Chapter #19: Hero Names

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Three days had passed since the fight between the Power Rangers and Overhaul and several things happened.

The first thing was that Nighteye gather a group of heroes, such as Fatgum, Ryukyu, Frost and Dynamite, and raided the Yakuza residence. They were able to arrest and detain some of the yakuza members while some manage to escape. They also discover a underground passages that lead to the secret laboratory where they found evidence of all the experiments, they did to Eri, the plans for the creation of the quirk bullets and all the crimes they have committed over the years. But unfortunately, they didn't fine anything related to Lord Zedd.

The second thing was that Overhaul was transported an lock away at S.P.D prison, same as Wolfarm. where he's waiting to be interrogated.

And lastly theirs Eri and Raphtalia, the Commissioner decided that Izuku would be the one responsible in looking after the two of them, since they didn't have any other family relatives, and besides the two of them only trusted Izuku and Alita the most, because they were the ones who spent a lot of time together over the last three days.

Izuku agreed to take care of Eri and Raphtalia without any hesitation. Even Nezu agreed with the idea, he even made Cementoss expand Izuku room to allow Eri and Raphtalia beds to fit in, and he also said that he was going to help teach the basic to Eri and Raphtalia while Izuku was in class.

Then came the day that Eri and Raphtalia move in with Izuku to the dorm where they were well receive by The Rangers and Izuku's friends. While the other half of Class 1-A, the neglecters, they either dint care or dint approached them, but Mineta wanted to do and say something stupid to them, but he never got an opportunity because all the girls gave him a glared that said 'If you mess with them your dead' and that scared him. Anyways, at first both Eri and Raphtalia where a bit scared because they were never surrounded by so many people, but Izuku told them that all of them are his friend and that they can trust them, so they did. It took some time but their managing well, but they still have a bit of trust issues.

But we all know that they'll be ok.


It's a Friday morning, more specific six in the morning. Most students are seen waking up and getting ready because classes start in two hours. But if we go to Class 1-A most of its members are still sleeping, but there were only a few people who were awake and they were the Power Rangers, who had just got back from their morning training. But this training was different from what they were used to do, because this time they were join by Kirishima, Kaminari, Shinso and Azumi.

The reason why Kirishima, Kaminari and Shinso join them was because Izuku recommend it so they can improve their stamina, strength and concentration to be able to handle their Ranger powers well, because what Kirishima and Kaminari didn't know was that using their Ranger powers consumes a lot of their physical energy and stamina, so that's why Izuku told them to join them, and they agreed. But the reason Azumi was with them is because Izuku was helping her develop her Shoot Style.

So that same day Izuku made them wake up at four in the morning to begin their training. They first started with thirty minutes of stretching and then ran fifteen laps around the entire field of the University, which where another thirty minutes. After the fifteen laps they took a ten-minute break to catch their breath and drink water, then they went to the university gym and did forty minutes of lifting weights and the remaining ten minutes were spent doing yoga.

While on the other hand Azumi wasn't doing the yoga part because Izuku made her practices different fighting and kicking styles, with 200-pound weights tied to her feet.

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