Chapter 2

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Gasping, Scoups opens his eyes and sits straight. He's sweating and his hands are shaking while the black-haired male tries to control his breathing again. Ever since he got in jail, Scoups has these terrible nightmares and the black-haired male hoped that they would end when he got free, but apparently, they're still here. And as if that isn't enough, Scoups also has Chan's stupid voice inside his head, making him feel useless and dumb.
"Still having nightmares, huh? I told you that I would make your life hell", Chan scoffs and Scoups places his hands in his hair.
"Ugh, just shut up", he mumbles frustrated.
"Wow, I didn't even say anything", another voice sounds from behind him and surprised, Scoups turns around to face Dino. Because of his thoughts, the black-haired male didn't notice the brunette walking in.
"How long have you been standing there?" Scoups asks, hoping that Dino didn't notice anything of Scoups' nightmare.
"Long enough to know that you have a very strange morning routine", Dino answers and Scoups lets his head hang low defeated.
"Not that I care," Dino continues, "but are you all right?" Scoups looks up surprised and can't help but notice the small worry in Dino's voice. A little smile forms itself on Scoups' mouth knowing that the brunette still cares, even though he doesn't want to show it.
"I'm fine", Scoups waves it off. As much as he wants to open up to the brunette, he knows that Dino won't understand him. Dino won't even try to and Scoups knows that it's just stupid to even try to change the brunette's mind.
"You're lying," Dino scoffs, "but it's not like I expected you to tell me the truth anyways." Scoups' eyes darken with sadness and strangely, the black-haired male feels hurt. It's like these two years have been changing Dino a lot, so much that even Scoups doesn't seem to recognize him anymore. With an aching pain in his heart, Scoups realizes that this is Chan all over again. And to be honest, it's Scoups' biggest fear. Dino sighs and wants to leave, but Scoups stops him.
"Wait", Scoups says firmly and the brunette stops his track.
"We can't go on like this, Dino", Scoups continues and the brunette slowly turns around to face his roommate. Dino's eyes seem to carry so much tears that they might explode and Scoups knows that deep down, this is all his fault. It's only now that Scoups realizes how much his decision to go to jail affected Dino.
"You're right", Dino agrees as he runs his hand through his hair.
"So this is it?" the brunette adds after a short silence. Scoups looks up confused.
"What do you mean?" the black-haired male asks and Dino looks at him hurt.
"I'm just going to pull a Wonwoo and leave the house?" Dino explains and Scoups stands up triggered. This was not what he wanted at all.
"If you're going to pull a Wonwoo and leave the house," Scoups states while he walks closer towards Dino, "I hope that this building explodes with me in it." Dino blinks startled while their faces are only inches apart. For a moment the two males stare at each other in silence and Scoups looks at the brunette hopeful.
"You should brush your teeth, your breath stinks", is the only thing Dino says before turning around and leaving a startled Scoups behind. The black-haired male sighs defeated, history is repeating itself all over again.


Dino's mind is racing while his feet are bringing him to Wonwoo's apartment. He hasn't seen his best friend in two years and he deffinetly needs his comfort right now. Did Scoups really mean what he said? The brunette knows that his roommate still cares about him, but Dino just can't let him in. It's pretty ironic that he only saw Scoups from the whole group, even though he's the one Dino didn't even want to see in the first place.
"Dino?" Wonwoo's eyes lock with the brunette while they're standing in front of each other in the hallway. A wide smile forms itself on the brunette's face while he hugs his best friend tight.
"Oh, how I've missed you!" Dino exclaims happily. Although the two friends have called a lot, Dino still misses Wonwoo's presence.
"What are you doing here?" the black-haired male with glasses asks curiously when they both pull away.
"I've decided to visit you because I missed you and I also need your advise", Dino says excited and Wonwoo chuckles.
"I should start asking money for my advice", Wonwoo says jokingly and they both laugh a little before Wonwoo opens the door and walks in with his groceries. Almost immediately, Mingyu's voice is noticeable from inside.
"Wonwoo, you're finally home! I almost-" The taller male's voice gets cut off when he sees Dino and he smiles happily seeing the brunette.
"Ah, Dino! You're back!" he says and they hug quickly. Dino smiles back while he examines the room a bit. It seems like nothing really has changed, except for Wonwoo's and Mingyu's hair. Mingyu's black hair is a bit longer and curls more, while Wonwoo's black hair is shorter, way shorter.
"Yeah, I decided to go for a fresh look", Wonwoo explains as he notices Dino staring at his hair. Dino smiles and they all sit down.
"So uhh, how's the team?" Dino asks curiously, but Wonwoo and Mingyu look at each other awkwardly before turning towards Dino again.
"We uhh, we aren't in the team yet", Mingyu explains and Dino blinks surprised.
"What? Why? Mingyu is already better, right?" Dino asks confused.
"We just don't feel like joining again yet", Wonwoo explains quickly, he clearly doesn't want any questions about that topic, so Dino decides to shut up about it.
"So uhh, about Scoups", Dino changes the subject and both males straighten their posture triggered.
"Did he return from jail already? How is he doing?" Mingyu and Wonwoo ask curiously and Dino smiles sadly.
"He returned, but I don't think it's a good thing, to be honest", Dino admits and both Mingyu and Wonwoo look at the brunette confused.
"Well, he seems to be depressed or something and this morning, he had a nightmare. We are fighting constantly and it's getting on my nerves", Dino explains and Wonwoo nods his head understanding.
"Are you sure it isn't him who's getting on your nerves?" Mingyu asks and Dino sighs.
"Okay, you're right. I'm still mad about him going to jail, but I am really trying to forgive him! I even asked him how he was feeling this morning!" Dino exclaims proudly, but Wonwoo and Mingyu shake their heads in disbelief.
"That's not something you should be proud of, Dino. That should be something normal", Wonwoo states firmly and Dino lets his head fall down on the table grunting.
"I know! But like I said, there's just some kind of tension between us and I can't seem to get it away", the brunette states defeated while Mingyu pats his back.
"Maybe you should try to clear your mind before you talk to Scoups again. You two both clearly have too much on your minds", Wonwoo thinks out loud and Dino lifts his head up.
"And how am I supposed to do that?" he asks curiously. Of course Dino wants to make it up to Scoups and be friends again.
"You could see the group first. Meet up again with other friends, make sure that Scoups isn't involved in everything you do. If you won't see him for a while, you'll start to miss him", Wonwoo explains and Mingyu nods in agreement.
"As if I haven't been missing him these past few years", Dino sighs and the black-haired males walk over to the brunette to hug him. Dino can't hide a smile, he truly has awesome friends.
"Maybe you should go right now, they'll probably be in the dance room", Mingyu suggests and Dino nods, the brunette better starts right away.
"Aren't you guys coming with me?" Dino tries to get the two with him, but they both shake their heads in denial.
"We'll pass, sorry", Mingyu says and Dino stands up to walk out. He waves his friends goodbye, but something stings. Why don't they want to join the group again? While the brunette is walking down the hallway, he can still hear Wonwoo's voice.
"It'll only be a matter of time before he suspects more behind this, but I'm not ready to tell him yet."


