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"Ms. Jeong , What if I told you it was because I was jealous of you and Jongsaeng..."

These words made Nabi freeze at that moment. She never thought of it that way.

Her boss who rejected her is now jealous of her and his bestfriend hanging out. Nabi couldn't believe those words came out of her boss's mouth. 

"H-huh? What do you mean by that Mr.Kim?" 

"I admit I got jealous of you and Jay hyung and took my anger out by over drinking" Sunoo finally admitted

Nabi was even more shocked since he actually admitted it 

"Why would you be jealous Mr.Kim , Do you like me?" Nabi dosen't know where she got the confidence to aks that question . 

"I dont know why I got jealous and I am not sure if I like you Ms.Jeong" Sunoo shrugged since he was confused 

Nabi felt a tingle in her stomach as she didn't know how to feel.

Her boss won't admit his feelings for her and there is nothing she can do about it. The best choice for now is to avoid him...maybe that will help 

"oh ok , is that all Mr.Kim? I have work to finish" Nabi wanted to avoid as much as possible

"No thats all Ms.Jeong and thank you again for putting up with me last night, I should really repay you" 

"No need for that Mr.Kim...I'm good" Nabi sent a little smile of assurance 

"Are you sure Ms.Jeong , I really insist" Sunoo felt it was very much needed

" need for anything sir" Nabi nodded before walking back to her desk to continue 

It was just right after sunset and Nabi planned to meet Jay at their favorite restaurant so they can discuss some things and eat together. 

Nabi walked inside the restaurant and looked around and walked to a table after spotting Jay waving at her with a big smile

"Nice to see you again Jongsaeng " Nabi smiled before giving Jay a warm hug

"It's been a while Nabi" Jay signaled Nabi to take a seat

"I just saw you like 2 days ago Jay ah" Nabi chuckled

"It felt like forever girl" 

"oh so dramatic as always" She laughed once again

"I'm not dramatic" Jay pouted

Both of the peers laughed before eating their food slowly quietly. That was until Nabi broke the silence..

"You won't believe what happened the other day with your best friend" Nabi exclaimed

"Oh ma gosh , tell me tell me" 

"ok ok , listen carefully" Nabi pointed out

Nabi told Jay everything from top to bottom. About how her boss was super drunk and then suddenly confessed drunkenly.

About how he admitted he was jealous of them and that's how he ended up like that...

"Woah woah I knew Sun got drunk and you took care of him but the rest is very much shocking" Jay was beyond shocked because he never saw his bestfriend act like that ever with a girl. 

"Yes but he said he isn't sure if he likes me..." Nabi frowned

"Listen , He is definitely confused but I am sure he will admit it soon I promise" Jay caressed and pat the girl's hair slowly giving a warm  and assuring smile

"You think so?...I don't think he ever will which is why I'm avoiding him now" She pouted

"If he dosen't I will make him and steal you away from him" He gave her a warm side hug once again 

Nabi chuckled seeing how cute and protective Jay was being...

"Thanks Jay ah , I felt a bit of reassurance right now" Nabi said in honesty

"No problem Nabs , It's my pleasure as your friend..I'm always here if you need me "

Jay assured the girl with a wide grin before giving another hug and a kiss on the forehead to her.

Both of the peers finished chatting and eating and were now getting up to pay for everything and leave. 

"Nabs , wait here I gotta use the bathroom real quick" Jay suggested

"Alright , take your time" Nabi sent a thumbs up before seeing Jay's figure into the Men's bathroom

Nabi was sitting peacefully playing with her phone waiting for Jay patiently.

A tall figure approached Nabi and tapped lightly on her shoulder 

"Nice seeing you here Nabi" A deep voice declared right behind Nabi 

She turned around just to see...


Nabi's Ex and one of the people she hated most showed up in front of her once again.

She dosen't know why he showed himself to her again even though she warned him not to.

"Do I need to put a restraining order against you Eun?" Nabi finally spoking crossing her arms and rolling her eyes

"woah woah , no need for that" Eun put his hands up in defense as he backed away a little 

Nabi only laughed seeing how defensive he was getting. She was glad he wasn't getting all up in her space and also not being aggressive like before...

"What are you even doing here at this time and approaching me?" Nabi questioned 

"I came here to have some dinner since my shift just ended and I saw you so I came to say hi"

"I see..." Nabi just looked around as it felt like Jay was taking forever and she was a little uncomfy 

"What about you? what are you doing here by yourself?" Eun questioned 

"I came here to have some dinner with my fiance" Nabi played with her fingers

"Fiance? since when were you engaged?" 

"We have been engaged for a while now Eun" 

"Oh , Where is your fiance..I don't see him around here?" Eun questioned getting closer to Nabi 

"He must be here somewhe-" Nabi was cut off as she felt some warm hands wrap around her waist and hold her close

"I'm right here , Nice to meet you...I have heard about you before Mr.Eun" Jay spoke coldly giving a slight smirk to Eun who only stood there in shock

"That's your fiance Nabi? , No way" Eun shook his head 

"Well I am , what are you gonna do?" Jay held the girl even tighter making her blush immensely

"woah chill , congrats to you guys I will not be doing anything" Eun defended himself and watched as the "couple" laughed at him 

"We will be going now Mr.Eun , have a great night" Jay held Nabi closely and waved at the guy before walking away 

Both Nabi and Jay were walking and laughing while talking to eachother about their lives.

Both of the peers enjoy eachother's company as they make eachother happy. They both strided to Jay's car and got in never noticing the figure sitting and watching them from afar

"I see how it is..." The person frowned while watching everything....

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