Chapter 29

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When Scoups gets pulled into a corner, he wants to scream. But a hand on his mouth prevents him from doing that and panic rushes through Scoups' body while he tries to identify his attacker. Is someone going to kidnap him? But then, a familiar voice whispers in his ear.
"Quiet", Jun whispers and Scoups could almost cry out of relief.
"What are you doing?" Scoups whispers back and Jun points his eyes at someone right around the corner. Scoups doesn't recognize the silhouette, but he gets that something is wrong.
"How did you even find me?" Scoups asks confused and Jun puts his finger on his mouth to quiet Scoups down.
"My daily walks", Jun explains briefly before he puts out his hand.
"Your hoodie", Jun demands after he took a glance around the corner again and Scoups blinks confused.
"Give me your hoodie, now", Jun repeats firmly and Scoups decides to obey. When he hands the hoodie to Jun, his body is shaking. It's so cold that Scoups keeps rubbing his arms, but his mind is starting to think. Why does Jun need his hoodie? But before Scoups can even react, Jun throws him a soft smile and places his hand on Scoups' shoulder. Scoups feels the warmth and his shoulder relaxes a tiny bit.
"It's my time to look after you", Jun says while he glances around the corner once more. Scoups frowns confused, but before Scoups can even ask, Jun cuts him off.
"That stupid creep is still there, he isn't going to move I'm afraid", he curses and Scoups understands less every minute that passes.
"What is happening?" he asks, trying to keep his voice down. Jun opens his mouth to answer, but changes his mind and only sighs while he shakes his head. 
"Jun, you're scaring me", Scoups whispers and in response Jun pushes him against the wall. Scoups gasps surprised, but Jun doesn't give him the chance to react. 
"No matter what happens, stay here. Promise me you won't move", Jun demands and Scoups stares at him speechless.
"Promise me!" Jun repeats firmly and Scoups is starting to get really scared, but he has a feeling he has to obey.
"O- Okay, I promise", Scoups mumbles and Jun's eyes soften while he pats Scoups' shoulder. Then, the brunette lets go and takes a step back. From that moment, everything went by too quickly. Before Scoups could even process what was happening, Jun turns around and starts to walk on the street Scoups was walking on only seconds ago, also with the hood on his head. It only takes a split second for two loud gunshots to echo through Scoups' head. When Scoups realized what happened, it was already too late. Scoups watches in disgust while Jun's body jolts and falls down. Scoups wants to scream and run towards his friend, but he has to stay smart. He takes a peek around the corner and his horror increases when he seems to recognize a familiar face. Is his mind tricking him or is he watching Woojin grinning evil before he walks off? Scoups doesn't think about it too long because his mind is fixed on Jun, who's still lying still on the cold ground. From the moment the attacker is out of sight, Scoups storms towards Jun.
"Jun! Jun!" he yells while he feels hot tears forming in his eyes. To his relief, Jun suddenly moves, his hands grabbing his stomach while his body writhes in agony. Scoups' heart breaks watching the scene and he kneels down next to his friend.
"Oh, that hurts so damn much", Jun grunts and Scoups chuckles while his tears start streaming down his cheeks. 
"Why did you do that?" Scoups asks a little angry while he tries to place Jun on his lap. In his attempts, he gets bloodstanes on his white T-shirt, but Scoups doesn't mind. It's Jun's blood and it shouldn't be Jun's blood at all. 
"Jun, answer me! Why did you do that!?" Scoups repeats, trying to keep his friend conscious.
"You know me", Jun answers, but he coughs right after and grunts in pain.
"I knew that man was going to kill the first person he saw, so I decided to take the shot for you", Jun adds, but Scoups notices the words are getting harder for him to speak.
"So you just take my place? You could've died!" Scoups accuses him and Jun throws him a faint smile.
"Isn't that what's happening right now?" he asks, his voice raspy in pain.
"No, Jun, listen to me. You're not dying, do you understand? I can't let you die!" Scoups rants while panic is starting to take over. Jun is bleeding on his lap, he seems to be hit in the back twice and Scoups has no clue what to do.
"Should I..., should I call an ambulance?" Scoups suggests stuttering, but Jun shakes his head, although it takes a lot of energy from him to do that. 
"You know it's already too late for that", Jun whispers, not even able to speak properly. When Jun closes his eyes, Scoups starts to shake his body.
"Jun, no, don't close your eyes! Wake up, goddamnit!" Scoups curses and to his relief, Jun indeed opens his eyes again. The brunette places his bloody hand on Scoups' chest, right on his heart. 
"Please tell Seungkwan and Vernon before they find out. I want them to know it from you", Jun says but Scoups shakes his head in denial.
"You're not going to die!" Scoups yells, as if fate will change if he says it out loud. Jun only looks at him in pity and Scoups' tears are now falling on the brunette.
"It was supposed to be me", Scoups whispers defeated and Jun briefly closes his eyes in agreement and a silence falls down upon them, where Scoups can hear Jun's slower, raspy breathing. Jun's hand is still on Scoups' heart and it gives him some sort of comfort.
"I was there twice when you opened your eyes, I'm glad you're here now when I close mine", Jun whispers while he looks Scoups in the eye. Before Scoups can even react, Jun's eyes start to get dull and his breathing gets even slower. Soon, Jun's hand falls down and Scoups only hears the loud silence around him. It doesn't take long before he breaks down in tears, he can't bear to have a dead friend in his arms again. Scoups had wished so bad that no one would die again and he thought he succeeded, but reality hits him hard now. As long as he is still alive, Scoups' friends will suffer until their death. Scoups starts to understand why Dino left him, it was too dangerous for him. 
"I'm so sorry, my friend", Scoups sobs while the darkness takes Jun's soul with him.


