7. ʟɪꜰᴇ ɪ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ʜᴀᴅ

885 41 51

I knock on the door to Kingston's office, hearing a "come in" I do as I'm told, my fingers toy with the zip of my hoodie as I anxiously go in, wondering why I've been called to a sudden meeting with the boss of this entire operation.

Am I being kicked out of training?
Did they find out about Leon and I?
Has Leon got his own way yet?

Kingston smiles at me from behind the desk and gestures for me to take a seat. I do but can't relax, I must look stiff because even Kingston quirks up an eyebrow.

"Are you alright?"

I nod, giving him a tight lipped smile that doesn't reach my eyes. "Yeah, just tired."

Kingston nods in understanding as he pulls out a file, I notice my name on the front and it's thick, full of reports in neat handwriting, it must be Leon's.

"You're wondering why I called you in here I suspect?" Kingston begins, I take a deep breath as I nod, getting myself ready for the impact of whatever he's about to reveal to me. "I've been watching your training closely, and as predicted you're progressing at an extraordinary rate, you're the top of the group in almost all areas, did you know that?"

My eyes widen as pride fills me, but I don't bask in celebration yet, a sense of something more fills me. Somethings about to happen, I know it.

"Hmm, I guess Leon hasn't told you that you're almost ready for the field either then?"

My mouth drops open, but before I can say something Kingston continues. "Leon doesn't think you're ready, but I digress. I'm concerned his worry for you clouds his judgement, but at the end of the day I'm the boss here, and what I say goes."

I nod politely, "Absolutely sir, but I'm still unsure why you arranged a meeting..." I lead off, fidgeting in my seat.

Kingston smiles and pulls out another file, it has Top Secret written on the front, but he still slides it over to me. "I want you to assist Leon on a small mission, consider it an assignment if you will. All the information is in that file but I'll give you the run down; there's a man who's been experimenting on people, trying to combine animal genetics with corpses, reanimating them successfully to create a new kind of biological weapon. We need him gone."

I think it over, nodding. "An assassination?"

Kingston nods solemnly. "Yes. The man's name is Byron, he'll be staying at a hotel only a few hours from here on Saturday, your mission is to wait it out and kill him when you have the chance. Cover it up and leave. Mission accomplished."

The thought of being sent on my first mission excites me, but at the same time I'm suddenly anxious, not ready for the weight of this kind of responsibility. However, if I'm to be a good agent, I know I've got to follow orders and not ask questions. Byron is a dangerous man and will probably hurt many people, what I'll be doing is good.

"I'll do it." I smile, Kingston grins and winks at me.

"One last thing, you and Leon will have to pose as...lovers of some kind for the situation to be believable, so you'll be there Friday night for people to see you, that way it won't look suspicious."

My smile drops to my feet. Leon and I still aren't exactly on good terms, but it's going to have to be put aside for now, the mission is more important.


I stare out of the window as Leon drives, it's dark by time we reach the fancy hotel but I'm too riled up to feel tired. As soon as Leon parks up he steps out of the car and comes over to my side, opening the door for me and helping me out. I force a smile as he closes the door behind me and rests a hand on my lower back, his other hand holds the bag full of our essentials and weapons to kill Byron.

"Well don't you two look like the sweetest couple!" The lady at the check in desk exclaims, pressing her hands together as Leon leans into me, pressing a hasty kiss to my cheek to exaggerate the point.

"Yeah, we're so happy." I force out, grabbing Leon's arm as he takes the key card from her. The woman winks as we turn away, heading for the elevator.

As soon as the door closes and we're alone Leon pulls away from me, cursing under his breath. I shoot him a glare and take a calming breath.

"I'm not exactly happy with this arrangement either." I mumble. Leon shakes his head and grabs my hand just as the door opens, I resist the urge to slap him away as we come face to face with another couple, kissing away without a care in the world.

My heart skips a beat as I reminisce the feeling of Leon's lips on mine, but I shake it off and step around them, frowning as I walk to our room.

"You've gotta be kidding me." I sigh, staring at the double bed. Leon huffs a laugh as he closes the door and throws the bag on the bed.

"I'm not sleeping on the floor." He snips out. I flip him off and take my heels off, glad we grabbed some snacks before getting here, I couldn't possibly fake a dinner with Leon.

I open the bag and begin eating some of the food I bought as Leon heads to the bathroom. When he comes out a few minutes later he's dressed for bed, once again in those damn grey sweatpants and a black tight fitting tee. I avoid his eyes and switch on the TV, it's a shit movie but it's better than the awkward silence between us.

"You can't ignore me forever." Leon sighs, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans against the wall. I flip him off again and stand, putting my rubbish in the bin and grabbing my pyjamas from the bag.

I head to the bathroom but Leon blocks my way. "Please." He desperately says. I look up into his eyes and cross my own arms, a battle of defiance.

"Well what do you want me to say? You hate me then you save me. You go back to being cold but then you kiss me and sleep beside me. You try to get away from me but now you're stuck with me. Don't you see why I'm so fucking mad at you?" I snap, my breath coming fast by time I'm done.

Leon's eyes soften as he reaches out, but I side step around him and rush into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. I compose myself as I get ready for bed, and when I come out I expect Leon to be pissed off, but he's not.

He's sat on the end of the bed with his head in his hands. I frown and sit beside him, feeling guilty for snapping. "To be fair you asked for it..." I mumble, nudging him with my elbow. It's odd seeing him like this, he's usually so tough.

Right now he looks like he's on the edge of breaking.


He looks up at me, his eyes sad. "I didn't know how much I was hurting you, I never thought you cared enough for it to affect you so much."

I'm taken aback by his pure honesty, so I decide to reciprocate. "I did. I do." I put my hand on Leon's arm, "Why did you hate me so much when we first met?"

Leon lets out a shuddery sigh and stares at the floor. "It wasn't you. It could never be you. I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact you wanted to waste your life working for the government, especially when I didn't have a choice. I guess I'm still grieving for the life I never got to have, and I was jealous you still had a future."

I'm lost for words. I lean forward, cupping Leon's cheek as he closes his eyes. Nevermind our past, I know how I feel right now, and I'm acting on it even if it hurts again later. I press my lips to Leon's softly, he kisses back but then he pulls away, looking at me for the first time with...love.

"I never lied to you. I can't stay away from you, you're all I think about, you're all I want. I never thought I could be happy again until I met you, even when you tested me, broke down my walls and left me vulnerable, and I don't hate it. Not one bit. You know why? It's because you're the only person I've got left to care about, and as much as I want to run away, I know I'll always come back to you."

Tears fill my eyes from Leon's confession, "You've hurt me, but I forgive you because I know what it's like to try and disconnect from things that could hurt you. I would throw away everything for you Leon." I murmur.

Leon smiles and grabs the back of my legs, pulling me onto him so I'm straddling his waist. He kisses me deeply as I pull at his clothes, he pulls on mine until we're skin on skin. Our breaths mix. Our bodies connect. Our souls intertwine and I know once we're both lying side by side and out of breath, that I'm in love with Leon Kennedy.

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