Chapter 4

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Wonwoo sighs as he sits down at the kitchen table. He's tired, but he can't let Mingyu down right now.
"You don't have to help, Wonwoo, I can put this down by myself", the taller says, as if he's reading Wonwoo's mind. The black-haired male with glasses scoffs.
"Yeah right, I just know that when I quit, you'll hurt yourself", Wonwoo chuckles while Mingyu widens his eyes in disbelief.
"I won't hurt myself! It's just a table!" the taller says in defense, but Wonwoo isn't getting it.
"A table with sharp edges," he says dryly, "I'm helping you out." Mingyu throws him a worried look while Wonwoo gets up again. Together, they lift the table and Wonwoo can see that Mingyu is struggling, even though the taller tries to hide it. With a relieved sigh, they put the table down a few meters further.
"Why did we have to move the furniture again?" Mingyu asks exhausted.
"Because it looks way nicer this way. And Joshua will like it way better like this too", the male with glasses adds. 
"Speaking of Joshua, do you think he knows?" Mingyu asks suddenly. Wonwoo lifts his shoulders, although he knows Joshua for a while now, the red-haired leader is really hard to read.
"Maybe he does, but I don't think he would've stayed silent about it. So I think we're still safe", Wonwoo reasons, but Mingyu sighs.
"He still lives here, shouldn't we tell him?" the taller asks, but Wonwoo shakes his head.
"I don't want anyone to know, not even Joshua. I don't want them all to worry, this just stays between us." Mingyu exhales dissapointed at the words, but nods his head.
"Fine, if that's what you want", he says while the front door suddenly opens. Joshua walks inside, but his face looks furious. Wonwoo and Mingyu share a worried look, but neither of them dares to speak up.
"Stupid jerk", Joshua mumbles underneath his breath while he starts to make coffee in te kitchen. After a brief silence, Wonwoo finally decides to take the risk.
"What happened?" the black-haired male with glasses asks carefully, but Joshua stays silent while he puts on the coffee machine. The sounds of liquid pourring in the cup sounds way louder than usual in this awkward silence.
"Come on, we can see that you're upset. We're your roommates, you can talk to us", Mingyu tries to convince the leader. Joshua sighs deeply and gives in eventually.
"You probably know that Dino is back", the red-haired male starts and both Wonwoo and Mingyu nod. The brunette already visited the two and Wonwoo feels a dull pain in his heart knowing that he straight up lied to Dino's face that day.
"That stupid fool already fucked it up", Joshua curses annoyed and Wonwoo looks at Mingyu confused. What did Dino do wrong this time? But Mingyu lifts his shoulders puzzled, so they both wait for Joshua to continue. 
"Ever since Scoups and him returned, they have been fighting. Scous feels terrible and Dino is too blind to notice", Joshua ends and Wonwoo starts to remember Dino asking him for advise a few days ago.
"How is Scoups?" Mingyu asks curiously and Wonwoo has to admit that he wants to know too. Scoups has been a very good friend and leader and Wonwoo feels bad that he kind of let him down when he had to go to jail. If there weren't more important things going on, Wonwoo and Mingyu would deffinitely have visited Scoups more. 
"Terrible, duhh", Joshua snaps, rolling his eyes. Wonwoo looks down in guilt, he knows that Joshua is mad at them for not joining the group again, but Wonwoo really can't join at a time like this. Wonwoo's cough breaks the silence, Joshua looks at them while he sips from his cup.
"Why don't you go see for yourselves?" the red-haired leader adds and Wonwoo closes his eyes frustrated.
"We can't", he blurs out. Right after, he presses his lips in a thin line while Joshua raises a brow confused. Wonwoo wasn't supposed to say this.
"Why?" Joshua asks puzzled. Wonwoo looks at Mingyu for help, but the taller only lifts his shoulders. 
"What is it that you two are hiding?" Joshua adds with his hands on his hips. He has placed his cup of coffee on the counter and Wonwoo stares at the leader startled.
"What?" Mingyu asks surprised.
"Don't act all innocent, did you really think that I wouldn't have noticed? You two never leave the house and you won't join the group, which is fine by me if you would give me an explanation, but you didn't! So what is going on?" Joshua asks firmly, clearly wanting nothing else but the truth. Wonwoo sighs deeply, he isn't ready to tell Joshua yet, but he also doesn't want to lie.
"Wonwoo, you can tell him", Mingyu says, leaving the choice to the male with glasses. Wonwoo looks Joshua in the eye and takes a deep breath.
"Look, I am going to tell you, but don't tell anyone else, all right? And this is going to take a while", Wonwoo says and Joshua smirks.
"I got time", the red-haired male says while he sits down at the kitchen table, ready to listen to the story.

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