Chapter 24

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Dino hesitates whether he should enter the building or not. He's emotional, tired and not ready to see Scoups right now. But he can't stay here in the cold wind that freezes him to death. No, he doesn't want to stay outside, but he's really not in the mood for another fight today. Maybe if he goes straight to his room Scoups won't get the chance to talk to him? Dino sighs and looks around bored. His eyes suddenly widen when he notices a hazelnut-haired figure across the street. He's staring at him with a wide grin and Dino already knows this means no good. Jisung starts to move and panic overwhelms Dino so he has no other choice than to just flee to his house. Suddenly as fast as the light, Dino sprints inside and he curses at himself for trembling because he has a hard time holding the key steady. After taking way too long to open the first door, Dino storms into the hallway and takes some weird turns hoping he can distract Jisung, but the scary member of Stray kids is still behind him.
"Why can't I get one single moment of peace?" Dino mumbles frustrated while he fastens his speed. The brunette exhales relieved when he notices he's in his own hallway, it's not that far anymore until he's at his apartment. But Jisung is right behind him, Dino can almost feel his hot breath in his neck. At least Dino isn't freezing anymore. Dino screams in fear when he feels a hand trying to grab his jacket, but he's able to free himself and run towards his front door. But once again, Dino's hands are trembling and he struggles to open his front door with his key. It only takes a split second for Jisung to grab Dino by the collar and throw him down to the ground. The brunette lands with a hard thud and his head is dizzy while he tries to understand what is happening.
"We still have some unfinished bussiness, don't we?" Jisung says smirking and Dino's mind is racing in panic. What should he do? Out of ideas, Dino starts to scream. There has to be someone near who would hear him and Jisung can't do anything when there are witnesses, right? The attacker grunts frustrated before he puts his hands on Dino's mouth to quiet him down.
"Do you really want me to kill you right here?" Jisung snaps and Dino widens his eyes terrified. He knows what this man is capable of and he doesn't know how patient he is.
"Then you should shut the fuck up", Jisung adds and Dino's scream dies down. It probably is way smarter to follow Jisung's instructions until he has a plan to escape. It worked the past times Dino met this creepy man. 
"Good", Jisung smirks and Dino gets flashbacks from when he was attacked by Stray kids in the middle of the street, in complete darkness. Dino wants to cry knowing there is a possibility that the exact same thing is going to happen to him again. 
"Look at you," Jisung mocks him, "all scared and vulnerable. So easy to hurt, so easy to kill. Too bad you still have a role to play." Dino's fear changes into confusion when he processes the words.
"What do you mean?" he stutters frowning and Jisung lets out a wry chuckle.
"You are always meant to be our bait. You know who we really want and you just happen to be his favorite person," Jisung says as if he's explaining something to a little kid, "but dont worry, when I'm done with him, I'll kill you too." Dino feels shivers rush down his spine while he suddenly hears a sound from behind Jisung.
"Finally, I thought he wouldn't come", Jisung says before he gets up and turns around. While he lies down on the ground, Dino can still see Scoups standing in the doorway, his face full of worry and shock when he sees the scene in front of him. Dino wonders why it took him so long, but when he sees a small part of his gun hidden under his hoodie, Dino gets it. But then he gets Jisung as well and panic rushes over him again. This is just like last time: hurting Dino to be able to hurt Scoups. They always want to hurt Scoups. 
"Watch out!" Dino is able to yell, but Jisung already got into action. In less than a second, he grabbed Scoups and threw him down as well. But weirdly, Jisung doesn't continue, he just runs off. Dino gets up while Scoups is quick to get up as well. 
"Are you okay?" Dino asks worried while Scoups quickly closes the front door behind him.
"I'm fine, but that asshole stole my keys", Scoups grunts furiously. Before Dino can even proces what Scoups just said, the older already ran off.
"Wait for me!" Dino yells as he runs after him. When they arrive outside, a car, more specifically Scoups', drives out of the garage. Scoups curses while he storms inside, but Dino's mind is thinking hard while he follows his roommate. Why would Jisung attack Dino, steal Scoups' carkeys and drive off? What is his reason? Scoups suddenly stops and Dino gasps as he sees his motorcycle right in front of them.
"Do you have two helmets?" Scoups asks quickly.
"Yes, but...", Dino answers puzzled.
"Perfect, get in the back, you drive this thing the same as a car, right?" Scoups asks and Dino stares at him startled.
"I don't know, I never drove a car...", Dino mumbles confused as Scoups is already putting on his helmet.
"Doesn't matter, I'll figure it out", Scoups states while he gets on the motorcycle.
"Scoups, you're crazy! At least let me drive or..."
