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"Ms.Jeong , Have i ever told you how pretty are" 

That was all it took for Sunoo to smash his lips onto hers...

It took the girl by surprise as she didn't know what to do since she didn't want to take advantage of her boss in this state.

Sunoo bit her lips to kiss her back as Nabi gasped and finally gave in. Nabi titled her head as she leaned closer and kissed him back as their rhythms matched eachother.

Both of the latters forgot their surroundings or what they were even doing but continued eating eachother like nothing mattered anymore...

The car's air was very aromatic as only loud breathing and rumbling of the two human beings could be heard.

Nabi's chest heaved up and down as she was basically breathless. She pulled away to catch a breath only to be pulled by Sunoo again who was very much needy at this moment. 

Sunoo swiftly pulled the girl into his lap as he grabbed her by her ass. The girl let out a whimper  as he put his lips on hers again.

Nabi ran her hands throughout his body and pulled him closer by his neck. Sunoo was unsatisfied as he bit the girl's lips.

The said girl moaned as she felt his toungue entering her mouth slowly . Their toungues fighting each other like swords...

Sunoo ran his hands throughout the girl's body and stopped at her chest as he started groping it. The girl let out yet another whimper as The boy only continued what he was doing.

Nabi's mind went elsewhere as she felt him slowly kissing her neck and leaving a trail up to her chest as she rolled eyes backwards from the pleasure...

Nabi can feel his little friend starting to get excited as she was grinding on his lap very slow and steady.

She continued grinding and this time it was Sunoo's turn to moan as he rolled his eyes back. Sunoo captured her lips yet again as he continued sucking her lips like a monster...

The girl knew this was probably wrong and it would lead to another thing so she slowly pulled away and got back to her seat. Her mind was blank thinking about his reaction the next morning. 

" he will probably forget it and move on , how will i?" Nabi was anxious and her heart was breaking at the thought.

Nonetheless she took the boy out of the car and locked it as she slowly led him into her apartment complex.

The boy just stared at her the whole time and she avoided it all. She slowly took him with her inside her apartment and gave him some water and put him to bed hoping the next morning would be okay....

Nabi snuggled onto her blanket til she heard her annoying alarm buzzing as loud as it can get. She groaned as she got up to see Sunoo but he's gone.

"as expected" Nabi frowned as she thought he will atleast greet her and then go but she thought wrong. she saw a note that read:

"Thanks for taking care of me Ms.Jeong , Im sorry for the trouble. I dont know what happened last night exactly but please forget about it" -Mr.Kim

The girl groggily got ready and headed out of her apartment as the guy wouldn't leave her mind and everything that happened the night before was stuck to her.

She would have to suck it up and forget it cause that's what her boss wants anyways.

Nabi walked through the building as everyone stared at her confused. The girl never acts like that as she always has a bright smile on her face everyday.

They just shrugged it off

She walked in after knocking and just simply said "morning sir" blankly as she walked to her desk and started working on her daily aquires.

Mr.Kim was confused. "why did she walk in like that , is something wrong?" he wondered as he stared at her. He gets annoyed by her loudness and enthusiasm in the morning but today he can't seem to forget about it. He just shrugged it off aswell

"Bye , Mr.Kim" Nabi blankly said as she grabs her keys. Sunoo put his head up as he stopped the girl.

"are you alright Ms.Jeong , why are you behaving this way?" he said as he was concerned.

" behaving like what , im fine sir" the girl replied and walked out 

Sunoo was confused but kinda hurt by that statement as he tried to forget about it. Why was he hurt? Why did he care so much about her behaviour? . Sunoo can't answer those questions as he has no answer.

He tried to just forget about it but he can't . 

"Maybe she will be fine tomorrow"

"come over please...I need you guys" was the text Nabi sent to her friends as she couldn't handle all the thoughts in her head by herself and needed to spill it all out.

Nabi explained everything to her friends from beginning to end. The way she would smile seeing him annoyed and how they kissed and made out in her car and it almost lead to another thing but he forgot it all...

"Nabs we really were wondering what made you so happy and smiley out of nowhere"

"yea, we're glad you told us"

"But Nabs , I think its best if you tell him how you feel or ask him if you can court him" Akira spoke as she held her head as if she was thinking.

"it's hard to do that , what if i make a fool out of myself instantly"

"You wont , dont worry about that..if he dosen't want you its his loss for sure"

Nabi felt a bit more happy as she thought about her friends words. They always know how to make her feel better...

"you guys are right , if he rejects me ill move on"

But Nabi didn't know what was waiting for her the next day...

"Hey Nabi , you miss me?" The person spoke as they smirked...

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