Chapter #20: Old Friend Part 1

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It was a Saturday night, and you could see the starts shining through the dark skies, buildings illuminated the city, restaurants and bars packed with people as they enjoy their weekends while others are at home spending time with their own family.

But at U.A University you could see that most of the students were packing their bags because they were getting ready for the Internships, which began Monday. The same can be said about Class 1-A because if we go to their dorm, you could see that most of the class where in their room getting their luggage ready for the Internship while others were at the common room still reading all the offers, they received so they can choose where to go.

Yotsuba: "Man I still don't know where to go!!!" -throwing the papers into the air due to frustration-

Camie: "Wow calm down Yotsuba just take a breath an relax"

Yotsuba: "Is just this is so frustrating" "I don't know where to go"

Saiko: "How about I leaned you a hand?"

Yotsuba: "Are you sure?"

Saiko: "Yeah besides I already chosen where I wanted to go" -she grabs one of Yotsuba's papers an began reading it- "Mhm"

Yotsuba: "What is it?"

Saiko: "Well reading this I found two candidates that could help you"

Yotsuba: "Who?"

Saiko: " The first one is Backdraft and the other one is Gunhead"

Yotsuba: "But why?"

Saiko: "Think of it like this" "Backdraft quirk allows him to have great control over the water he could help you develop your energy manipulation"

Yotsuba nod as she kind of understood what she meant.

Saiko: "And with Gunhead he could help you improve your hand-to-hand combat since that's one of your weaknesses and because you can't always depend on your quirk in battle"

Yotsuba: "Ooooh now I get it" -she ran and gave Saiko a hug- "Thank you Sai-chan now I know what to do!!!!!"

Saiko: "Your welcome Yotsuba"

Camie: "So which agency did you all choose, or you still haven't pick one yet/"

Tooru: "I still haven't decided yet"

Yui: "Same here"

Ibara: "Me as well"

Miku: "I already pick mine"

Nino: "Oh where are you going Miku?"

Miku: "To Edgeshot agency"

Uraraka: "Wait you receive an offer by Edgeshot, that's so cool!!"

Miku: "I know right, I hope he can help me improve my swords skills even more" "And what about you Ochako have you decided where to go?"

Uraraka: "Well I got and invitation from Ryukyu"

Mina: "Wow the No. 9 hero that awesome Ochako!!!!"

Uraraka: "I know, but I wasn't the only one who got an invitation right Tsu?"

Tsuyu: *Kero* "Indeed I also received an invitation from Ryukyu"

Ichika: "Congratulations I hope you learn a lot from her"

Uraraka/Tsuyu: "Thanks"

Tsuyu: "Ichika-chan did you already decided? " *Kero*

Ichika: "I sure did I'll be attending Uwabami agency"

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