Chapter 6

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Joshua sighs as he sits down in his chair. The leader is still a bit shocked from what he discovered.
"That was a deep sigh", Vernon notices and Joshua looks up surprised. He was lost in thought so much that he forgot the members who are sitting in the dance room right now. They're all looking at him with worry, but Joshua waves it off.
"It's not a big deal", he says while he tries his best to smile. Of course it is a big deal, but he can't tell the group yet. That wouldn't be fair towards Wonwoo and Mingyu, they made it clear that they want to keep it a secret for a while.
"If you say so", Jun scoffs, but the leader notices that the brunette clearly doesn't believe him.
"Let's talk about the future," Joshua changes the subject quickly, "we have some things to discuss." Everyone in the room nods, a lot has changed the past week: the return of some people, but also some clarity, at least for Joshua. 
"Is Scoups coming back?" Woojin asks.
"Will he become leader if he does?" Vernon adds.
"And what about Dino?" Jun asks.
"Or Mingyu, or Wonwoo?" Seungkwan finishes. Joshua blinks surprised because of all these questions. 
"Woah, calm down. I'll try to answer all questions, but I can't promise anything", Joshua states and all members fall silent to listen closely.
"First of all, Scoups will probably come back. He needs some time to recover, jail has been rough. But when he's ready, I'm sure he'll be more than happy to join us again. I haven't asked him yet if he wants to become leader, but if he does, I am going to give up my place without a doubt. I believe that he already proved that he's capable to lead us all. I don't think that without him, we would still be here." The room is still silent, but some members nod. A few years ago was a rough time, but Scoups stayed calm when he had to and he led them to survival. Yes, they have lost too many people, but without Scoups, they would have all been dead. At least, that's what Joshua believes.
"I don't know anything about Dino", Joshua moves on, "besides the fact that he's stubborn and mad at Scoups for absolutely no reason." Seungkwan chuckles and Joshua looks up triggered.
"Does that sound funny to you?" Joshua asks angrily.
"It's just that you two always have a reason to be angry at each other. You're both acting like five year olds." Joshua tilts his head offended.
"Go watch it with your own eyes and then you'll believe me. Now shut up so I can continue", Joshua grits through his teeth firmly and Seungkwan nods his head obeying and presses his lips in a thin line.
"So we will have to see what Dino wants," Joshua spits out, continuing to speak, "but he did say that he never left the group."
"And what about the two others?" Woojin asks curiously. Joshua takes a deep breath so he wouldn't lunge at the younger.
"They won't be coming back soon for personal reasons", Joshua states, trying to keep his face neutral.
"What!? Why!?" Vernon asks while he stands up shocked. Joshua sighs, he knows that Vernon always adored the two males, but Joshua also doesn't want them to join the group now, not in that condition.
"I can't tell you, as I said, it's personal", Joshua says calmly, but Vernon isn't having it.
"And you know? Why can't we know, then?" Vernon yells in disbelief.
"Because I'm the leader and their roommate!" Joshua yells in return. It's frustrating that he can't tell his team, but he has to respect his roommates.
"That's not fair! What kind of shitty leader holds back information about their own team!?" Vernon yells annoyed and Joshua swallows his spit with a shaky breath.
"Well, technically they're not in the team anymore...", Woojin mumbles, but no one reacts.
"Let's go home", Jun tells his roommate. Joshua is thankful for the brunette, he knows when to interfere. 
"Bullshit, complete bullshit", Vernon mumbles while Jun escorts him out, followed by Seungkwan. 
"Is it that bad?" Woojin asks after a few minutes of silence.
"What?" Joshua asks surprised.
"If you can't tell your team, then it must be something pretty serious", Woojin reasons. Joshua wants to wave it off, but Woojin interupts him.
"I don't know those guys, you can tell me", Woojin says, but Joshua stays silent. Although he wants to share it, the leader doesn't want to break his roommates' trust.
"I can't tell you, sorry", Joshua says calmly while he gets up.
"Are they sick or something?" Woojin guesses.
"Are you deaf? I said I can't tell you!" Joshua yells irritated while he storms out of the room. Why does everything have to be so difficult lately?

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