Jun is sitting down exhausted, he just exercised at the gym and he needs a breather. But because Joshua wanted to have a team meeting, he's now sitting in their secret base. Jun glances through the door towards the dance room, he really enjoyed the time where Dino didn't join the group yet and they danced there often. It was a time of happiness, before everything crushed down on them. The brunette closes his eyes and reminds himself that those times are over, there's no more misery anymore. Scoups is back from jail, no one is trying to kill them and Wonwoo, Mingyu and Dino will probably come back soon too. Jun opens his eyes surprised when someone taps his shoulder. Confused, he looks at a blonde male standing next to him.
"Are you okay?" Woojin asks while he throws him a concerned look.
"Yeah, I'm okay, just thinking about the past", Jun waves it off. Although Woojin wasn't with them when it happened, the blonde member understands the impact that Stray kids had on them. No one really wants to talk about that time anymore and Jun is glad that Woojin respects that.
"You can always talk to me", the blonde tells Jun and the brunette smiles thankful.
"I know", he says and before someone can say anything else, Joshua walks in. Jun looks at him bored, until he notices a particular brunette standing behind the leader. He's playing with his fingers nervously, but Jun recognizes him immediately.
"Look who suddenly showed up", Joshua says, catching everyone's attention.
"Dino!" Jun yells happy while he gets up and runs towards the brunette. Vernon and Seungkwan smile happily as well, but Joshua and Woojin keep their distance. Jun knows how angry Joshua was, the red-haired leader blames Dino for Scoups going to jail, but Jun doesn't believe that the brunette could've stopped their former leader. They all know how stubborn the oldest can be. Dino embraces Jun and after a short reunion, they all gather around the table again.
"As you can see, I'm back", Dino says smiling, it's clear that the brunette is relieved and happy to see everyone again.
"I suppose you want to join the team again?" Joshua asks, not showing much emotion. Dino stares at the team in silence before he smirks.
"I don't think I ever left you guys in the first place", he says grinning and the team cheers, taking that as a yes.
"I'm glad you're back", Vernon says smiling.
"We missed you, believe it or not", Seungkwan chuckles and Dino smiles. Jun is happy to see the whole team in joy again. Dino looks at Woojin awkwardly, waiting for Joshua to introduce him, but the leader doesn't seem to be planning to do that. Jun notices Dino subtly rolling his eyes and can't hold back a chuckle, of course the rivalry between those two hasn't left. They should worry when those two are best friends. After a short silence, Dino looks around with a mix of anxiety and curiosity in his eyes. Jun tilts his head confused, but the brunette soon explains his reason.
"Did Scoups join the group again too?" Dino asks a bit nervous and Joshua cocks a brow.
"I believe he did, why?" The red-haired male stares the brunette in the eye and Jun feels his heartbeat fasten.
"Nothing", Dino waves it off, but Joshua doesn't have it.
"Bullshit," he says, "did you fuck it up again?" he asks, ready to kill Dino with his eyes. Jun's heart drops, the tension in the room got really bad and he's not in the mood for it.

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