1. ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇᴡ ᴘʀᴏɢʀᴀᴍ

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Leon POV:

I lean my head against the window, hating my life right now. It's pretty fucking ironic that even six years later I'm still where I began.

"We're about five minutes away." The driver tells me, but I already know this. The government wouldn't put a secret agent training facility in the middle of a city, hence why we're deep into the forest, long away from people and anyone who would stumble across this place on their Sunday hike. I glance down at my watch, when I look up again the compound comes into view.

Home sweet fucking home. Or at least it used to be for a couple of years, when I was still reeling from the events of Raccoon City and didn't know what to do, and being naive and young I agreed to become an agent for the government, but it was more like threatened really.

The driver stops and I climb out, the smell of pine and rain in the air tickles my nose, but I ignore it. I still don't know why I'm here, and why the newly acquainted boss, Kingston, asked me to pack heavily.

I grab my duffel bag from the back of the car and head into the biggest building where the food hall and main rooms are, Kingston's office should be on the right. I nod at a few fellow agents as I pass them, then knock on the door with the obvious sign.

'Matthew Kingston'

What a joke.

"Come in." A gruff voice calls out. I take a calming breath before heading in, Kingston stands, he looks about twenty years my senior but in good shape, with graying hair and light stubble, I can tell by the way he holds himself that he's been in the field more than I ever want to be.

"Leon, it's good to finally meet you at last, I've heard brilliant things about you." Kingston begins, but I just nod to be polite.

He sighs, running a hand over his face as he gestures for me to take a seat. The office is surprisingly nice, with oak furniture and fancy paintings, this guy must've been some rich higher class back in his prime, clearly he's still got some kind of superiority complex.

"You're probably wondering why you're here and not out there fighting the bad guys, am I right?" He smiles, I nod again.

"Yeah," I mumble just so I don't seem too pissed off, can't have him getting the wrong impression.

Kingston takes a breath. "As you know, every few years the government recruits fresh faces to join the cause," I snort, but Kingston continues, "this year the president wants more agents ready at a faster rate."

"This place isn't a breeding pen, these are people we're talking about." I snap.

Kingston nods apologetically, "Yes, you're right, sorry. But either way, in order for the agents in training to learn faster, it's been suggested that they be taught by the best, the ones who've been in action and know how the game better than anyone."

"You want me to be a teacher? I don't think so-" I begin to stand up and grab my bag, but Kingston puts his hand out for me to wait.

"A one to one basis. You've already been assigned to someone."

My eyes widen in surprise mixed with a flare of anger. "So what, I don't have a say?"

Kingston smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes. "You know you don't. It's an order from the higher ups."

I sigh, rubbing my eyes as I slump down in the chair again. "Fine. So what young boy am I trying to turn into a killing machine?" I sarcastically ask.

Kingston pulls out a file from under a stack of papers, sliding it on the desk over to me. I glance at it then back at him before plucking it up and flicking through, my eyes narrow as I double take.

"No." I simply say, throwing it down onto the desk and crossing my arms. Kingston's face changes, his lips purse together as he tries to contain his anger, clearly nobody stands up to him much, I'm beginning to think this guy is an asshole in a disguise.

"Leon I've already told you, you don't have a-"

"Choice. You've mentioned that." I finish, looking down at the file and the photo staring back at me. "She's a young girl, she shouldn't be forced into this."

"She's twenty one, if I'm right you started training at the same age, and look how you turned out." I stare at Kingston, "Besides, she's not being forced into it, she wanted to, offered even."

I find that hard to believe, but then again crazier things have happened. I unfold my arms and look out of the window to my right where rain begins to fall from the grey skies. Yep, just like home.

"So when does this shit show begin?" I ask, clenching my fists as I stand and grab my bag, the sooner this begins the sooner I can get back to actually doing something useful, or taking a vacation, either one works for me.

"Today. The recruits are arriving soon so you better go unpack and remember where everything is. Your room is Krauser's old one." Kingston says, standing up and walking around the desk to me. I stiffen as he puts a hand on my shoulder, resisting the urge to punch the guy.

"It's good to have you here," I nod and turn around, pulling away from him as I quickly head to the door, "Oh and Leon?"

I turn, "Fix that attitude of yours before you meet her."

I huff and do a salute. I head to my room as fast as I can, desperate to have some time to myself to think all this over. It's bad enough I'm stuck in this place yet again, but if Kingston thinks he can boss me around he's got another thing coming, good luck to Y/N for dealing with me, because I'm not making this easy for anyone.

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