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"I love you too su-" 

Nabi was cut off when Sunoo suddenly smashed his lips onto hers

None of the peers expected this. Sunoo never expected that he would make such a bold move. Nabi never expected that Sunoo would make that bold move either...

Their lips collided together and fit eachother like a puzzle. It was a sensational feeling for both of them. It was their first kiss after they both confessed so it just felt right

Sunoo continued moving his lips all over not letting the girl breath. He bit her lips asking for entrance. Nabi let his toungue in and the guy instantly let his toungue explore all over her mouth. 

Their mouths and lips moved in sync and Nabi only gripped onto Sunoo's shirt who was roughly putting his hands in between the girl's thighs. This feeling was making Nabi tickle as the feeling felt very new for something Sunoo would do. 

The girl tried closing her legs and Sunoo only held her legs open tightly not letting it happen. The female only moaned feeling out of breath while his hands explored around her thighs.

The ferris wheel was making it's way down and both of peers refused to let go of eachother as Nabi was now on Sunoo's lap. Sunoo gripped her thighs and the girl felt some kind of way.

They were both out of breath as they decided to let go finally...Heavy breathing could only be heard from both of the peers.

Sunoo smirked looking at the girl who was a mess but still looked gorgeous. He admired her as she fixed her clothes a bit. 

The ferris wheel finally got down and Nabi quickly got off grabbing Sunoo's hand in embarassment. 

"Why are you so embarassed? we have fucked before" Sunoo teased the girl

"This is different , you don't understand" Nabi bit her lips looking around

"Let's get you home now shall we?" Sunoo nudged

"hm , Let's go" 

The two drove home peacefully with some steady music. None of them decided to say a word. Both were still thinking about what happened at the ferris wheel.

"Thank you for tonight , I enjoyed it" Nabi smiled at Sunoo slowly taking off her seatbelt

"No problem , we should go out again" Sunoo said

"Sure , let me know when you want to go next time" 

"For sure , sleep well Nabs" Sunoo kissed the girl's forehead

The girl in response only nodded and got out the car and bowed before running into her apartment with a big smile on her face. 

The both of them continued going on many multiple dates every week.They couldn't have enough of each other. Sunoo fell even more deeper for the girl and realized how soft he was for her. 

He isn't very good with words and expressing but it all came so naturally with her. Everytime they were together , He would say really bold things and satisfy himself with her cute reactions. 

Nabi was more than happy seeing the way Sunoo acts around her always. He would do anything just to be next to her at all time. He was more attached to her than she was. 

Everything was going well until...

"Nabs meet me at this location at this time , dont be late" 

Nabi heard over the phone as the other line cut off. she was so confused what was happening

nonetheless , she got ready and went to the location with anxiousness

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