Dino is waiting while his heart is pounding. He has to know if they really killed Scoups or not. But if they did, would they tell him? Wouldn't they just kill Dino right away? But in that case, Dino doesn't mind. He doesn't want to live in a world without Scoups. Besides their arguments, Dino really loves his roommate. He noticed it in his time in Korea, he felt so lost without his friend. It might sound selfish, but sometimes, when Dino feels really low, he wishes he dies first. Then he doesn't have to live without Scoups. Dino has already seen too many friends die, he has had enough. Right when Dino is about to wander off in depressing thoughts, the door opens. Dino's curiosity takes over and he looks up right away, he wants to know if it worked or not. From the moment Woojin walks inside, Dino's heart drops. The blonde has such an annoying grin on his face telling Dino exactly what he has to know. Seconds later, Jisung follows and closes the door. 
"What a beautiful day!" he exclaims and every little moment just proves Dino's thoughts. They did it, they killed him. 
"You already know, don't you?" Woojin asks mocking while he walks towards Dino. The brunette keeps his head low, he can't bear to watch that traitor.
"Just kill me already", Dino mumbles, this sadness is killing him.
"But what's the fun in that?" Jisung asks joyful. 
"I rather tell you again," Woojin says evil, "I did it. I killed him. Watched his body fall down, his blood pour away. Scoups is no longer here. Scoups is dead." With every word, Dino feels like crying even more.
"Fuck you", Dino whispers, his tears escaping his eyes. He only gets an evil laugh in return.
"Aw, are you hurt now? You're begging to die too, aren't you?" Jisung asks mocking. 
"Stop it", Dino whispers sobbing. He wants to stay strong, but he can't hide his emotions.
"Too bad Scoups isn't invincible", Woojin says dryly.
"Stop it!" Dino yells, praying it will work. He wants to get out of this hell, he wants to see it with his own eyes, remove the pain he's feeling right now.
"The poor kid wants to die! He wants to be with his little friend!" Jisung yells laughing and Dino places his hands on his ears to muffle the noise, but he can still hear everything.
"Maybe we should keep you alive just to watch you fade away out of sadness", Woojin suggests grinning.
"Wonderful idea!" Jisung exclaims happy and with that, they leave the room. Dino cries his heart out while the sound keeps echoeing. He has never felt so alone.


Scoups exhales tired when he arrives at Jun's apartment. Every step he took, was a challenge. It's like his feet have become heavy, like all life is sucked out of him. It kills him that he couldn't even say goodbye properly, suddenly the cops showed up. Scoups was still able to take his hoodie and Jun's keys and run off, but he had to leave Jun behind. He burned the hoodie to hide evidence, but it felt like he burned Jun with it. Now he has to tell Jun's roommates the news, like he promised. After he took a deep breath, he unlocks the door. Scoups already hears footsteps nearing while he steps inside and when he closed the door Seungkwan is already standing right in front of him. Scoups watches as Seungkwan's face turns from happiness to confusion real quick.
"Vernon! Come quickly!" Seungkwan yells and Scoups can hear a little bit of worry in his voice. Soon, Vernon arrived and looks at Scoups surprised.
"What are you doing here? And how did you..." Vernon can't even finish his sentence before Seungkwan cuts him off.
"What happened to you!?" he asks while he points at Scoups' T-shirt. The former leader only now realizes that his white T-shirt is covered in blood. Scoups wants to answer, but he can't find the right words. When he does, Seungkwan cuts him off before he can even speak.
"How did you get in? Where's Jun?" he asks and Scoups' heart drops. In the meantime, Vernon seems to be thinking things through, probably scanning the situation.
"You used Jun's key, didn't you?" Vernon asks calmly and Scoups nods his head, thankful that Vernon gives him a lead.
"Then where's Jun? And will you finally tell me where that blood comes from!? You're bleeding to death!" Seungkwan rants and Scoups' heart shatters. He's not ready for their reactions.
"This...," Scoups has a hard time finding the words, "This isn't my blood", he says and Seungkwan gasps.
"No, no...", he whispers while tears are already forming in his eyes. 
"I'm so sorry", Scoups says softly while he feels tears coming up too. Seungkwan breaks down sobbing while Vernon just stares at Scoups in shock.
"Please tell me you're joking. Please tell me this is some stupid prank", he mutters, but Scoups shakes his head. Vernon curses and Scoups notices a tear falling down his cheek, and right then he realizes what he has to do.
"I'll stay here with you for a couple of days. I'll sleep on the couch, I will help you get through this. We need each other", he says while his voice breaks from sadness. They're all grieving, at this moment they really need each other. Right now, Seungkwan and Vernon are still in shock and not able to decide something yet and so is Scoups, but the older thinks this is the right way. This is a time of doubt and grief, but one thing is for sure: Jun shouldn't have died, it was Scoups who should have taken the bullet.

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