499. Someone from His Empress' Palace (1)

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The Blessed Chapter 499

Zhao&Han couple moved out, and since Tiewa had been living in Yuehua Manor when in Ling Village, so when they left, Han Fei told him that they’d be busy doing business outside and had no time to take care of him, so Tiewa had to stay in the mansion. So, Tiewa didn’t cry or what, instead, he even promised that he’d listen to adoptive father and daddy’s words, even Han Fei himself nearly shed tears himself.

Falling Rain Yard was completed that very night under the little buns’ supervision. And the new tatami nearly took up half of the room, big enough to Dahei and Xiaohei to roll and play on it. At first, Ling Jingxuan even planned to make a single room for Chubby and Plump, after they were pandas while wolf daddy and his sons were wolves. But they totally didn’t appreciate it at all. And now, two different species got along so well. Dahei and Xiaohei took care of Chubby and Plump like they were their younger brothers, and Chubby and Plump also liked acting cute before wolf daddy.

Outside in the courtyard, in imitation of a modern zoo, it had the panda enclosure, a lot of realistic artificial trees, amusement facilities, and what made wolf daddy and others most satisfied was that it was a pond in the middle. As long as the workers finished, Dahei and Xiaohei ran to the main house to invite Ling Jingxuan over. After quite a while, Ling Jingxuan finally understood that they wanted him to pour some water from his Crescent Spring into it. While finding it so amused, Ling Jingxuan couldn’t help saying they were so smart!

With Zeng Shaoqing’s covering, it wouldn’t be a big problem to make the business big. And Shopkeeper Zhang was so experienced. In the past year, Zhao Dalong and Han Fei had learned a lot from him. So, it wouldn’t be a problem leaving it to them. So, Ling Jingxuan planned not to interfere anymore. Now, he had plenty of money, but if he just left it there and didn’t spend it, money would lose its use. So, opening a hospital became the first thing he wanted to do after coming to the capital.

For this goal, Zhao Shan and others had all been studying hard, so they’d be competent to receive patients when the hospital was opened. But the priority now was to get those storefronts and then let Zhao Dalong forge a batch of medical devices. Most importantly, he had to make some propaganda shocking enough for the whole capital.

“My crown princess, someone sent by Her Empress is here.”

In the morning, Yan Shengrui had to attend the morning court meeting, and for Ling Jingxuan, after making arrangements at home, he asked Steward Zhu to buy a few reliable maids and servants, twenty in total, all for Ling Yun to train. Just as he sat down in the hall and considered how to contact that Crown Princess Hua and buy the storefronts from him, Steward Zhu came in.

Someone from Yunhan?

Hearing that, Ling Jingxuan raised his head and then looked over him and then saw a woman and an eunuch standing outside. Then he slowly stood straightly and he waved at Steward Zhu signaling him to let them in.

“Chunxiang(Zhao An) pay respect to your crown princess!”

As the two of them stepped in the middle of the hall, they got on their knees. The women called Chunxiang was thirty years old tops, while that eunuch called Zhao An, wasn’t he that one who announced the imperial decree when in Ling Village last time? Was his Yunhan’s people? Shouldn’t he be His Majesty’s people?

“Save it. Any order from His Empress?”

Picking up the tea cup and slightly pushing the tea leaves floating on the surface of the tear with the lid, Ling Jingxuan was in no hurry to take a sip. His eyes looked casual, but actually swept over at them with calculation. Someone sent by Yunhan, but also the eunuch who announced the imperial decree on behalf of His Majesty, interesting!

“My crown princess, here is the thing. The imperial banquet will be held the day after tomorrow. His Empress is afraid you may not be clear of the etiquettes and manners in the palace since you are new here, he specially sent me to teach you and the little dukes.”

Chunxaing was an old mammy in the palace. Of the eight maids of Chu Yunhan when he married into the palace, four of them had died in the harem fight. The other three were Xiaxiang, Qiuxiang and Dingxiang. The reason Chu Yunhan could have run out of the palace was their credit. At the time, none of them had ever thought that they could survive. After His Majesty found that His Empress had gone, he blew his top and ordered to kill all people in Fuqing Palace. The eight servants Chu Yunhan brought from his family when he married into the palace all died. They were lucky, for His Majesty suddenly stopped the punishment and let them wait in Fuqing Palace for His Empress to come back and sealed Fuqing Palace that day. Now His Empress had been back and resumed his position as the empress, of course they became his trustworthy people.

“Thank His Empress for me then. What are you doing here? I don’t think teaching etiquettes needs a eunuch.”

After days of his iron hand doings, now people outside all said that he is a demon, a monster. But Ling Jingxuan didn’t give it a sh*t at all, but only tried to consolidate it. Instead of letting others respect him, he’d rather let them fear of them from deep of their hearts. Anyway, he never planned to keep on good terms with anyone here. They more scared they were of him, the quieter life he could live.

Although Eunuch Zhao had ever seen him once, it was just a quick glance. Now seeing that he still acted so arrogant before someone sent by His Empress, his body shouldn’t help shivering and he immediately forced a smile and said, “His Majesty sent me here to serve the little dukes. His Majesty said that it’s the first time the little dukes will go into the palace, so they’d be scared, so His Majesty specially sends me here to serve them.”

Of course, also tried to sound out what Crown Princess Sheng was like. But before him, of course he wouldn’t say that.

“No need. As the little dukes are going into the palace, of course they’ll stay by my side, they don’t need a eunuch to be around. You should go. And convey my thanks to His Majesty.”

However, Ling Jingxuan refused His Majesty’s ‘kindness’ without thinking. Eunuch Zhao couldn’t help freezing there. This crown princess is so arrogant! He even dare turn down His Majesty’s good intention! And so straightforwardly! Couldn’t he be a little euphemistic? Now he even didn’t know how to respond!

“My crown princess, Eunuch Zhao is a senior in Fuan Palace. Since he was young, he has stayed by His Majesty’s side, and he is even much more familiar of those palace etiquettes than I do. So, I’m begging you to let him stay and help me train the little dukes.”

Chunxiang suddenly cut in. Ling Jingxuan’s eyes flashed as he waved his hand, “All right. Anyway, it’s His Majesty’s good intention. Steward Zhu, take them down to have some rest. Later, let the kids go greet them after they come back from their adventure.”

“Yes, my crown princess. Please come with me.”

Steward Zhu on the side respectfully moved forward. Chuxiang still wanted to say something, but shut up under Ling Jingxuan’s stern look, and then backed out with Zhao An after thanking him.

“Shifu, someone from the palace again?”

Chapter end

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