"Dino, we're losing precious time! Put on the damn helmet and get in the back!" Scoups yells firmly and Dino's spine shivers again while he quickly obeys. While he positions himself behind Scoups, he awkwardly wraps his arms around his roommate. What has gotten into him? Before Dino knows it, Scoups starts the engine and they're driving away. Why can't Dino just take his keys himself instead of leaving them on the motorbike? Soon enough it's clear that driving a bike is absolutely not the same as driving a car. Dino has to scream instructions the whole time and he never felt so scared in his life, but he also feels happiness coming up in this bizarre situation. He's with Scoups, closer than ever before and he is telling his former leader how to do things. And Scoups obeys him. Soon, they have a vision on Scoups' stolen car and Scoups starts to drive faster to catch up. Dino wraps his arms around his friend even tighter because he has to admit this is scary. Scoups is driving recklessly and it seems like he has gone mad. What if this is a trap? Dino hasn't even finished his thought when he notices another car come from a street to their right, ready to hit them. And when he notices the driver, Dino knows for sure that they indeed are going right into a trap.
"Stop! It's a trap!" Dino yells, but his words fly away in the wind and before Dino can try again, the other car hits the motorbike right in its side, causing them to be thrown off the vehicle. Dino feels his stomach turning while he flies in the air and an imense pain rushes through his shoulder when he lands on the cold ground. Dino curses at himself for not noticing the whole purpose sooner, now he brought Scoups in danger. Scoups. Dino quickly takes off his helmet to see better, he's still a bit light-headed but he has to focus. While his eyes search for his friend, he hears people getting out of both cars. When Dino forces his eyes to look around, he suddenly finds Scoups, who's laying down on the ground as well.
"Scoups", Dino whispers, but the older doesn't hear him. Fear possesses his heart when he realizes Scoups isn't moving at all. Dino wants to move towards Scoups, but his body hurts at every movement. Two feet stop right next to Scoups and Dino forces his neck to look up. Jisung is looking down satisfied and Dino feels anger rising up inside of him.
"You're so stupid sometimes", he chuckles evil while he squats down to reach Scoups. The fact that his friend still isn't moving, concerns Dino to the spine. Scoups' helmet is also broken, there's a crack across the whole helmet.
"Hey, I'm talking to you!" Jisung yells irritated while he kicks Scoups in the stomach. 
"Stop!" Dino yells, catching Jisung's attention.
"Why would he?" another voice sounds from right next to Dino and the brunette gasps surprised when he notices Woojin standing right next to him.
"Please don't hurt him...", Dino whispers, he has so little strentgh he can barely speak.
"He's a murderer!" Jisung yells while he kicks Scoups again.
"He killed Chan!" Woojin adds furiously and Dino shakes his head weakly.
"What do you mean, no?" Woojin asks frustrated.
"Scoups didn't kill Chan", Dino mumbles, trying to stay conscious. 
"Bullshit, Chan is dead", Jisung says and he walks towards Dino.
"He is, but I was the reason. Not Scoups. So if you want to take someone, take me", Dino says. His voice is trembling and he's terrified, but he can't bear to watch Scoups get killed in front of his eyes. 
"What do you mean?" Woojin asks again, raising his voice a little.
"I trapped him, I chained him to a rock and I pushed him in the water. It was all me", Dino lies. He knows the two will never believe Chan's suicidal story, even though it is the truth.
"I also killed Hyunjin, not Scoups...", Dino tries to convince them more, but Jisung kicks Dino's stomach angry.
"Bullshit! Everyone knows Scoups shot him! You're just trying to defend him, you stupid jerk!" he yells and he punches Dino in the face, right on his nose. Dino's eyes immediatly start to tear up and he gasps for air as he tries to concentrate.
"Okay, okay, sorry. But I really killed Chan", Dino holds on.
"And why should we trust you? You're just an annoying kid, Scoups is the one we want dead", Woojin snarls.
"You will just have to believe me. Please, take me instead of him. I can't bear to watch him", Dino admits and Jisung chuckles amused.
"You're desperate, aren't you?" he asks challenging and Dino is speechless.
"Maybe we could find something. Let me think", Woojin mumbles while he looks at Scoups. The older is still lying down in the same position, he's obviously unconscious.
"You're sure you want this?" Jisung asks.
"I am more than sure", Dino says.
"But promise me not to hurt Scoups", Dino adds.
"I don't really like promises", Jisung says.
"Too much feelings", Woojin adds.
"Please, promise me", Dino tries again. Jisung stares at him and starts grinning.
"And what if I don't? What if I kill him right now? You have no power over me", Jisung says and Dino gulps scared.
"I... You would hurt Scoups more if he has to live without me than that he doesn't live anymore", Dino blurts out. He notices how he's not scared to die, but that he's more terrified of Scoups dying.
"Very well, you might have a point there", Woojin mutters and Jisung stares at Dino in thought.
"You're not going to shut up until we do as you want, are you?" Jisung asks and Dino nods confirming. Woojin grunts annoyed.
"I just want to kill him out of irritation. He's been annoying ever since he rejoined the group", he says and Dino widens his eyes offended.
"And you're a traitor!" he yells and he gets a kick in return.
"Quiet down, brat", Jisung snaps. 
"But if you really want us to take you instead of Scoups...", Jisung adds.
"I guess we have no other choice, right?" Woojin finishes his sentence. The grin that the two share doesn't sit well with Dino, but there's no going back now. He glances at Scoups one last time before the two kick him on his head and everything becomes black in front of his eyes.

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