Chapter 37

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Scoups frowns confused when he walks in the dance room. Why hasn't Joshua arrived yet? The whole situation between Joshua and Dino this morning was already pretty weird, now he invites them to a meeting and he isn't even here? But Scoups soon starts to smile because he notices his temporary roommates.
"Hey!" he greets them and Vernon and Seungkwan walk towards them smiling. Dino is standing a bit uncomfortable, but when Scoups throws him a concerned look, he waves it off. 
"How are you?" Scoups asks and Seungkwan nods.
"I'm fine, I really am", Seungkwan says and Scoups can't deny that he indeed looks way better.
"I'm glad to hear that", Scoups says.
"Do you know why Joshua suddenly wanted to do a meeting?" Vernon asks confused and Scoups shurgs.
"Nope," Dino answers, "he probably has some stupid things to say." Scoups widens his eyes shocked when he hears the words escape Dino's mouth. He knows that Joshua and Dino don't like each other, but that the hate was this deep, surprises him.
"Dino, he's our leader", Scoups scolds him, but the brunette only rolls his eyes. And then, Joshua arrives. Scoups watches surprised as he notices that the leader is not alone. Wonwoo and Mingyu are stading behind him and Wonwoo seems to be feeling well because he's smiling underneath his cap. Scoups smiles happily, it's a good sign that Wonwoo is feeling better.
"Why aren't you going?" Scoups asks surprised when he notices that Dino is still standing in place. Normally, the brunette would run over to his friends. But now he seems insecure.
"I don't think they would want to see me, I wasn't really nice last time, remember?" Scoups indeed remembers Dino telling him about what happened. The older places his hand on Dino's shoulder while he tries to give him courage.
"They aren't mad at you, you couldn't have known," Scoups says, "are you going to stay behind and do nothing? That would give them the right impression?" Dino tilts his head in thought and nods afterwards.
"Thanks", Dino whispers before he runs off towards his friends. In the meantime, Vernon and Seungkwan also have been staring at the two roommates. Scoups wonders if they already know.
"I can't believe we never realized", Seungkwan whispers and Scoups guesses Wonwoo must have told them the news.
"Poor Wonwoo," Vernon mumbles, "he must feel terrible." Scoups exhales sadly, it hurts him to think about how this year must have been for Wonwoo and Mingyu. Everyone around them was having fun and was healthy, while Wonwoo was dying and couldn't even join. And no one knew, so no one asked, which probably gave them the impression that no one cared. It must have been such a hard time, Scoups is glad Wonwoo finally told everyone. Wonwoo did call him this morning, he told Scoups about his disease. Of course Scoups already knew about it, but he still pretended like he didn't because he wasn't supposed to know. Scoups is getting lost in thought, but Joshua suddenly claps his hands to get everyone's attention.
"I gathered you here to discuss some topics and just to be together again. As you all know now, Wonwoo has been fighting a battle on his own, with help of Mingyu and me of course. But Wonwoo seems to be feeling way better now, so Mingyu and him will be participating in our activities again. The team is complete again!" Joshua's eyes sparkle while he says the words, but Wonwoo is smiling bright and he finally looks alive again. Scoups is really happy for him. The whole team is cheering and Mingyu seems to be getting a bit emotional, but Joshua continues.
"Because our team is complete and Christmas is coming soon, I want to do a fun activity."
"No skydiving please", Dino mumbles and some people laugh, but Scoups suddenly feels like he got hit. How could he almost forget about Woojin? Ever since the kidnapping, the younger has vanished. No one has seen or heard him, but he's still a danger. How could they have fun now?
"Hey, no worrying," Vernon suddenly whispers, "Wonwoo and Mingyu are back. Celebrate with them." Scoups looks at Vernon and sighs deeply. Vernon is right, Woojin is gone for a reason. Maybe he's scared because his team mates are killed, or maybe he ran away and will never return. They can't live in fear forever. 
