Chapter #23: Start of the Internship

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It was a Monday morning, which means that it's time to get up early an go to work. But today was somewhat especial for Class 1-A because today marks the very first day of the Internship. 

And that is why the scene begins at the Hiroshima Bullet Train Station, where Class 1-A could be seeing listening to Aizawa.

Aizawa: "Everyone has your costumes on, right?"

Then class didn't need to answer because you could see that some had their suitcase in their hand and others had some luggage for the month they were going to spend in their internships.

Aizawa: "Remember, you're still not allowed to wear them in public" "And one more thing please don't lose them, they're not cheap to make"

Yotsuba/Mina: "You can leave it to me!!" -they yelled as they excitedly lifted their own suitcase-

Aizawa: "Speak politely, its 'Yes sir' Nakano, Ashido"-scolding both of them-

Yotsuba/Mina: "Yes sir..." -they both grumble making some in the class laugh-

Aizawa: "Now make sure you behave well and take care of your manners" "This isn't school, University or a game, it's a real hero's job where lives are in risk" "Now dismiss"

Class: "Yes Sir!!!!"

With that most of the students walked towards the trains to go to the selected agency, while others began to say goodbye to their friends.

The first group were Satou, Awase, Monoma and Mineta

Satou: "Wish you guys good luck"

Monoma: "Well obviously luck has always been by my side" "If it weren't why would Best Jean sent me an offer"

Awase: "Yeah man I'm so jealous the No.4 hero sent you an offer"

Monoma: "Thats because we know that I'm the best"

Mineta: "Yeah you are"

Satou: "Well I best be going before the train leaves me"

Mineta: "Your right we should as well"

Awase: "When the internships are over, I'll be stronger than before"

Monoma: "Not as strong as me"

After that they all went their separate ways an enter their respected trains.

Now with the second group which was form by most of the girls.

Mina: "I'm going to miss you guys"

Momo: "Mina it just going to be one month"

Mina: "But still I'll miss you"

Tooru: "But hey look at the Brightside at least you're not alone me and Setsuna are going with you"

Setsuna: "Yeah it's going to be fun"

Kendo: "Now, now remember what Aizawa-sensei said this isn't a game, so we must be on our best behavior"

Tooru: "Oh come on Itsuka don't be like that"

Momo: "But she's right as U.A students and future hero we must be on our best behavior and followed the rules"

Setsuna: "Ok Mom well behave" -she said sarcastically with a smug grin- 

Momo:  -a vein pop on her head- "Don't call me that!!!"

Momo:  -a vein pop on her head- "Don't call me that!!!"

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