3. ʜᴀʀꜱʜ ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴛɪᴇꜱ

929 46 66

Leon throws a punch, I duck just in time and throw one of my own, but he grabs my hand in record time and twists my wrist. I let out a squeak of pain and bring my knee up to his privates, but he moves and swoops out a leg, I'm falling backwards and I hit the floor hard, I'll just add a bruise to my back to my ever growing list of injuries.

"You're still not getting any better. I thought you said you were good?" Leon snaps, turning his back on me as he runs a hand through his hair.

It's been a month since we met, and everyday since has been torture. The training itself isn't bad, I mean I'd rather not do the cardio but it's a requirement, however Leon just seems to have it in for me, and I don't even know why. At the firing range he just ignores me, combat is the worse as he just seems to get a kick out of hurting me, and it's not always physical, but the worst part of this whole thing is his hate towards me, he refuses to talk to me outside of our lessons, and unlike the other teams who seem to get along, Leon just loves to give me the cold shoulder.

"That's enough for today, go get a drink." Leon instructs. I flip him off behind his back and walk out of the combat building, making my way along the path towards the main building, but all of a sudden hands grab me from behind from the bushes, I don't bother making any noise, it won't matter.

I stomp as hard as I can on the person's foot and they let go, but it's not time to celebrate yet, I turn and see three of my fellow recruits staring at me viciously, I knew since the first day that they didn't like me, and now they've resorted to what? Bullying? Trying to off me?

"Hey," I mumble without a smile, then immediately I throw a punch to the first one closest. He grunts and moves out of the way as the other two grab my arms, I twist but their grip is too strong, and they pull me deeper into the forest. "Get the fuck off of me!" I shout, panic flooding me but I try to stay calm. They obviously don't listen, and once we're in an open space they drop me.

Straight away I stand straighter and raise my fists, looking for a weapon or something I can use. "You're weak. You shouldn't be here with us."

I scoff, "Aren't you boys a little too old for bullying?" I tease. One growls and grabs my hair, I shriek and turn my head, biting his arm as hard as I can. He howls in pain and releases me, but the other two use my distraction to punch me. I fly on my ass, my mouth fills with blood as the other two grab hold of me once again, I'm weak from training and all of this, so I just slump and wait for impact.

I look up and my eyes widen as I see Leon watch from the trees, his eyes are wide and full of fury, his fists are clenched to the point where his knuckles are white. He looks murderous, but he isn't moving.

A punch to my jaw stirs me out of my thoughts, they drop me as I crawl backwards, wiping the blood from my mouth and wincing at the pain.

Fuck Leon for not helping.
Fuck them for doing this to me.

Pure rage takes over as I grab a nearby rock and launch it at one of their heads. They fall down unconscious. The other two look at me amazed, but then grin. I beckon a finger for them to come closer and they look to each other then shrug.

The first one approaches and I use my adrenaline to kick him in the privates, he doubles over and I launch my knee into his face. He falls down beside the other.

The final one storms to me, and I use his momentum to grab the back of his head and slam it against a nearby tree, he falls with his nose all mushed up and bleeding. I raise mh fist when arms suddenly encircle me, holding me to a muscled chest.

"That's enough!" Leon frustratedly snaps into my ear. I relax against him as he releases me, I turn and shove him, he stumbles but I don't care, I storm my way through the forest and to my room, ignoring the odd looks the other mentors and agents give me.

Once in my room I fall to the floor near by bed, tears filling my eyes. My entire body aches and I'm admittedly shaken. I'm scared. I'm-

The door opens and Leon rages in, slamming it behind him. In his hands is a first aid kit, his face falls as he finally takes in the damage, but he doesn't move to help, he just throws the kit on the bed and turns for the door.

"You're an asshole!" I snap, standing up with a grunt, "You only dragged me away because I was winning, I bet you loved seeing me get hurt like that, maybe you're the reason it happened."

Leon slowly turns to me, his eyes narrow as he prowls towards me, but I don't back down. Toe to toe our breaths mingle, his heavy from anger, mine from something else.

"If you think for one second that I liked seeing that, then you really are stupid." Leon reaches out and cups my face, his thumb brushes some blood away from my lip, "I wanted to break every bone in their body for even touching you," he whipsers, "but if I got involved, if I'd have intervened then they'd assume you're what they say; weak. You needed to stand up to them yourself for them to learn."

I purse my lips, knowing Leon is right. "But why did you stop me?" I mumble, averting my eyes to the floor.

"Because if I didn't I wouldn't have let you kill them." Leon replies, his forehead presses mine for a second before he completely steps away and leaves.

I'm left alone with his lingering touch. I'm confused and angry. Leon hates me and does everything to make my life harder, yet what the fuck was that all about?

This man is hot and cold, and I'm beginning to wonder if he really does hate me deep down, or is there some ulterior motive?

I sigh and grab the first aid kit, sitting down I begin to clean my cuts and bruises, determined to not let this all affect me.

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