"We're not skydiving," Joshua says, "but we will be doing what we are good at. We will rob the Parks." The team gasps as they realize what they're about to do. The Park family isn't just a family, they're dangerous and evil. Robbing them will be a challenge.
"Isn't it too big for...", Mingyu asks, but Wonwoo quickly interupts him.
"I can do it," he says, "when will we rob them?" Scoups watches Joshua blink startled before he fixes himself and answers.
"Let's say that they will have a very memorable Christmas this year", Joshua says with a grin and surprisingly, the team cheers. Scoups doesn't know if this is a really good idea, but the Parks do deserve to be robbed. And besides, Scoups kinda likes a challenge. After this announcement, Joshua walks towards Scoups, to which the team reacts by going to each other as well. The meeting has ended, now it's time to catch up. Vernon and Seunkwan immediatly go to Wonwoo and Mingyu, leaving Scoups alone with Joshua.
"What do you think?" Joshua asks and Scoups looks at him confused.
"What do you mean?" he asks puzzled.
"You don't seem really excited, don't you like the activity?" Joshua asks and Scoups can hear a slight bit of insecurity in his voice. 
"I do like it, I guess I'm just worrying about Woojin", Scoups admits and Joshua places his hand on Scoups' shoulder.
"I'm sure I scared him by killing Jisung, I don't think he will come back. He always looked like a coward. Don't worry about him, you should look at the team instead. We're finally complete again, we will have so much fun!" Joshua assures him with a smile. Scoups lets his head hang low and shrugs.
"If you say so", he mumbles. Joshua pats him on his back before he leaves and walks over to the group. Scoups sighs deeply, everyone is having fun while he can't keep his worries away. Why can't he just have fun too? Maybe it's because he used to be their leader and he still feels responsible, but he hates this part of him. It keeps a distance between him and everyone else and he can't stop blaming himself for what happens to his team. What if Woojin isn't gone? What if he will hurt someone in this room? What if something goes wrong with the robbing? There are so many things keeping him away from joy, how is everyone else forgetting about that? Suddenly feeling empty, Scoups walks over to the group as well. He has to leave, he has to search for Woojin. He knows he can't rest before he's certain that Woojin is no danger anymore. Scoups gently taps Dino on his shoulder and signs that he will be heading home.
"Are you coming too?" he asks and Dino lifts his hand while he's already turned towards Wonwoo again.
"I'm coming in a minute", Dino says, but Mingyu suddenly lifts his head.
"Maybe we should leave too", Scoups hears him whisper in Wonwoo's ear and Wonwoo nods. 
"Can we come with you? I have a lot to talk about", Seungkwan asks and Mingyu looks at Wonwoo, who agrees smiling. And just like that Scoups is alone with Joshua and a startled Dino.
"They left just like that", Dino mumbles and Scoups feels a little pity for him. 
"Shall we leave too?" Scoups asks, getting a bit impatient. He wants to start investigating. 
"Actually, I want to speak to Dino, can you maybe give us a minute?" Joshua asks and Scoups lifts his shoulders.
"I'll see you in the hallway", he mumbles before he turns around and leaves the two alone. He wonders what Joshua wants to talk about, maybe it's still about this morning. Scoups clicks his tongue while he watches his phone. Only five days left until Christmas, should he buy Dino a present? Maybe he should, Dino has been through a lot. But isn't that a bit weird? No, Scoups should focus on keeping the team safe, gifts are for later.  But after a while of waiting, Scoups gets impatient. What's taking so long? Curious, Scoups walks back, but there's no one left in the room. 
"Dino?" he asks confused, where could the brunette have gone? Scoups gets scared while he grabs his phone and calls the younger, but Dino doesn't pick up. 
"Shit", he curses while he runs outside, something isn't right.


Joshua grins subtly while he takes Dino to a park nearby. He will finally get rid of him, maybe then he will have peace again. And besides, no one can speak of Jeonghan this way.
"Where are we going?" Dino asks confused and Joshua rolls his eyes.
