afraid of death, they still wanted to die with a complete body.

"We will all follow your order!"

"We will all follow your order!"

As his words came out, everyone hurriedly expressed their loyalty. Who would want to die as long as one had a chance? Although before offering them here, their former masters had told them to captivate His Highness and win his favor, for their convenience in the future. But compared to their own lives, that so-called loyalty was nothing at all.

"Good, but I would like to talk about the worst situation at first. Whoever dares betray me, I will let you die more miserably than those people today."

Everyone couldn't help but shrink their necks, the trembling body shook more violently. Ling Jingxuan who took everything in his eyes nodded with satisfaction, "Don't worry. I won't harm you. Later, I will offer you to those big families. As for how to seduce the masters of those big families, I guess you don't need me to teach you, right? My only request is, whichever family you would be offered to, you got to remember that try all your means to mess up their whole backyard. When necessary, I don't mind giving you a hand with His Highness' title. With His Highness and me as your back, I guess the hostesses wouldn't be too hard on you. If you can get pregnant, maybe you will win yourselves a good future. Seven days later, I will check your outcome, and I will let someone give you part of the antidote. If you behave, I will let someone send you the antidote periodically every year. Remember! The antidote only works for one year. If you want to live, better not play tricks. Otherwise, don't blame me if you die."

His life principle was, if others don't offend him, he wouldn't offend others. But anyone who made his days bad, he'd let the other side's whole family sorry. Those women were bad, but those behind them were even worse. He was only doing it for an eye for an eye. Some other time, he'd 'thank' those people one by one, and collect the interests for supporting their people for so long. As for His Majesty and the empress dowager, he'd leave it there for now. Some day, he'd let them pay!

"We will all follow your orders."

Finally survived, those beauties all secretly let out a long sigh of relief. Then Ling Jingxuan took the booklet and called the rolls and nominated them to different big families. It took him another half an hour to settle all of them. Looking at the empty yard, smelling the bloody smell in the air, Ling Jingxuan finally felt not that mad.

"How many people are there in your shadow guards?"

Standing up to stretch, Ling Jingxuan suddenly turned his head and asked. Yan Shengrui picked his eyebrows, "As many as you ask for. You only need to give Yan Yi the order."

As his words fell, Yan Shengrui snapped his fingers, then Yan Yi came out of nowhere quietly. To be honest, even he was kind of afraid of this crown princess. His means of punishing people or killing people were already cruel enough. And his means of offering beauties to those big families looked gentle on the surface, but it was like a wolf in sheep's clothing. And the damage he could bring to the enemies should be permanent. Maybe in only a few days, those big families should all put on a show, right?

"Send your shadow guards to guard all entrances and exits of the mansion. See whose servants or maids would get out and whom they contact with. Don't capture or alarm them. Only write down their names. I will have my judgment."

As Yan Shengrui hadn't been in the mansion all the year round, he guessed in the mansion should have eyes of all those big families and even those members of the imperial family, right? It was not that he had never thought of clearing them all. But the mansion was so huge, they needed people to run it. If he cleared too many people all of a sudden, he'd only alerts those people in the darkness, and also bring himself a lot of trouble. Besides, no one could guarantee that the new servants or maids he would buy wouldn't be others' eyes. Those human traders should all keep a good relationship with those big families. Like Guarantor Liu. If those he bought from those human traders were some others' eyes, it'd only make it more dangerous. So, he'd rather use those people in the mansion now. Today, such a big thing happened in their mansion. Those people would definitely go spread the news. He could take this chance to grasp their background, and then transfer all of them to do those tough jobs. As for the inner yard, he'd train a group of people he could trust, with the tight-inside-but-loose-outside way to protect the kids.


With a flash, Yan Yi disappeared. Ling Jingxuan felt much relieved now, and finally revealed a hearty smile. Watching such a him, Yan Shengrui and Zeng Shaoqing both smiled. More or less, they had guessed out what he wanted, and generated admiration of him from deep inside. Few people could still maintain his rationality and smartness like him under fury, right?

Chapter end

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