"No questions, just follow", he snaps while he keeps walking. He hopes Scoups is patient enough to wait until the job is done. Joshua knows that Scoups is the only one who could stop him and he really has to do this right now. Joshua is walking further and they're almost at the park, when Dino suddenly stops. Joshua grunts annoyed before he turns around. He only has one shot, they won't wait forever. 
"I'm not moving one inch before you tell me what's going on", Dino says while he crosses his arms. Joshua rolls his eyes.
"You are so annoying", he mumbles, but Dino only scoffs.
"Fine," Joshua gives in sighing, "I want to talk to you about Scoups." Dino's eyes immediately widen worried and Joshua feels a little bit guilty for using Scoups like this, but it's the only way to get Dino to move.
"What about him?" Dino asks interested.
"I don't want to tell you here, I want to tell you in the park nearby. I don't want Scoups to hear us", Joshua lies and Dino stares at him in silence. Joshua prays that the brunette will believe him, but then Dino nods understanding.
"All right", he says softly while he signs Joshua to continue walking. The leader grins satisfied and continues his path. When the two arrive, Joshua glances at the bushes. Four hunters, four bullets, four chances to finally get this brat away. Joshua knows the hunters will only shoot one shot, so if they miss, Dino would still survive. It's really important that Dino is standing in the right spot. 
"All right, we're here. Are you ready to talk?" Dino asks, it seems like he's getting impatient. Joshua wants to answer, but Dino's phone starts to ring and Joshua fears the worst.
"It's Scoups", Dino informs the leader and before Dino could react, Joshua snatches the phone away.
"What the hell?" Dino asks confused.
"You can't pick up", Joshua says firmly.
"Why not?" Dino exclaims.
"Scoups will know where we are, he will come over and we won't be able to talk. Is that what you want?" Joshua reasons and Dino stares at the ground insecure.
"Fine," Dino mumbles, "but can I have my phone back?" Joshua nods while he hands Dino his phone. He is glad that the brunette is stupid, others would've found this suspicious. But time is running out and Joshua has to hurry. Behind his back, he lets the hunters know that their prey has arrived. Then, Joshua continues the show.
"Oh shit," he lies, "I forgot something in my apartment." Dino frowns confused and Joshua notices a slight bit of annoyance in his eyes.
"Do you need it to talk to me?" he asks and Joshua nods.
"I want to show it to you, stay right here and I'll be right back", he says and he already turns around to leave, but he hears Dino following him.
"I said stay here", Joshua snarls and Dino lifts his shoulders unbothered. 
"I could come with you and you could show me there", Dino objects and Joshua has trouble keeping his calm.
"Do you have zero respect for me!?" he exclaims angry, "I am your leader! If I say stay here, you stay here!" Dino blinks startled, but takes a few steps back and stands in place. He's clearly uncomfortable and Joshua knows he's starting to distrust this situation, so he needs to hurry. Joshua nods his head while he lifts his finger, the sign for the hunters to shoot. It will only take seconds now before Dino will have four bullets in his body and honestly, Joshua can't wait. But while he looks up, Joshua notices a figure at the end of the street. His heart drops when he recognizes the man standing right there. Scoups. Although he's far enough to miss the situation, it feels like he's standing right next to Joshua. It makes him think. Would Joshua ever look at Scoups the same if he did this to Jeonghan? Joshua hates the way he thinks, but he can't help it. He still wants to stop the hunters, but he knows it's too late. They will shoot any second now. Joshua glances at Scoups one last time, his friend is even walking away like he's already judging Joshua. 
"Fuck it", Joshua whispers before he runs over to Dino and wraps his body around the brunette. 
"Tell Scoups I'm sorry", Joshua whispers, but his words aren't finished when he feels four bullets hit his body. An immense pain is running through him, but Joshua can only think of one thing while he falls down to the ground: Joshua will wait for Scoups in the afterlife. At least he can wait by Jeonghan's side.

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